The Almighty Blotter Debate


Well-Known Member
How bad is touching your acid hits? How long is to long to hold them? Is there a 'right place' to hold them? What do you guys think?

I have no clue, i could never tell a differance, but i always avoid touching it just in case :neutral:

Ellis Dee

Active Member
I avoid touching anything I am not about to eat, that being said, I don't know how bad it actually is. I will tear the perforations with my fingers though. I have been known to leave a dose, be it one two or three tabs, on my desk for like 4 days then end up taking it at some point.
When I remember! :D

I keep all of my stash in wax paper, in saran wrap, in tinfoil, in the freezer. All powders I forget the tinfoil and replace with carbon paper.
Just wrapping it in tinfoil is good enough if your not storing for long periods of time. And honestly, touching with DRY hands, doesn't do TOO much. but just try not to handle it a lot. sweaty hands? don't touch it.

Ellis Dee

Active Member
Yeah well its not like the LSD just sit on the top of the paper. Thats why they use paper, it is very porous and has a huge surface area. Plus as the solvent dries its likely the LSD would be slowly pulled to the center by the still unsaturated solvent.

LSD is highly reactive with tinfoil so keeping something between them is pretty good idea.
What do you mean its highly reactive with tinfoil? I have never had a problem storing my paper in foil. I always have. And just stick it in a book in the bookcase. No one will ever find that shit.


Active Member
Yeah well its not like the LSD just sit on the top of the paper. Thats why they use paper, it is very porous and has a huge surface area. Plus as the solvent dries its likely the LSD would be slowly pulled to the center by the still unsaturated solvent.

LSD is highly reactive with tinfoil so keeping something between them is pretty good idea.
Uh oh! I have 4 hits of needle point stored in foil right now! They shall only remain there for up to another 4 weeks ;)

Ellis Dee

Active Member
By tinfoil I mean aluminum. And aluminum is highly reactive naturally. Although some tinfoil is made of aluminum-copper or aluminum-tin which are more stable. But so long as you keep it very cold you shouldn't notice a loss in potency.


Well-Known Member
I've always heard to just skip the foil.

I keep mine in a plastic baggie pressed between the pages, next to a picture of george w. bush, in Hunter S. Thompson's book: better than sex!

take that George

heir proctor

New Member
I usually just try to avoid finger fucking the tabs too much. For storage, I keep it in a plastic ziplock in side a book. Wish I could keep it cold but not really an option when your room mates our your parents hehe.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Vacuum Seal-----> Vacuum seal----> Cool Dark Place.

If you dont have a vacuum sealer just ensure that as little light, air, heat and moisture get in as possible.


Well-Known Member

dont use it!

wrap it up in seran wrap or simply put it in a book or paper if its blotter


Active Member

dont use it!

wrap it up in seran wrap or simply put it in a book or paper if its blotter
I just took mine out of foil and wrapped them in saran. They've been in that foil for 4 months, inside of a mason jar... Hopefully they haven't lost too much potency!

Ellis Dee

Active Member
I will take note that you reacted in a very different way when I gave you relatively the same information.

I will be watching you.

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
well where ever you keep it, a pocket is always a bad choice......