3 hermies out of 4 plants!!! FUCK!


Well-Known Member
I just found out that 3 out of 4 of my plants hermied on me! This shit is just fucked up...I invested so much time and energy on this round and I end up with this bullshit!:wall:

I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the box though, because all 4 clones came off the same mother but 1 is still 100% female.
So, I'm gonna put that bitch away during it's dark time and retest my setup for light leaks and shit...
But idrk what to do about this one plant, she's about 2 weeks into flowering, and I kinda don't want to just have her in there alone cuz it'll be extremely inefficient. And I don't have a separate cab for veg yet, only a small setup for pre-veg and cloning. So I tossed a few beans into germination so I could get a new mother...
But what do you guys think i should do, let this single plant do it's thing and finish, or get rid of it and just re-start on a clean slate? What would you do in this situation?


Well-Known Member
Thats fucked. Even the one u think is a girl will prob hermie. Start a fresh bro,cut your losses, and this time get some seeds/clone from a more reliable breeder.


Well-Known Member
Thats fucked. Even the one u think is a girl will prob hermie. Start a fresh bro,cut your losses, and this time get some seeds/clone from a more reliable breeder.
Yeah, these genetics seem to be really unstable...I guess I'll just chop her down and make some hash out of all of them...Probably get me a few grams of delicious BHO...


Well-Known Member
only 2 weeks into flower eh? thats unfortunate man... i've never had a plant go full intersex on me but i'd say if you have a good bud mass already to grow them out and cut the pollen sacs off.
some genetics have a crazy tendency to hermie and i think you just got unlucky. i'd say get some seeds from a stable, well tested strain.