Poor, Poor Obama.


Well-Known Member
...what I posted is fact...

...he has not provided difinitive proof of his citizenship....
that is your second attempt at spelling 'definitive'. two strikes for you. perhaps we should ask for your proof of citizenship :lol:

It is a fact that he never served his country.
he's serving now.

It is a fact that he attended a radical racist church for over 20+ years.
prove it.

It is a fact he bowed to the Saudi's
bush kissed them!

perhaps you have heard of these things called 'cultures'?

i bet you have never heard of 'xenophobia'


The President of the United States is a clear result of the moral decay and false sense of entitlement that this country displays today.
moral decay? his family is whoesome and as american as baseball and apple pie.

what 'false sense of entitlement' are you talking about? he earned his way through colleges that you don't have a fart's chance in the wind of making it to. and earned his way into the presidency with the largest electoral victory since clinton wiped the floor with dole.

sounds to me like you suffer from 'obama derangement syndrome'. take two palins and call me in the morning.



Active Member
Yeah, I misspelled it but I don't see you proving he has proved it without a doubt.

"He's serving now" Just the response I figured I would get from a bleeding heart liberal.

Obama was a member of Jerimiah Wrights Church as admitted himself for 20+ years and it is obvious that Jerimiah Wright is on the racist side of things but I guess you haven't took the time to listen to any of his sermons.

Nice of you to leave out the rest of my words after he bowed to the Saudi's he apologized for Americans being who we are on live television, what kind of shit was that?

The moral decay in this country is obvious, unless you have none and can't see it.

As far as the Colleges he went to, I really could give a shit less. Oh.... that's right the first College he went to was on a scholarship that was only given to foreign exchange students and that was also proven in records but no wants to talk about that either.

In closing I give a shit about College, it's a business like everything else. I dropped out of school the first day of my Senior year took my GED and went to College for Pre Law for a year and a half then left after my fathers death to take care of my younger brother. I now own 3 Companies so go sell your bullshit to someone who's buying it, all I have been doing since Obama took office is paying for fucking idiots to keep being idiots.


Well-Known Member
Well BendBrewer this is twice now that I have seen you be an ass about the constitution to someone including myself but it sees to me when I do my research you just seem to have a creative way of putting a spin on what it actualy says. With that being said, unless it exactly says what you spit out I would keep my mouth shut, opinions are like assholes everybody has one. The document is what it is and not open to interpretation.

To answer another another question, yes I thought John McCain could have done a better job. Why? Many reasons, below are a few.

1. Has a better understanding of the political system
2. Served his country
3. Can be proven he is a citizen
4. He owns his home
5. He has a pretty good voting record ( granted you can't please everyone )
6. People know who he is ( He didn't just come out of nowhere )
7. He doesn't have radical views against his country
8. His wife is not a racist
9. He wouldn't bow to Muslim Countries
10. He wouldn't make appologies and excuses for who we are as a country.

Granted he is not perfect but is is far better than what we have now.

Obama's home in Chicago is not owned by him but rather contributors

He has virtualy no expierence to speak of.

His voting record is crap

He still to this day can't provide deffinative proof of his citizenship

He attended a racist church for 20+ years

His wife admits to no being proud to be American until his election

The list goes on and on yet people still are drinking the kool-aid and hoping they may get something for nothing out of him. People need to start researching candidates before they vote instead of just taking all of them for what they say.


Want more goverment control in everything and make their fortune off of the ignorant working man not the educated. Out of the richest of our public officials Democrats represent the largest number.


Want less goverment involvement in everything and make their fortune off the businessman.

You put them both together and they are all getting rich off all of us and will keep doing so until we stand up and take action against the injustice they are dealing out daily.

1. Has a better understanding of the political system
2. Served his country----so what most people in the military are scumbags
3. Can be proven he is a citizen----lol
4. He owns his home-----you will vote for someone cus they own there home lame!!
5. He has a pretty good voting record ( granted you can't please everyone )------your one of thos st8 ticket guys arent you
6. People know who he is ( He didn't just come out of nowhere )-----most people did not know about Mccain till he ran
7. He doesn't have radical views against his country----neither dose Obama that's what republicans say to keep the vote of conservative people
8. His wife is not a racist----lol
9. He wouldn't bow to Muslim Countries----- lol
10. He wouldn't make appologies and excuses for who we are as a country.------yes he would all politicians do

do you really believe the country would be any better if a republican was running it?? your ignorant

i personally think all politicians are full of shit.....citizens vite on presidents for all the wrong reasons...i could care less about there personal lives or how the feel about abortion

republican offer tax cuts......why is that to get the vote of the poor people that dont know any better... we need higher taxes they keep the country running.


Well-Known Member

that is your second attempt at spelling 'definitive'. two strikes for you. perhaps we should ask for your proof of citizenship :lol:

he's serving now.

prove it.

bush kissed them!

perhaps you have heard of these things called 'cultures'?

i bet you have never heard of 'xenophobia'


moral decay? his family is whoesome and as american as baseball and apple pie.

what 'false sense of entitlement' are you talking about? he earned his way through colleges that you don't have a fart's chance in the wind of making it to. and earned his way into the presidency with the largest electoral victory since clinton wiped the floor with dole.

sounds to me like you suffer from 'obama derangement syndrome'. take two palins and call me in the morning.

LOL i had that spelling problem b4 too lol GET GOOGLE CHROME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I misspelled it but I don't see you proving he has proved it without a doubt.
yeah, only two birth certificates certified by election officials.

i want to see reagan's long form :hump:

"He's serving now" Just the response I figured I would get from a bleeding heart liberal.
well, there goes your claim that he has never served. :lol:

Obama was a member of Jerimiah Wrights Church as admitted himself for 20+ years and it is obvious that Jerimiah Wright is on the racist side of things but I guess you haven't took the time to listen to any of his sermons.
i asked for citation, evidence, proof. your LAME comeback is "i guess you haven't listened to his sermons" :dunce:

i have. when he says "god damn america" for interring japanese americans, or for continuing segregation and discrimination, i take that as a clue that he is AGAINST racism.

but please, feel free to show me otherwise :lol:

Nice of you to leave out the rest of my words after he bowed to the Saudi's he apologized for Americans being who we are on live television, what kind of shit was that?
diplomacy after the last president fucked up the world's view of americans?

why do you make such a big deal out of respecting the practices of other cultures? have you ever traveled abroad?

The moral decay in this country is obvious, unless you have none and can't see it.
on the fourth of july, i went over to my neighbor's place. brought him some of my potatoes and onions and lettuce.

we had a merry old time. discussed how him and his wife, both teachers, were facing heart-wrenching decisions about taking care of their kids after their hours had been cut back.

empathy was given, laughs were shared, a good time was had by all in the end.

you'll have to get more specific than your vague "moral decay" bullshit.

As far as the Colleges he went to, I really could give a shit less. Oh.... that's right the first College he went to was on a scholarship that was only given to foreign exchange students and that was also proven in records but no wants to talk about that either.

In closing I give a shit about College, it's a business like everything else. I dropped out of school the first day of my Senior year took my GED and went to College for Pre Law for a year and a half then left after my fathers death to take care of my younger brother. I now own 3 Companies so go sell your bullshit to someone who's buying it, all I have been doing since Obama took office is paying for fucking idiots to keep being idiots.
cool story, bro.

i dropped out of college 5 classes short of a major to support my wife while she pursued her doctorate in psychology.

quit a high paying job, moved out of state with no job secured, and got a new job within two weeks. this was 2007.

was laid off in 2009, stumbled about with unemployment for a while, gave up 5 months of unemployment to take a new job that paid less than unemployment did.

quit that job as i went broke working it, started to do my own thing. now i support myself fully and help cover some of the other expenses (my wife has a pre-existing condition, her health insurance is not cheap).

for someone that "owns 3 companies", you sure come off as a dolt that tells tales out of school. you would probably be like the boss that i just quit on, acting like you are doing a favor to someone by paying someone less than they are worth and working them to the bone.

i am still waiting for you to come up with citation for several of your claims. you are a liar for all i care. i highly doubt you own three companies.


Well-Known Member
Why is it a requirement to serve in the military to become president?
it is not.

sen.c is a liar and a dolt.

he says it costs $30k to get a medical card in colorado. he has yet to back this up with evidence.

instead, he called me a jackass and told me another tall tale.

the dude needs to find reality.


Well-Known Member
it is not.

sen.c is a liar and a dolt.

he says it costs $30k to get a medical card in colorado. he has yet to back this up with evidence.

instead, he called me a jackass and told me another tall tale.

the dude needs to find reality.
I didn't mean a legal requirement. I meant amongst the voters appeal, it is pretty much a requirement to have served...


Well-Known Member
I didn't mean a legal requirement. I meant amongst the voters appeal, it is pretty much a requirement to have served...
it is like having a college degree to get certain jobs. it is an indicator, a positive sign.

have you seen the sacrifices that those serving must undergo? i'm pretty smart, but i'm not that tough.


Well-Known Member
it is like having a college degree to get certain jobs. it is an indicator, a positive sign.

have you seen the sacrifices that those serving must undergo? i'm pretty smart, but i'm not that tough.
No, I won't refute that soldiers are tough, but can't we judge intelligence and strength of a man by his words and actions, and not by his violent or academic past? Think of all the amazing people in history who didn't have education, or serve in the military? How can we refute the future generations that have these amazing gifts on the simple basis that they didn't join the military or attend a university? Can't that be considered ignorant pre-qualification?


Active Member
know what i hear?

i hear a few dogs yapping,

distracting the sheep with dramatic grumbling amongst themselves...

meanwhile, the mounted rider silently stands watch at the gate all the while

just counting heads, boys

bullshit - what's everybody gonna do when fucking mcdonalds closes down?
any of you assholes know how to bake a loaf of bread?
now do it without an oven.

the social security checks... lol
the BUDGET...

all bullshit - those are the yapping dogs
the rider counting heads is siiting back laughing, all the while knowing that on a GLOBAL scale, the other kids are having another meeting that actually matters...
in that meeeting, they're going to decide that the new monetary standard of pricing will be based on the euro
not the dollar
they'll decide that all monies eveywhere will be changed to euros to purchase oil barrels
they'll decide that the members of the EU are the ones who now don't need to waste money on exchange rates

we ran out of gold 90 years ago
we deal with oil as our collateral for loans now - that and future earnings on chattel er um cattle er um citizens by way of income tax

dude... really?

obama? lol


Active Member
Brother you are a jackass, and go check the other thread you are calling me out on. The thread was about quitting a job to support yourself full time as a grower. To be a legal grow op in Colorado get ready to fork out some cash.

So you worked for an asshole no fault of mine, or maybe you aren't worth as much as you think you are. I believe in paying a man what he is worth, you take care of the people that take care of you and they will go above and beyond for you. Just another sign of the moral decay in this country that you say is bullshit but you are on this thread crying about it. I am sure you are a good guy and if you worked for me and proved yourself I would do the same for you and your family.

Serving in the military for me is not really a requirement but more of a added plus. To me it shows a man or woman stepped out of their comfort zone and gave of thereself for the country they believe in. It is easy to stay here and away from the conflict and go to college compared to what these individuals who serve willingly subject themselves to. To me it is kinda like putting country before self.


Good post my friend.


Well-Known Member
Every redneck makes the 'self alliance' argument. The beautiful thing about the markets is they don't depend on the government, the government depends on them. Collapse of the US government and if you don't know how to bake bread, I can guarantee you will be able to find someone who does and is willing to barter.


Well-Known Member
obama was a sheep put in to distract you from what the last FUCKING RETARD president bush did....he caused the wars he caused the debt he ruined america! a once mighty nation now reduced to a struggling economy where 40% of the population lives under the poverty line. obama was a mule to take the heat and now no one will ever want another half black or black president again because of this. all part of whities master plan. bring back clinton!


Well-Known Member
What happens in the us affects canada too you ignorant fuck. Now with our dollar being higher it is no longer profitable for the usa to have stuff manufactured in canada so they pull the companies out and people lose their jobs here. thats just one way it affects canada. and how about AIM insurance they lend to the whole global economy so no bail out for them more countries suffer. this is a global problem and some are in it more than others so please look out of your little bubble that is the uas and look globally.

when the us economy slows down, one of the biggest in the WORLD it affects everyone!

how about TD bank here in canada bought up some of your banks down there then the shit hit the fan with bad mortgages and now td's stock goes down even more.

this is a global adjustment that was a long time coming everything goes up in cost but wages no where neer reflected that and now the boom bubble has poped and it sucks for everyone look at greece, portugal (not my favorite), london, everywhere


Well-Known Member
When a long term lease was signed 15-20 yrs ago our dollar was shit you could buy 100 cad for 60usd now lease is up cost is 1.05usd for 1 CAD and that an increase in 45% business cost by my quick math and then they leave and take the jobs out now making canadians unemployed affecting us so please dont say WTF do i have to say about it because there is lots

Obama never went to war with "terrorists" in iraq and cost a bazillion dollars to the tax payers aswell as Afghanistan (that was justified) but the guy before him fucked it all up because he was a spoiled rich kid riding daddies coat tail.

the only fuckers making it now are the oil selling terrorist. they have the power. they have the world by the balls. the prince of abu-fucking-derka-stan farts and the oil futres change fucking everyone.

democrat or republican this was coming no mater who was in office. dont bail out the big guns and you are in bigger trouble than you think, stupid how it was allowed that bonuses were paid with bail out money but that was just a small piece of the pie.


Well-Known Member
Every redneck makes the 'self alliance' argument. The beautiful thing about the markets is they don't depend on the government, the government depends on them. Collapse of the US government and if you don't know how to bake bread, I can guarantee you will be able to find someone who does and is willing to barter.
my wife bakes bread from scratch.

i know how to bake anything over a campfire that you would normally make in the oven. we did this in scouts all the time to one up each other.

people keep talking about this complete collapse and hyperinflation and devolution to complete breakdown. they've been saying it for decades now, probably centuries. yet it ain't happening.

i sure wish one of these demise-predicting fruitcakes would hurry up and be right already. i have plenty of survival knowhow and shit to barter as well as a lot of debt. that hyperinflation sure would help me pay off my debt nice and quick.


Well-Known Member
If your from Canada WTF do you even have to say about any of it?
its sad that a Canadian knows more than you........your probably an un cultured redneck and that's Americas problem if you dont like them HANG EM..thats what got us in this problem to begin with..cave men...it all started with weapons of mass distruction(still no were to be found)and we are still paying for it to this day...Clinton could have easly taken us to war many times but he did not....and the country has not been the same since he stepped down... i could care less if he was finger fucking trannys on our tax dollars at abortion clinics nutting on human clones...better than being on vacation while troops we were at war.............get a couple of stamps on your pass port get some culture youll come back with eyes wide open