it's the parents faults not the kids... you ever watch some of the parents out in the audience doing the same routine that the kid is doing up on the stage, pointing to their cheeks making the kids to remember to smile?? someone should choke them, the parents that is, my god, talk about living vicariously through your kids, jesh louise, just because they are fat and ugly and their lil kids haven't squezzed out any pups yet and still aren't as fat as their parents, no need to parade them around like a piece of meat imho.. those parents are sick..
they spoil the shit out of their kids too, then wonder why they throw a fit when they dont get what they want
im surprised, arent like child pagents huge in texas?
they spoil the shit out of their kids too, then wonder why they throw a fit when they dont get what they want
You wouldn't? I want a daughter so bad just so I can spoil the shit out of her.
QUOTE=Urca;5989741]they spoil the shit out of their kids too, then wonder why they throw a fit when they dont get what they want
well, not really. you dont learn the value of things until you earn them. when i was younger i was kinda spoiled, still am a very little bit, but never truly bad. and after the economy went down the drain, i was about 14 when it happened, I learned you have to make sacrifices and save for what you want. But my grandma always taught me how to be frugal and hold onto money and save. I dont want a daughter that doesnt know how to clean a floor, do dishes, etc, yet expects top of the line crap all the time.
I never got away with throwing fits for stuff i wanted, I will not tolerate it in my children. They are my children, not my friends. they earn what they get
I want a daughter too, but not a little brat. Lord, if I have children, I'd prefer like two girls and whatever comes after that please give me boys. Little girls are mean as hell. Trust me, I was one.
im surprised, arent like child pagents huge in texas?
my kids wont be spoiled,they will learn to appreciate what they have,if my kids acted like that i would drown them in pool of sewage water