Plant leaves cupping

Xen Cuts

I've read a few threads about this but I was hoping I could get some personal feed back. My plants leaves are cupping upwards, they are about a week old, and I'm a little worried. I'm using 125 watt cfl. I have yet to start feeding them nutes. My temp is pretty hot, (ranging from 85-90).


sorry for the low res picture.

Anyways, if you guys could help me out, I would really appreciate it.


Active Member
Looks like a respiration problem. Young plants which are losing moisture at a faster rate than their under-developed roots can ingest it, will curl their leaves (as shown in your photo) in order to minimize leaf surface area. Plants perspire through their leaves, so this curling is a defense mechanism to keep the plant hydrated. High temperatures are fine for vegetating plants, in fact they are preferred as your plants will grow faster, but humidity must also be kept high. Your lights may not be hot enough to burn your plants, but they will certainly evaporate humidity quickly. Put a bucket of water in your grow area to increase humidity levels and be sure to mist young plants a couple times daily. Don't worry. Your plants will be fine. A little stress early on, is good thing.

Xen Cuts

I have been looking for answers to this for a couple days, and you sir, have provided a perfect one. Thank you.

I have always been told my temps are wayyyy to high. Are they really okay at around 90? Will these temps be okay for the flowering process?


Active Member
its been proven that temps over 85, more likely around 90 or higher, will literally cause your plant not to grow, or at the very least stunt growth and cause respiratory problems as your seeing with your young ladies. This is for indoor plants without co2. With co2 its fine and preferred at these temps. Without co2 you shouldnt let your temps get higher than letsay 82-83. Try for under 80. :)

I'm not saying your plant wont grow at all im just saying it wont help it grow like you want it to :D!

Xen Cuts

Well damn. Do you know any good methods to decrease the heat in a growbow? I already have an exhaust, intake, and seperate fan on the inside just circulating the air.


Active Member
crank down the ac a little bit. i just played with my ac temps untill i figured out what temp i need my ac set to keep it at the optimum temps in my cab.if i have my ac set for 70 it stays 78-80 in my cab.
of course I also have a 400cfm hydrofarm 6" exhaust fan witch dumps the air out of my cab like 5 times a minute or something so its constantly pulling hot air out and throwing it into the other room with the ac and in turn its sucking in the cool air from the ac down through the bottom into the cab. But im running a 600w hps so it should be more simple for you.

When I was using floro's i had to keep my ac at 75 to keep it 75-78 in the cab. of course HID lights are gonna put out more heat so now I have to have it at 70 :).

Otherwise you can freeze bottles of water and stick em strategically around the cab. Put a couple behind your fan thats blowing the air around the cab, should help. Also will help with your humidity from the condensation from the frozen bottles. I really hope this helps ya or at least gives your an idea? Good luck!


New Member
crank down the ac a little bit. i just played with my ac temps untill i figured out what temp i need my ac set to keep it at the optimum temps in my cab.if i have my ac set for 70 it stays 78-80 in my cab.
of course I also have a 400cfm hydrofarm 6" exhaust fan witch dumps the air out of my cab like 5 times a minute or something so its constantly pulling hot air out and throwing it into the other room with the ac and in turn its sucking in the cool air from the ac down through the bottom into the cab. But im running a 600w hps so it should be more simple for you.

When I was using floro's i had to keep my ac at 75 to keep it 75-78 in the cab. of course HID lights are gonna put out more heat so now I have to have it at 70 :).

Otherwise you can freeze bottles of water and stick em strategically around the cab. Put a couple behind your fan thats blowing the air around the cab, should help. Also will help with your humidity from the condensation from the frozen bottles. I really hope this helps ya or at least gives your an idea? Good luck!
Keep your AC at 70? Your power company must love you


Active Member
I have been looking for answers to this for a couple days, and you sir, have provided a perfect one. Thank you.

I have always been told my temps are wayyyy to high. Are they really okay at around 90? Will these temps be okay for the flowering process?
Optimum temperatures are strain specific and so may vary depending on the type of plant you are growing. Sativa varieties naturally vegetate in warm humid environments (28C / 70%) while Indica dominant strains may prefer slightly cooler drier conditions (26C / 60%) during vegetation. If you don't know the particular genetics of the strain you're growing, keep your temperatures at or below 28C and you'll be golden.

At the onset of 12/12, however, you'll want to begin gradually decreasing both the temperature and humidity in your grow room. For this purpose, an A/C unit is an invaluable tool. It not only regulates temperature, but dehumidifies the air as well.