Well-Known Member
I went out to visit my buddy's spot, and when he whipped out his WW jar we found bud mold.
Turns out he let it dry on a shelf with no air flow for several days, and then stuck it in a jar with no burping for about a week.
When we got to it there was a good amount visible, but I think it was spores, and they are all gone now.
After a while of manhandling and sad loss feelings, I decided to take it home to chop up and make fertilizer.
Upon closer inspection with a magnifying glass and proper light, I cut off the little tiny bits of mold, and started to cure the rest of it properly.
I feel like it may have a chance, there isn't visible mold anymore.
I'm going to be burping it for several days with about a half hour out of the jar about 2 or 3 times a day.
After several days of this, I will be doing about 6 hours in the freezer in a jar, then pull it out and do 6 hours in room temperature with several burps. Then back into the freezer.
We'll see how she looks after a week or two.
I've been reading around and I couldn't find the thread I read a few weeks ago.
If anybody can put up links to Mold Smoking information, that would be grand.
I know I remember reading something like Moldy Bud causes stomach cramps.
And that smoking just a little isn't bad.
So if the bud looks clean and smells clean in a week or two, I'll sample a bowl or two.
If I get a stomach ache/bad experience then it will be chopped up into compost.
Memory tells me the thread I'm thinking of was something like;
Everything you need to know about mold!
Or something like that.
Turns out he let it dry on a shelf with no air flow for several days, and then stuck it in a jar with no burping for about a week.
When we got to it there was a good amount visible, but I think it was spores, and they are all gone now.
After a while of manhandling and sad loss feelings, I decided to take it home to chop up and make fertilizer.
Upon closer inspection with a magnifying glass and proper light, I cut off the little tiny bits of mold, and started to cure the rest of it properly.
I feel like it may have a chance, there isn't visible mold anymore.
I'm going to be burping it for several days with about a half hour out of the jar about 2 or 3 times a day.
After several days of this, I will be doing about 6 hours in the freezer in a jar, then pull it out and do 6 hours in room temperature with several burps. Then back into the freezer.
We'll see how she looks after a week or two.
I've been reading around and I couldn't find the thread I read a few weeks ago.
If anybody can put up links to Mold Smoking information, that would be grand.
I know I remember reading something like Moldy Bud causes stomach cramps.
And that smoking just a little isn't bad.
So if the bud looks clean and smells clean in a week or two, I'll sample a bowl or two.
If I get a stomach ache/bad experience then it will be chopped up into compost.
Memory tells me the thread I'm thinking of was something like;
Everything you need to know about mold!
Or something like that.