Allow myself to introduce....myself


Hola, bonjour, aloha and hello to all. I love that this site exists. I have already learned so much and I cannot wait for my ladies to get here from Nivana. White Widow, Blackjack, Aurora Indica and NY Power Diesel, Keep it strong and big ups from the land of Oz.

Swedecrest out! :peace:


Active Member
East coast. Hazy hot and humid
YOU GOT THAT SHIT RIGHT!!!!!!!! Holy fuck, I sat on my deck today for five minutes doing nothing but reading my mail and the sweat literally started rolling down my forehead. Not even an exaggeration, it probably wasn't even 3 minutes.


Yes this weather totally sucks. I can't even get my full sun trees to grow out in my yard. At least we dont have the sandstorms they are getting in Phoenix.