Chlorine??? 0 or .5...which is better?


Active Member
Need to do a really good flush but don't have time to let my water stand out to rid chlorine.It is at .5 before I do this,is this to much for the plants??


Well-Known Member
You can flush with tap water that hasn't sat to let the clor out, whenever I flush it's straight out the tap without any problems.. You will be fine, I don't even let my water sit before feeding my plants and I've never had an issue with that..


Active Member
may I ask what your tap water's PPM is? Mine generally right at 450 PPM. Seriously.... straight from the tap? Do you grow with organic nute's or chem. fert.?

Thanks for any advice you can give!


Active Member
So many people worry about the chlorine levels in tap water... I hate to tell most people, but probably 80% of the US water supply no longer uses Chlorine, but chloramine, which in all honesty doesnt not evaporate sitting out... letting water sit out does do a few other things to tap water so it is a good idea for every day watering but not necessary.

Chlorine also will not effect your plant in any way, it effects microbes in the soil, which is a coin toss up if it is truly going to effect your plant in the long run. You treat your plant right, water it when it needs and not over water it, give it the nutes it needs when it needs it will be a very happy plant and will make you very happy in the end!


Well-Known Member
and it kinda sounds fucked up but organic in vegg and chemical in flowering... I'm a cash cropper so I like the high yields lol


Well-Known Member
I say go ahead and flush with your tap water. If your water was that bad , you would already have killed your regular houseplants.