funny story about donating blood. My senior year of high school my school had a blood drive and at the time I had no intention of donating. But there was this really hot chick who I had not yet friend zoned myself with, she didn't want to go by herself so she asked me if I wanted to go with her, naturally I said yes. So we get to gym, which is where the blood drive is being held, and they take down all of our info and tell us to wait. When they call our names they ask us if we want to do doubles or singles, which at the time I had no idea what that meant. she had more experience having donated blood before so she immediately said she wanted to do doubles. Not wanting to look like a little bitch I also do doubles. so they take us to those chair things and start taking out blood. so we're sitting there talkin and all of a sudden start feeling really weird, not like stoned weird but like bad trip weird, the room starts spinning and I pass out. when I wake up the girl is gone and I'm sweating, cold and shaking with no idea of what just happened, But apparently a few minutes before I passed out I asked that girl out on a date, which is something I would never had the balls to do normally. long story short I ended up bangin her like a month later. now I am a regular blood donor