The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2

You know what makes me laugh is the fact that most people don't even know that the NAACP was started by a group of white people who did not like the treatment of blacks back in the day...and for the record NAACP was founded on the notion of equal treatment for all ( sorry but white folks were not getting beaten, lynched, and treated unfairly so it was no need to defend them)...also anyone can join the NAACP even I guess you might want to read upon the organization before you say what it did and did not do..

You know what makes me laugh, is the fact that you think that you know what you are arguing about. I'm certainly not arguing against the NAACP. I'm advocating that private groups SHOULD have the right to offer their services to whom they like. YOU are arguing against it, as little as you realize it. You and UB consistently have stuck behind the argument of "They may be on private land and privately owned, but they serve the public" and here you are finding a few organizations that meet the same criteria and you are defending it. How do you not see the hypocrisy in it? Can you not just stop and reflect on it momentarily and admit this fact?

It's so sad that I am sitting here, actually in support of these groups I mentioned, and trying to make a point of defending these groups RIGHTS, and in your "defense" of the group you are arguing AGAINST me. NAACP doesn't ask for a fee of membership to get an "African American" only scholarship (I put that in quotes because that term is wrong to be used on people who are not from Africa), so why should a private business have to do the same in order to do it? Would it be okay if the NAACP opened a private clinic on the corner only serving black people who can't afford health? Absolutely not, but we need to stop discriminating that right to certain organizations and denying others. It's not fair, it's not just, and it's not American.
You know what makes me laugh, is the fact that you think that you know what you are arguing about. I'm certainly not arguing against the NAACP. I'm advocating that private groups SHOULD have the right to offer their services to whom they like. YOU are arguing against it, as little as you realize it. You and UB consistently have stuck behind the argument of "They may be on private land and privately owned, but they serve the public" and here you are finding a few organizations that meet the same criteria and you are defending it. How do you not see the hypocrisy in it? Can you not just stop and reflect on it momentarily and admit this fact?

It's so sad that I am sitting here, actually in support of these groups I mentioned, and trying to make a point of defending these groups RIGHTS, and in your "defense" of the group you are arguing AGAINST me. NAACP doesn't ask for a fee of membership to get an "African American" only scholarship (I put that in quotes because that term is wrong to be used on people who are not from Africa), so why should a private business have to do the same in order to do it? Would it be okay if the NAACP opened a private clinic on the corner only serving black people who can't afford health? Absolutely not, but we need to stop discriminating that right to certain organizations and denying others. It's not fair, it's not just, and it's not American.

While I agree with you 134333d1251749615-how-important-good-preamp-dont-20feed-20the-20troll.jpg
and we come full circle.

if you do not worship at the altar of ron paul, you are a troll.

it doesn't matter if you support the ron paul clone who takes social positions that are more liberal....if you are not a worshipper, you are a troll.
You know what makes me laugh, is the fact that you think that you know what you are arguing about. I'm certainly not arguing against the NAACP. I'm advocating that private groups SHOULD have the right to offer their services to whom they like. YOU are arguing against it, as little as you realize it. You and UB consistently have stuck behind the argument of "They may be on private land and privately owned, but they serve the public" and here you are finding a few organizations that meet the same criteria and you are defending it. How do you not see the hypocrisy in it? Can you not just stop and reflect on it momentarily and admit this fact?

It's so sad that I am sitting here, actually in support of these groups I mentioned, and trying to make a point of defending these groups RIGHTS, and in your "defense" of the group you are arguing AGAINST me. NAACP doesn't ask for a fee of membership to get an "African American" only scholarship (I put that in quotes because that term is wrong to be used on people who are not from Africa), so why should a private business have to do the same in order to do it? Would it be okay if the NAACP opened a private clinic on the corner only serving black people who can't afford health? Absolutely not, but we need to stop discriminating that right to certain organizations and denying others. It's not fair, it's not just, and it's not American.
you are very confused...learn what a club/organization is...yes they do help the public but they are not a public group...if you want to start a club or organization and only help white people ...more power to you...if you are a place that does commerce business ( in which the NAACP does not) then you have to go by the law of the can't pick your customers...please learn the difference..for you are failing in your argument trying to make NAACP a public business that does commerce...makes it seem once again that you have NO clue as to WTF you are talking about !!!!!!!
people trying to argue a point but have no idea about the law the Civil rights act of 64 brought forth
Title II
Outlawed discrimination in hotels, motels, restaurants, theaters, and all other public accommodations engaged in interstate commerce; exempted private clubs without defining the term "private...

Now tell me what fuckin commerce the NAACP engages in..hint ( learn WTF commerce is )
people trying to argue a point but have no idea about the law the Civil rights act of 64 brought forth
Title II
Outlawed discrimination in hotels, motels, restaurants, theaters, and all other public accommodations engaged in interstate commerce; exempted private clubs without defining the term "private...

Now tell me what fuckin commerce the NAACP engages in..hint ( learn WTF commerce is )

Lol. You make me laugh:

com·mercenoun /ˈkämərs/ 

  1. The activity of buying and selling, esp. on a large scale
  2. Social dealings between people
  3. Sexual intercourse
Please refer to definitions number 2, and realize how number 3 can impede your life with that law.
you are very confused...learn what a club/organization is...yes they do help the public but they are not a public group...if you want to start a club or organization and only help white people ...more power to you...if you are a place that does commerce business ( in which the NAACP does not) then you have to go by the law of the can't pick your customers...please learn the difference..for you are failing in your argument trying to make NAACP a public business that does commerce...makes it seem once again that you have NO clue as to WTF you are talking about !!!!!!!

Yes, everyone who argues with you is always a confused child who doesn't know the history on the matter.
Lol. You make me laugh:

Please refer to definitions number 2, and realize how number 3 can impede your life with that law.

Wow you really are not that dumb to realize which definition would apply..yes words can have more then one meaning, but with a little education you should be able to figure out which one pertains to our conversation..go back and get that high school diploma guy...any woot its number 1..and to be more exact its interstate commerce n. commercial trade, business, movement of goods or again I ask you what does the NAACP do that involves interstate commerce...I thought you were into marketing..funny how you don't know this...Now I hope you learned why the NAACP is different from joe blow store is in for the profit one is still care to debate your stance on why the NAACP is the same and I say its not...I can break it down "for ya"...speaking of "for ya"..What ever happened to that little info you said you would get back to me on ?????never mind I already knew you couldn't
Yes, everyone who argues with you is always a confused child who doesn't know the history on the matter.

there is a difference between being young and a if you consider yourself as a child thats you ..I called you young...
I blame it on them being young and not knowing history...hopefully after these debates they take the time and go read.....
under 25 is young to me....and you have showed me over and over how you don't know your I need to start pulling quotes ???
While I find it funny that both UncleBuck and londonfog fail to use even basic writing skills they claim everyone else is at fault and ignorant of everything, at least use good grammar if you want to portray a meaningful argument; anyways, you know the drill.

View attachment 1703765
While I find it funny that both UncleBuck and londonfog fail to use even basic writing skills they claim everyone else is at fault and ignorant of everything, at least use good grammar if you want to portray a meaningful argument; anyways, you know the drill.

View attachment 1703765
as you do what you say not could care less about your writing skills unless its a word I don't understand or if you do something like using "like" instead on "link"..example..."hey you got proof post a like (link)"
as you do what you say not could care less about your writing skills unless its a word I don't understand or if you do something like using "like" instead on "link"..example..."hey you got proof post a like (link)"

Ohh sure I have typos, that's what happens when your mind works quicker than your fingers, it's a symptom of too much frontal lobe development; at least I'm not constantly raping the basic English sentence structure.

To the fellow with the cuddly panda avatar, sadly yes. we've resorted to proverbial name calling.

Wow you really are not that dumb to realize which definition would apply..yes words can have more then one meaning, but with a little education you should be able to figure out which one pertains to our conversation..go back and get that high school diploma guy...any woot its number 1..and to be more exact its interstate commerce n. commercial trade, business, movement of goods or again I ask you what does the NAACP do that involves interstate commerce...I thought you were into marketing..funny how you don't know this...Now I hope you learned why the NAACP is different from joe blow store is in for the profit one is still care to debate your stance on why the NAACP is the same and I say its not...I can break it down "for ya"...speaking of "for ya"..What ever happened to that little info you said you would get back to me on ?????never mind I already knew you couldn't

So you don't think that scholarships are "movement of goods or money?" How about offering free legal services, isn't that "commercial trade?" Good god.

lol@the high school diploma. I've got a GED and am pursuing law, no need to get angry with personal insults, that is a prime example of what an unintelligent person would resort to in a debate ;)

I already posted that I can't find that info as the info I'm getting from the owners is to vague. So I admit wrongfulness in it, because a statement without proof is a wrongful one. I won't go into further detail.

You have two quotes to pull: The RP libertarian 88 and the bush quote. Pull them, defame my character, and avoid the point behind my argument. I seriously don't know why I waste my time with you.
Ohh sure I have typos, that's what happens when your mind works quicker than your fingers, it's a symptom of too much frontal lobe development; at lest I'm not constantly raping the basic English sentence structure. Hold on I forgot something... View attachment 1703795

Remember dude you are to ignore me and UB,,but somehow you keep coming back for more...Do you love me ??? and I was not talking about you and the link vs like ..someone actually did that to me and I had to ask did he mean link to make sure...I hate English and·kan·sas/ˈärkənˌsô/ and kan·sas/ˈkanzəs/...I mean really why to different saying for the word kansas...and what about I after E except after C or or when it sounds like A as in neighbor or weigh...well what about ancient, species, science, sufficient ..blows that rule to shit...nope I'm a math guy myself and I do love my chemistry
To answer your Arkansas and Kansas pronunciations; proper nouns kind of have their own rules. This is why the English language is one of the most difficult to learn.

The I before E except after C rule is a load of shit.