I think if he was a regular joe in Michigan he'd of been arrested before leaving the hospital,taken directly to jail,have his face plastered all over every paper & news program in the state,waited 5 days to see a judge about bond,then got a $1,0000000 cash only bond,then his family would have been on foot & living in the street after the cop's seized everything in sight.
Thats the way it is in Michigan,if you work for the government you get away with murder,if your a regular joe you'll do time,then when you get out all you'll own is the clothes you went in with because the cops took (stole) everything & sold it off.
Notice how they reported that the cop was allowed to resign,look a little deeper & you'll find out that he was allowed alot more than a resignation,he also keeps all his pension money & zero record,try that being a regular joe.
Michigan is the most full of shit state anywhere,its all about the money in Michigan.