Anatomy Of A K-Hole

Damn that's nuts! Def a OBE you had their...

I love myself some OBE's, Soo so good :D

Yeah man, and actually I've had a prior vision of a car crash, but not nearly as intense, visual and real as that one. But I'd rather be doing little amounts for a whole night with a few friends. Makes it kind of like an anti-social social environment. Good times.
Honestly man, just throw lines out there man. Unless you're being an idiot and trying to be a hard ass, it's very unlikely you're going to die. K is actually one of the safer hard drugs, believe it or not.

Key word in that sentence being "unlikely" not impossible.. It's easy to say K is really safe until you know of someone who slipped into a hole and never came out. Unfortunately that happened to my Uncle's brother's Fiancee... She to knew a lot about trips but yet one night she blew to much, slipped into a K hole and never came out. It was really sad..

Eye balling MG dose's can be very dangerous, the difference of 100mg could be the difference of life and death. That's why with these things i always think it's better to just be safe and weigh it out first..
All I'm saying is if you don't know how much you can handle, you probably shouldn't be puttin that shit up your nose man. They're called test bumps for a reason... shit, I don't even jump in the shower without gettin' my hand wet first.
Yeah man, and actually I've had a prior vision of a car crash, but not nearly as intense, visual and real as that one. But I'd rather be doing little amounts for a whole night with a few friends. Makes it kind of like an anti-social social environment. Good times.

Damn that's intense man! My OBE with K resulted in me leaving my body to a blue tiled room, in the room was a blond hair blue eyed man in white robes talking to me, i couldnt hear what he was saying, it was as if everything was on mute. Very strange, fucking awesome to tell you the truth.

Yeah i agree though, i enjoy doses between 80-100mg, it's enough for me to astral project yet fell comfortable with my safety... As im sure you can tell, K is something that makes me nervous in fat doses lol.
Yeah I'm not trying to do more than like 120mg any time soon..

*cue slow ride music*......*take it eassy...slow ride...*
All I'm saying is if you don't know how much you can handle, you probably shouldn't be puttin that shit up your nose man. They're called test bumps for a reason... shit, I don't even jump in the shower without gettin' my hand wet first.

Yeah that is true and that's exactly what im saying, Verde is new with the K, he doesnt know how much is a good dose for him there for he probably shouldnt eyeball lines to figure that out when i know i he has a mg scale...

I dont jump in the shower without a test either lol..
psh hell yeah way more than effective :lol:

shit FUCKS you up

in the kind of way that you wake up the next day... sober..... and realize how FUCKEd you were the night before!
So here comes my trip report and what I understood about K from my trials with the stuff. I would like to say that K lived up to everything I heard about it and that this is going to be a little long trip report :) Such a trip deserves such a report! I`m best off writing this in a structured way for the ease of read.

Two facts about K

Firstly I`d like to say, its currently my favorite drug. A masterpiece!! This is brought on by 2 facts.
One is that the K trip, to me was like my inner self being warped through a certain path which was out of my control. But what was in my control was the ability to shape this path. I was actually suprised as to how much I could shape such a strong experience!! I found out that you have to be kinda brave to be able to do this. I guess similarly to many psychedelics, to not be emotionally attached to the visions/feelings the trip brings, otherwise a feeling of being "stuck" emerges.
The other fact is one that I belive I can utilize even better. I found that the K trip is shaped by the short term memory of the past day or two. E.g my first trip was bursting out with mathematics because I studied for maths the whole day. This second trip, despite sounding a little silly was effected by the game of Age of Empires 2 I played for 2 hours before the start.
My point is if the K experience can be guided by the tripper and the general structure of the trip can be set by what we do/see/learn in our short past It makes it the perfect drug for creativity in our mind! Theres no limit as to what our trip can be about! Unlike the DMT roller coaster ride of enlightnment this trip can actually be the shape and size we want it to be along with the story line we chose! Honestly, this makes me so excited!!

The trip (patience is a virtue :P)

So after finishing my game of AOE2 I was all home alone, had a J left and decided to start playing around with the stuff and see where it goes. I started off with 60mg, smoked the J and started doing some numb K dancing. I sat back and enjoyed the visuals but this was nowhere enough!

So I made the decision of heading towards the Khole territory. I decided to take bumps of 60, 30-30 up each nostril until I was where I wanted to be! They were all weighed up accurately despite my trippy self :)

So after 3 lines in total (180mg) I was stumbling around. It got me by the ballz!! I went for a wee walking like a rusty iron robot and had to come down the stairs sitting on my arse :D In this state of mind I set up my laptop along with headphones and a drink of water along with what I kinda knew was the final line of K (70mg). I put my headphones on and made the GREAT decision of chosing Shpongle as my choice of music. Track: Monster Hit :D

I put the pipe in my nostril and had a pause over the line. Hmmm... SNIFF!!! I snuggled in my duvet and placed my head sideways (chunder hazard). A shiver crept up my spine, I felt a sense of panic, omg this was heading towards the hole. I felt my heart pumping like my first time on MDMA and my body slipping into a deeper and deeper relaxation. I thought to myself this anxiety was entirely unnecessary. I was all booked, Ketamine Airlines, the 250mg ticket was sorted and it was time to let check the luggage in and enjoy the flight! :D

In a short while I felt a force lifting my body up and pulling it slightly sideways which is when it actually started! The sideways tug headed towards my head and soon enough I lost all touch my my physical body. I felt like I was in the absolute center of my mind, or conciousness if you like. I was extremely excited to see where this was going to go!

I remember feeling a sense of expansion. I was looking forward to the slightly visual laced darkness of my eyes. How big was this? I was trying to judge its size and was mentally referring to it as my minds eye. This was a very !!! fact during my trip, the minds eye... I couldn`t judge its size, it started feeling wider and wider, the more I thought, the bigger it got and the "wider" I felt inside and when I powered this thought enough with my mind I started feeling an infinate expansion of my conciousness! This is truly an amazing feeling to feel, one of the highlights of my trip!

After it stopped expanding I felt my mind return to a halt and this is when the short term memory always kicks in during the trip.

I started seeing the AOE2 map, the game melded into the reality of the real world. The town center, the government, the villagers, it was all symbolic. The war in the game was unnecessary, everybody working to achive their best was necessary. The trip here was extremely tactical and intelligent, it was my life on the board of the game, I could head in the directions which I wanted and the trip was showing me valuable things to apply to my life on the way.

I felt at this point that this wasn`t bothering me, but I wanted to experience different things! Not a whole trip of a PC game! lol This is when Shpongle said "Think of a.... circular vortex... spinning... spinning" and I did! This is a good place to say how "ment to be" things feel on a K trip. What a mystery it holds, shared trips and the "ment to be feeling", Amazing! I started pushing the limits of where I could take myself. I wanted to go mental! I felt my whole inner being starting spinning in my head like a spiral with visuals present all around. I was spinning faster and faster which is when I thought oh shit this is getting intense and the weird vibe sprung up. I thought oh shit, a weird vibe and it felt even weirder :)

I felt my body and the vibe gathering from my legs and heading upwards towards my throat. Oh shit, chunder alert! I knew the trip was under my control and thankfully the music hit at an awesome point where I thought just ride the tune, just ride the tune... and I felt a sensation of hugging the wiggly snake of a music and riding onwards gripping on. I felt a sense of warping and got a glympse of the blue grid DMT took me to. After a little while I didn`t want to be here either, this was past despite the amazing expansions I was feeling... I started thinking about a deep hole, a portal and just like that, what I would term 10 seconds later the blackness of my eyes started revealing a hole pulling me through and through. Engines enabled!

Here on, I didn`t exactly come anywhere, I felt stationary and in my mind but a vision started appearing. I was first in a crazy decorated room with a what seemed like alex gray`s painting of the 3 faces. This was an entity but from what I was feeling at the time, this was an entity symbolising a part of me. I named him Mr. Self Concious, he was my self concious part and had a red face. We communicated without words and I felt myself solve something within me ever since :) Kinda shows how valuable these entities are to us and the importance of coming to an agreement with them. I would say that if they happen to tear you apart then theres something wrong in your deepest self and that was a !!! on that :)

There were a few more outer body experiences as far as I remember and one was in a garden full of ivy with walls surrounded by ivy. Very vague and this is when I realised my eyes were open and I was looking at the wall :D

I thought to myself WOW!! I was sad it finished, I felt an urge to bump another 60 but I held off and lay back feeling slightly nauseous. I didn`t get to sleep until the next 3 hours and was mildly tripping for the rest of it.

The next day I felt physically tired and slighty uncoordinated and thats all. All in all the trip was extremely enlightening and positive. Highly advised for anybody holding off going deep with this stuff. Personally much better than DMT too.

Of all things, thank you for reading! I tried making it easy as possible to read.

I will be repeating this!!

Peace out :-P
AWESOME report bro!!!!

Great read, glad you enjoyed... I too connected with a being on one of my K adventures...

On another note, How do you like Age of Empires 2? I always seemed to like those strategic war games, is it one worth buying?
Hey Brother ....
Great report ...
You painted a fantastic voyage.
I love the structure in which you outlined things.
And 'Picture' of places YOU have encountered.
I mirror your sentiments and snickered as you described ...
Your controlled ascend/descend.

How would you compare a low dose K use ... in mix with other potions.
To this ride ...exclusively right into the K hole ?


Great Read.
V ... that is how it's done.
@ Michael Phelps, Its not really a star of a game but its just classic. Fun to play, I wouldn`t see myself paying for it but its great to have on the free side :)

@ MB, I love Bluetech great pick yourself. Theres one I used to love, kinda door-squeaky sounding vibes in it. Ring any bells?

What about the short term memory influence on the trip, anybody get this with K or other psychedelics? It works for me as any moment in the trip returning to the short term memory visions. I would never take K after a traumatic experience because of this fact :) It would just upset/annoy me by showing the same vision again and again :)
not coming to me right now but dig through my bluetech collection and try to find it for you bro. my favorite is *swimming in a fever dream*.it may be the most relaxing thing that ive ever heard.
Hey Brother ....
Great report ...
You painted a fantastic voyage.
I love the structure in which you outlined things.
And 'Picture' of places YOU have encountered.
I mirror your sentiments and snickered as you described ...
Your controlled ascend/descend.

How would you compare a low dose K use ... in mix with other potions.
To this ride ...exclusively right into the K hole ?


Great Read.
V ... that is how it's done.

Hehe I thought you would be able to relate ;)

The last mix was a week ago, 2 keybumps with a tab of strong L. I had a shared trip with someone and the visuals were quite bright. The K wasn`t enough though but 300 mg can only be shared so much, I appreciate the keys from the dudes though hehe

When I combined it with mdma, nos and weed the visuals were a lot more colourful and just plain real. Specially the final bedtime line really put some visuals up for me :)

The next time I may combine it with 2cb or L and see how much of a supercharger it actually is :P
I know it supercharged mescaline so im sure it will supercharge both 2cb and L :D

I have a question... Maybe Puff or Tenner would be able to answer this..

After doing K i get the urge to fall asleep but get scared that i might not ever wake up lol. Is it safe to go to sleep soon after doing some K or is it a MUST to stay awake till it has fully worn off? Seeing as how in reality it is an anesthetic i would think it should be okay... Just really unsure though.
Well ... to tell YOU the truth .. in my experience ...
K wires me right OUT ... so after I crawl back into my body ...
I feel the need to sleep but never have been able 2.

Unlike many other Dissociatives ..
The effect of ketamine on the respiratory and circulatory systems is different from that of other anesthetics. When used at anesthetic doses, it will usually stimulate rather than depress the circulatory system.[20] It is sometimes possible to perform ketamine anesthesia without protective measures to the airways. Ketamine is also a potent analgesic and can be used in sub-anesthetic doses to relieve acute pain; however, its psychotropic properties must be taken into account. Patients have reported vivid hallucinations, "going into other worlds" or "seeing God" while anesthetized, and these unwanted psychological side-effects have reduced the use of ketamine in human medicine
Source ...

I think YOU might be optimistically cautious ... taking into consideration your past experience with someone not waking UP.
Safety always first ... but in terms of sleep ... I never wait ...and usually smoke a bowl and drift.

Well ... allow me to describe to you what the journey looks like at junction.
At certain dosages ... imagine the view in your periphery .... as you
fix into this reality .... as you enter the hole .... something like this
happens. Reminds me of Droste Effect ...



Depending on the dosage ... you do arrive to the next 'place of reference' where
reality ... again ... shifts.
For Me that IS.


Wow, that is so perfect! I too thought of Escher when I was thinking a way to describe falling into a mosaic pattern. After my k-hole experience I immediately thought of this picture


Of course that was just the beginning, I then went to a place where I imagined I lived in a world that life and death didn't actually exist but in reality we are all connected and recycle each other. I'm not sure I felt human anymore but some other kind of entity.
Most unique experience than any other drug I have ever tried.