did i just wasted my money?


Well-Known Member
Alright!; First of all i am veggin with a high pressium sodium of 2700k, and well i decided to change it to a Metal Halide....... so i went to buy the bulb and when i got home i readed MH 4200k damn it.... did i totally wasted my money?

edited--->> my hps it is 2700k...

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
sound slike yur spectrums are ass backwards

the MH should have a higher Kelvin number like 6500k were as a HPS should have less Kelvins


Well-Known Member
dont worry about it, the 2700 and 4200 are just specifying the light wavelength or color, I have a warm deluxe metal halide, that means it is in the mid range between true metal hallide and hps, it is a 3200k light, so yeah you are fine and I hope you got a good deal on it.

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
but will my new mh 4200k be better at vegging than my HPS 2700k ??
yes...long story short, if u had the choice,the mh is usually best choice for veg...ur hps will be better for when it flowers....assuming theyre same size not a 1000w mh and a 150w hps lol...


Well-Known Member
Well it sounds like your backwards there, MH for vegetative growth and HPS for bloom phase. I prefer HPS throughout, or even better Ceramic MH which uses all spectrums of light. Didn't waste your money just pop your MH in when you start another grow then HPS for bloom.


Active Member
i actually found that hps is better for veg compared to a mh. i didnt believe it myself until my friends showed me because i read the opposite on htg supply and high times. i think its because the hps has more lumens per watt. another thing is when you veg with a mh, then switch to a hps for flower, it causes your plants a lot of stress and they will stretch. they are used to the blue spectrum then all the sudden its only a red/orange spectrum, it takes a while for the plants to adjust to it. my friends also have tested those dual bulbs, they are half mh and hald hps, i dont recommend them. pure hps has more lumens. lumens are what you want for yield. if you want some supplemental blue spectrum, i would recommend using 200w CFLS for side lighting. they also have single t5HO bulbs and ballasts that are made to stick on the side of you hoods. some plants like sativa dominant show better results with blue spectrum added during flower.


Well-Known Member
hehe this is controversial...some say mh 4200k will work better than hps 2700k, i am reading over the internet, the plant cant absorb shit from 4200k spectrum =/


Well-Known Member
thats why I use a warm deluxe metal hallide bulb, it ranges from 380nm-780nm which covers the entire range of light that plant can use, I do plan to add a small hps, but thats just to keep up the shear amount of foliage im dealing with,

all i gotta say is i have 15 beauties under a 400w sunmaster warm deluxe rated at 38,000 lumens, and more freaking par watts than most other HID sources BAM *WAGS HAND IN AIR LIMP WRISTED, in a tarded hick way


Well-Known Member
im using my hps from seed, and my youngins are doing good i think, not having any of that crazy stretch you always hear about, my friends using a MH bulb in his, my plants are a day younger than his and twice as big


Well-Known Member
ok here is the science to the color of light you throw at your plant, blue+yellow make green, this means that a true green plant reflects equally blue and yellow light, however a light green leaf is reflecting more yellow light, this means that the plant is currently absorbing more in the blue spectrum than in the yellow,

now if you have a true green leaf, then most of the light absorbed will be red,

take a color wheel and compare your the color of your leaf to it, the opposing color is the most absorbed frequency of light, therefore the most productive, and yes this is red, but as you get darker greens and purples in your leaf, you will see that the specific frequency of light moves from true red.

so in the early stages of growth the plant will be a light green so its using more blue light but as the leaves darken, the plant is thirsting for that yellow-orange spectrum,

red light is constantly absorbed by the plant, blue light is an important part of the early stages of growth,

so just look at the plants you have and how they change as they age, and you will figure out the best light for your strain,

I bought my MH warm deluxe specifically because it can be used for the full cycle, but I am going to be broadening my spectrums with more lights as I build my setup, but basically seedlings like MH blue spectrum light, middle life growth really needs full spectrum blue to red, and when you start to flower the plant is gonna want more red, but still uses blue-green to some extent. though the blue specifically is reduced severely in its absorption to the leaf,

so yeah mh or hps all the way through works, but Ill bet you your crop if you supply light in a manner similar to that which I have mentioned above, yo will increase your crop.

im gonna post this in its own thread just cause i havent seen anyone explain this yet,