How many oz per plant ?


Well-Known Member
now i no all these plants are diffrent sizes but on average how much do you think i will get once dryed and cured ??? first time gro btw and i understand iv got alot to cahnge next time (Bigger pots etc etc...)



New Member
dude thats like asking guess what color socks i am wearing so many factors involved its not even funny i would google or find out what kind of plants they are and what yields they can produce


Well-Known Member
after a great deal of investigation and contacting the relevant authorities the answer to your question is ........lemon


Well-Known Member
dude thats like asking guess what color socks i am wearing so many factors involved its not even funny i would google or find out what kind of plants they are and what yields they can produce
well with outdoor plants it's not very hard to tell honestly... if those are heavy indicas I can say he will get atleast 3 oz, and probably at most 7-8.... that's IF they are the size I think they are, I think there was enough scale in the pictures to be able to tell...


New Member
with many factors growing out door you got to weigh in like weather hell it could rain non stop reflecting yield thunderstorms wind that could end its life prematurely by snapping off cut worms, THIEFS list goes on yes outdoor will yield you more but you should never guess what your goin to get cause what you get is what you get, and if you managed to complete it its a pluss i have grown out door and have had many failures like goinout to water only to find out theres yellow police ribbon around it as well as goin out and seeing only a few buds left from midnight thiefs, plants dug up etc fckin hate waiting for second frost to harvest it takes alot of buds to make a pound and alot of trimming last out door i did got 150 pounds with 300 plants took approx 15 pounds to pay for trimmers,food,drink and other expenses to complete running 2 trimming machines for 3 weeks as well as 10 trimmers trimming so his plants look good and i hope he can bring in min 8 oz's but again were all guessing Right

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
"it's not very hard to tell" and then the range is from 3-8 ounces? that seems like a pretty vague answer to me considering it's not hard to tell ;)


Well-Known Member
with many factors growing out door you got to weigh in like weather hell it could rain non stop reflecting yield thunderstorms wind that could end its life prematurely by snapping off cut worms, THIEFS list goes on yes outdoor will yield you more but you should never guess what your goin to get cause what you get is what you get, and if you managed to complete it its a pluss i have grown out door and have had many failures like goinout to water only to find out theres yellow police ribbon around it as well as goin out and seeing only a few buds left from midnight thiefs, plants dug up etc fckin hate waiting for second frost to harvest it takes alot of buds to make a pound and alot of trimming last out door i did got 150 pounds with 300 plants took approx 15 pounds to pay for trimmers,food,drink and other expenses to complete running 2 trimming machines for 3 weeks as well as 10 trimmers trimming so his plants look good and i hope he can bring in min 8 oz's but again were all guessing Right
I guess it depends on where you're growing... where I'm growing I've had 5 successful harvests, year after year......

"it's not very hard to tell" and then the range is from 3-8 ounces? that seems like a pretty vague answer to me considering it's not hard to tell ;)
you never know how a plant is going to behave, that's why I had to give that range.... I mean nobody can give him a direct 6 oz answer unless he's grown in the same spot year after year and knows the strain.... but I can tell by the looks of that plant that it's probably a yeilder...


New Member
I guess it depends on where you're growing... where I'm growing I've had 5 successful harvests, year after year......

you never know how a plant is going to behave, that's why I had to give that range.... I mean nobody can give him a direct 6 oz answer unless he's grown in the same spot year after year and knows the strain.... but I can tell by the looks of that plant that it's probably a yeilder...
your absolutly right plants look great but we all have had plants at that stage looking great and at one time or another fckt it up by over fertilizer etc


Well-Known Member
People hate to guess harvest amounts, but it really isn't that hard. Id say 3 ounces and you are lucky. The plant is tall but has limited branching which is really something to take into consideration. Assuming all the buds get fairly lng and dense; you should be looking at 3 ounces or less imo.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the answers, was jsut curious seeing as its my first grow, i trimmed the plants right hence why there so tall and also left them in a smaller pot then i should of :/ ill make sure i post pics of harvets and tell you guys how much i actually get :)

Thanks for your help !