Amber oil?


New Member
Right now I'm buying off bud buddy, had a question whats amber oil and how does it compare to hash and budder? Also whats the process of making it?
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i think your speaking of butane honey the most BASIC sense..... it's when someone runs butane over cannabis, collects the liquid, and through various techniques REMOVES the butane.... leaving only pure cannabis extract... basic idea of hash, but taking it to a chemistry level with solvents and evaporating the solvents to be left with the BHO...or oil.....

It's good shit, you can put it on weed and smoke it - but it's the most incredible thing by itself, in an oil dome.... or on an oil curve....

there are many ways for vaping oil... good luck
now heres the thing i always wondered about bho. the fact is, it seems to take ALOT of weed to get a limited amount of product. so, i know its very condensed and all, would it get you so extremely high off a very little bit, that the quanity that you made lasts longer than plain bud? cause i know if I made it with all the weed it requires, and only got that little bit, and I had to smoke all of it to get a decent high, heads would be rolling
now heres the thing i always wondered about bho. the fact is, it seems to take ALOT of weed to get a limited amount of product. so, i know its very condensed and all, would it get you so extremely high off a very little bit, that the quanity that you made lasts longer than plain bud? cause i know if I made it with all the weed it requires, and only got that little bit, and I had to smoke all of it to get a decent high, heads would be rolling

lets put it this way, a dab will rock your world............

haha you will know Urca, try a dab and report back!
haha how do i get my hands on it without dropping hella $, since i do not grow, and how the fuck do you smoke it?
cool thanks, I guess they just gave it a fancy name, I know the butane extraction. Never tried it, had some black oil hash once at a concert and at one point me and my friend both saw the waves of the guitar screeching.

Gonna get some 1/2 of Nebula and a gram of amber oil! They got email pay now, I lost a $160 in the mail once so I stopped buying online but now here I come!
Also when I go to college I'ma buy the 56 grams of grade B hash and sell it at college lol, I make $5 a gram charge $20 a gram
cool thanks, I guess they just gave it a fancy name, I know the butane extraction. Never tried it, had some black oil hash once at a concert and at one point me and my friend both saw the waves of the guitar screeching.

Gonna get some 1/2 of Nebula and a gram of amber oil! They got email pay now, I lost a $160 in the mail once so I stopped buying online but now here I come!

i give my oil away at 55-60 dollar donations per gram

it will last the average smoker around as long as it lasts him an eighth maybe slightly more... but this is a GOOD rule of thumb...

now heres the thing i always wondered about bho. the fact is, it seems to take ALOT of weed to get a limited amount of product. so, i know its very condensed and all, would it get you so extremely high off a very little bit, that the quanity that you made lasts longer than plain bud? cause i know if I made it with all the weed it requires, and only got that little bit, and I had to smoke all of it to get a decent high, heads would be rolling

Yes it's condensed down but it doesn't take a LOT of weed.... i run 28g of chronic shake and get 5-5.5g of oil.

It FUCKS you up... like take a decent sized dab and you would think you just smoked a fat joint.... two or three dabs get me way more fucked up than a fattie joint/blunt.

That being said it's not really going to last longer than plain bud, unless you go from smoking blunts/joints all day to taking dabs.

Let me put it this way.... me and 4 of my good friends for 4/20/11 got together and paid for an ounce together... i ran the oil and quadruple vac purged it.

About an HOUR and 45 minutes later.... NOBODY could take ANY more!!!!! and we got through about 2.2g of dabs. Then my one friend went outside and puked :lol: :lol: too many dabs for him - he only vapes oil at my place :lol:

its potent.


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run, bho! run!




left oil is from the above run


home grown tangerine dream oil, my favorite...




oil heads, unite!
ah thats the thing, i dont just sit and smoke all day. if i have weed, Ill smoke once, twice a day tops. if i dont have it, ill smoke like once every couple of weeks when i get up the money for a ten. and if you think about it, 28 g down to 5 g is 1/5 of what you orginally had. and i dont have the money to go out and buy hella weed like that only for it to be condensed and go fast... however i would try it. lol i wonder if any dealer just sells straight bho
you, my friend, are a genius. so, since you are sooo smart, why dont you tell which dealer around where I live sells bho? please and thank you. :) jk didnt mean to be rude, just having fun
Seeing as this thread was started by someone who buys from a source that sells it I'm going to say yes there are dealers who sell it.

ROFL!!! ++rep

noooo... nobody smart sells bho... besides dispensaries.....

1. unless your in the 'KNOW' your probably not buying it...
2. you need some nice glass.... or something you can TORCH to heat up and dab it on...
3. it's a lot of work, and you would need to charge MORE money for the hours you put into making a batch, on TOP of the money you are making on the weed and then on TOP of the money you bought the weed FOR.... this is like 70-80 dollar grams if your trying to MAKE money, which nobody would buy because thats REALLY expensive and not worth it!

an example would be.... it would take me 2-3 hours to make a 10 gram batch from two ounces..... then lets say I make an extra $10 for the work on each gram.... thats only an extra $100 for a lot of sticky work and cleaning.... when I could just sell like 4 eighths of nugget and make at least $20 on each and make 80 bucks...

it's easier to sell herb in bulk, because people in turn sell that......

if your selling BHO 98% chance your selling it to the END USER. who is not buying in bulk

simple weed economics man...
Your right about the price wrong about people not being willing to pay it.

at dispensaries maybe...

in suburbia... no...... people dont even know what hash oil is... besides that its 60 dollars a gram.. :lol:

shit an eighth of full melt costs like 60 bucks to most people... and that works better for the people with pipes/bubs/bowls
so how is it worth it, if you make it yourself?

dude i dont even pack bowls any more that shit just doesnt do it

thats why :lol:

i run trim from plants, and shake from big jars of nug.... turn something that is undesirable into desirable and very very effective

it's worth it to you because if you have a low tolerance like im pretty sure you do one dab you keep you chink eyed for like 2.5-3 hours....very fast acting, no fucking around type shit.
my tolerance isnt low, it takes a bit for me to get high... I'd say i have a medium tolerance