PCK (Pakistan Chitral Kush)Beanho


Well-Known Member
now im guessing your outdoor for most of it?

My speculation comes off on limited variables because Im inside and growing hydro, everything is monitored. So for me to have recurring/random issues threw out a whole pack of beans is crazy, especially if other strains in the flower box are not herming or having the same issues.. That was my biggest issue, was the hermies i've had with these. Most didnt show til late in flowering and still delivered sensi, but for breeding or selecting mothers, thats bad news. Like i said i limited my variables, and either this strain is very picky like you said , or if we got the beans from the same source, & the source is bad.
Im planning on getting some from Cannabiogen and see if anything is different. Also I too have made my own line up of hybrids. I've never found anything wrong with my males , so I continue to use their pollen. I sent off some seeds i made with the PCK to a friend, hopefully to get a report on them soon and I have some to plant soon. I also tried to pollinate a nice purple plant that went hermie, and no seeds, so i think the female was sterile. Coulnt of been the males, because I had a seed turnout when i used that pollen on another strain.

To add, the green pheno i had never did hermie. Most my problems were with the purple colored ones. not sure if its relevant, to me its been fun growing this strain, but a headache none the less. I plan on sticking to hybrids for purple color plants, and hang this one up if this last pheno selection turns up null.


Active Member
I too am using Beanho's seeds. And yes, outdoor grow. I moved them indoors to try and curtail a lot of the environmental problems I've been having, and it has helped a bit, but still having major problems compared to the other strains.

I'm hoping it's worth the trouble. The reason I chose this strain is because I had read somewhere that it was highly recommended for my medical concerns (intense stomach pain, nausea, lack of appetite - crohn's disease :cry:).

If it makes me feel better and reduces my symptoms, I could care less about how much trouble it is to grow, how it looks, or how it yields.

As for hermies, I haven't had that problem yet. I'm about 5 weeks in, buds are pretty dismal looking though. I'm hoping they fill out in the last few weeks. I have no problem letting them go 10-11 weeks if necessary. Starting to get a little anxious though as I'm low on smoke, and my stomach pains have been getting unbearable.


Active Member
It seems that I've got mostly the purple pheno - not really turning purple yet, but I can tell because I've got one that is most certainly green. The buds seem a lot thicker on the green pheno, and it's flowering faster too. How long do you reckon I should let these go? Is 10 weeks sufficient from what you've seen?


Well-Known Member
It seems that I've got mostly the purple pheno - not really turning purple yet, but I can tell because I've got one that is most certainly green. The buds seem a lot thicker on the green pheno, and it's flowering faster too. How long do you reckon I should let these go? Is 10 weeks sufficient from what you've seen?
I was thinking 9 weeks but maybe 10 for the green pheno, your right the green one does harvest a bit heavier.