How to disguise a grow


Mr I Can Do That For Half
hiding it inside or outside as ganja has its own very distinct heat signal alot hotter then any other plant so it stands right out on ir scans


Well-Known Member
Blue Spruce Pinetrees or maybe it's all Pinetrees let off heat. Maybe im wrong:P



Mr I Can Do That For Half
They give off less heat then ganja and you cant grow by them as the needles make the soil very very acidic and whats left the pine tree roots branch out and leech from the soil. If you look around a pine forest nothing grows around them just more pines and fur trees


Well-Known Member
yo ff, are you sure that marijuana gives off a different heat signature? the way i heard it was that that the reason plants on outdoor grows "give of more heat" is the fact that they are overfertilized by strong nutes by people. usually people put much more fert than neccesary and it causes the ground under the plant to give off heat


Well-Known Member
yeah i dont know about that more heat thing. they can only give off as much energy as they get from the sun. so i would think plants in the same area give off the same amount ofheat


Well-Known Member
I don't think there are that many people here who have big enough grows to worry about heat scans. Unless your state/county does TONS of them, or if you have like 100 plants in the same area, I really don't know why people make such a big deal about this. If you have like 10 plants then spread them out a bit and you'll be just fine. And don't be an idiot and plant them in perfect rows.

kotansky's original seemed more about hiding them from people on the ground. But basically any plants (still green) will hide it well. Think about it - unless someone is specifically looking for pot or has a very good eye for it, they're not gonna notice it. Unless they're massive or something.


Active Member
yea im tryin to grow secretly outdoors as well. the only thing im worried about is when it starts flowering it become noticable.


Well-Known Member
try making a shade cloth drape over your plants. Just make a simple frame and drape 20% brown or green shade cloth over it. I made a frame and draped tree branches over to disguise it. heat scans can only sense the surface temps anyway.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Yes you can do a google search and it will show you that marijuana plants have a higher transpiration then most plants found in the wild you can even find video showing an ir heat scan of a forest and they show up real clear as bright red and orange while other plants show yellow or purple.Thats what they look for in copter sweeps.The green also is a different shade and stand out pretty easy so you wanna blend them under and randomly so no patch shows up


Mr I Can Do That For Half
ps a netting will show s heat signature of whats under it as it blocks no signal and doesnt offer its own heat source so it will show one solid red heat signal and if it holds heat it will show an even brighter signal


New Member
hmm just about every plant i can think of..... i use a fake mustach (they will never know!!!;))
ahaha fake mustash
just put that on the plant eh !!
lmao :hump::hump::mrgreen:

yeah but really
Matoes grow great with weed
when there are in Veg they even kinda smell like them tooo


Well-Known Member
Filthy, do cops do random IR scans over communities? Where I live I see copters going over daily, but I think its for other reaons.

If I had 2 plants back in some woods, could they just randomly fly over it and scan it? Would they really care about 2 plants?


Well-Known Member
Heres some stuff i found about heat scans and such

"Infrared imagers detect nothing more than the heat emitted by all the objects in the cameras field of view. They do not see visible light. They cannot see through buildings. In most cases, they cant even see through glass. They are not radar. They do not emit rays or beams of energy. Thermal imaging systems are completely passive and non-intrusive. In simplest terms, thermal imagers operate like the human eye. Energy from the environment comes through a lens and is registered on a detector. In the case of the thermal imager, that energy is heat. Advanced electronics convert the heat into a visual image on the viewfinder or a monitor...
Many agencies throughout the United States use thermal imagers, or infrared systems, to conduct thermal profiles of buildings suspected of harboring illegal cannabis growing operations. An airborne forward-looking infrared unit or a handheld thermal imaging camera can be used to conduct these thermal audits. Such audits are usually used to corroborate other documented evidence that is already be on hand...
The thermographer is not looking for an exact temperature. He's looking for heat anomalies, or elevated temperatures characteristic of a grow house. If the building is warmer than similar nearby structures, it will look brighter in the viewfinder. Indoor marijuana-growing operations generate a lot of heat, most of it from the high-wattage bulbs that simulate sunlight. That heat is transferred to the walls and roof of the building...
Test cases have shown that IR imaging systems can be used without violating Fourth Amendment protections under the following conditions:

The area being observed is an open field, curtilage or backyard of a house, or is a commercial structure where the investigator has a right to be.

The point of observation is public property, navigable airspace or private property used with the owner's permission.

Using thermal imaging systems to monitor dwellings may involve a different set of legal issues. Infrared imagers detect nothing more than the heat emitted by all the objects in the cameras field of view. They do not see visible light. They cannot see through buildings. In most cases, they cant even see through glass. They are not radar. They do not emit rays or beams of energy. Thermal imaging systems are completely passive and non-intrusive. In simplest terms, thermal imagers operate like the human eye. Energy from the environment comes through a lens and is registered on a detector. In the case of the thermal imager, that energy is heat. Advanced electronics convert the heat into a visual image on the viewfinder or a monitor...
Many agencies throughout the United States use thermal imagers, or infrared systems, to conduct thermal profiles of buildings suspected of harboring illegal cannabis growing operations. An airborne forward-looking infrared unit or a handheld thermal imaging camera can be used to conduct these thermal audits. Such audits are usually used to corroborate other documented evidence that is already be on hand...
The thermographer is not looking for an exact temperature. He's looking for heat anomalies, or elevated temperatures characteristic of a grow house. If the building is warmer than similar nearby structures, it will look brighter in the viewfinder. Indoor marijuana-growing operations generate a lot of heat, most of it from the high-wattage bulbs that simulate sunlight. That heat is transferred to the walls and roof of the building...
Test cases have shown that IR imaging systems can be used without violating Fourth Amendment protections under the following conditions:

The area being observed is an open field, curtilage or backyard of a house, or is a commercial structure where the investigator has a right to be.

The point of observation is public property, navigable airspace or private property used with the owner's permission.

Using thermal imaging systems to monitor dwellings may involve a different set of legal issues. "



Well-Known Member
It terms of disguising your grow, perhaps pick up some fake flowers and roses from walmart or somewhere and place them right beside your plant, so it appears to have roses on it, or flowers.

Also found some more information on ir scans.

"Marijuana has a specific heat-color signature when it’s filmed with an infrared camera; the heat’s caused when tightly packed Reefer starts to compost. I’d seen them before and was prepared. We defeated this government high tech with some low technology of our own. The Marijuana in our boat was wrapped up and totally enclosed in “space blankets,” those silver survival blankets that keep you warm in emergencies and retain 98% of your body heat. We used them to keep the warmth of the composting weed from escaping and being detected by the infrared spy in the sky. "


Well-Known Member
what police helicopters look for is the distinct texture that the plant has, it does stick out a lot in the woods. They had like an outdoor weed scavanger hunt last summer and the cops found tons of it, they said it was the texture that gives it away so i don't know how you would hide it, maybe put some branches from other trees over it.


Well-Known Member
Plant in five gallon buckets and hang em way the hell up in a tree. Nobody looks up, you cut down on critter probs, and they'll get more light. Gotta be close to a water source though.


New Member
I saw a sweep in my area last year. They had the same person looking in the helicoopter and on the news the person said just one plant will stick out like a sore thumb from the air. The were only using sight and found tons of plants!!