The most stupid cop EVER!!!


Well-Known Member
I think if he was a regular joe in Michigan he'd of been arrested before leaving the hospital,taken directly to jail,have his face plastered all over every paper & news program in the state,waited 5 days to see a judge about bond,then got a $1,0000000 cash only bond,then his family would have been on foot & living in the street after the cop's seized everything in sight.

Thats the way it is in Michigan,if you work for the government you get away with murder,if your a regular joe you'll do time,then when you get out all you'll own is the clothes you went in with because the cops took (stole) everything & sold it off.

Notice how they reported that the cop was allowed to resign,look a little deeper & you'll find out that he was allowed alot more than a resignation,he also keeps all his pension money & zero record,try that being a regular joe.

Michigan is the most full of shit state anywhere,its all about the money in Michigan.


Well-Known Member
Aww you guys cant be mean! He doesnt know its been posted before... and btw you laughed your ass off the first time you saw that vid... YOU KNOW YOU DID. Lmfao.


Well-Known Member
Well you're a mod close it.....:?
Everyone needs to stfu with the close it shit I see on so many posts these days...its a forum...lmfao....if people dont respond it will go to the end o' the list with all the others that dont get responded to. Why bring the negativity and make the person who posted feel shitty? I mean really? Just wondering. GEezuZ.


Well-Known Member
Everyone needs to stfu with the close it shit I see on so many posts these days...its a forum...lmfao....if people dont respond it will go to the end o' the list with all the others that dont get responded to. Why bring the negativity and make the person who posted feel shitty? I mean really? Just wondering. GEezuZ.
Whoah!! seems like i hit a nerve....well he said it was a waste of space so i told him to close it so wrong to suggest he uses his judgement and close a thread thats a waste of space??


Well-Known Member
Whoah!! seems like i hit a nerve....well he said it was a waste of space so i told him to close it so wrong to suggest he uses his judgement and close a thread thats a waste of space??
Def didnt hit a nerve :neutral: seriously. But umm no Ive just noticed a lot of complaining on the site lately and its a bit irratating, thats all.
Waste of what space? The space that keeps this forum going everyday? I wouldnt call that a waste really. :confused:. Thats just my opinion though.


Well-Known Member
she was just saying how it seems you guys are kind of teaming up on him for no apparent reason
it seems like that i guess


Well-Known Member
wow. never in a million years would i have thought to see so much crying, insulting, bickering, hatefulness on a pot forum.

kum by yahh peoples!!!!


Well-Known Member
I never said it was a waste of space myself....but cali did. I was in no way complaining i was just implying that if he thought it was a waste of space he has the ability to ZAP!!!


Well-Known Member
you woulda thunk that pot heads would be mellow
and dont we have bad memories? how do you remember seeing that video? i dont remember where my bong is half the time!