Ph water when flushing?


Well-Known Member
when flushing do you have to ph your water? there is no nutes to be absorbed by the plant, so do you have to waste your ph up or down? my tap has a ph of aprox 7.... thanks for the replies guys/girls. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
thanks bigmike! ya, i thought it should be fine but i just wanted to check with the experts. just one of those questions that i didnt know and felt like posting about. thanks again mike.:blsmoke:
your welcome, but im far from an expert. i just thank the people at rollitup..:peace:


Well-Known Member
hey I never thought about that, it doesnt need nutrients, so why would the ph matter?...thats a good question, I dont know the answer unfortunately


Well-Known Member
As for you question as to shoud you ph the water, the back of my final phase botte says to, so ima say yea, but like I said I dont know why


Well-Known Member
thanks 5 oclock, ya my water is about 7.0, i wasnt going to do anything crazy like add ph 2.0 water or anything... it was just a question that came to me because i started flushing and the thought occurred to me.. :-|


Well-Known Member
Personally, I suggest PHing your flush water to 6-6.5 BECAUSE if you run a shit load of water through your soil it will be affected by the PH of the water - meaning your plants PH will be affected as well.

So yes.... PH your flush water.

3:1, water:soil


Well-Known Member
ya, im just going to end this, screw it, i dont care that much anymore, lol... my tap is about 7.0 and i know that it wouldnt have any ill effects on the plants when flushing... it seems like this is a gray area, and no one really knows for sure. maybe ill flush a plant with 3.0ph and see if there is a difference. ohh and im talking about the last two weeks of harvest flushing. so whenever they need water for the last two weeks im just going to add plain tap, not a flush that you would do if you had toxic salt buildup. im not sure if i mentioned that or not...:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I Would Say That You Should Adjust Your Ph During Flushing Cause The Plant Already Has Nutes Stored In It That You Are Trying To Flush Out And By Adjusting The Ph Of The Plain Water It Should Help The Plants Use Up More Of The Stored Nutes And Help Them Fill Out In Size. Thats Just My Opinion Though.


Well-Known Member
I Would Say That You Should Adjust Your Ph During Flushing Cause The Plant Already Has Nutes Stored In It That You Are Trying To Flush Out And By Adjusting The Ph Of The Plain Water It Should Help The Plants Use Up More Of The Stored Nutes And Help Them Fill Out In Size. Thats Just My Opinion Though.
hey good point bro... but my rebuttal is this- the nutes are all ready stored in the plant. you ph your nute solution for the roots to ABSORB/SUCK UP all the available nutes and not create nute lockup- where only certain elements can be absorbed.

thus, as long as water is being sucked up by the roots ph shouldnt make a difference when flushing the final 2 weeks...... right? the plant will use its stored nutes in the leaves because of the mobile nutes in the plant(im not sure if i worded that right). water will be sucked up whether the ph is 5.0 or 8.0 right? does that make sense to anyone else besides me? lol:-?


Well-Known Member
ivjay, im not trying to be demeaning in any way, just debating. thats just my opinions on the subject and i am very glad you gave yours. if no one knows a correct answer its best to look at it from multiple perspectives. thanks for your input bro.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I would think it also matters, because that water will also remain in the pot, until dried out. Unless you plan on flushing again with the new nute'd water (seems kinda a waste)