god dam rest of the world and their stupid metric system, lets see 2.54 cm per inch, uh .... divided by 12, take the everything after the decimal and multiply by 12....plant was aprox 90 cms about 50 wide.... the strain is cheese. done from seed veged for 4weeks and flowered 8 . pot size 5 litres
theres no light just a fan on low speed 2 move the air.. and its kept shut and dark..i wldnt dry it like that it looks like you got a light on them with tin foil reflecting the light and a fan blowing from underneath? these are two methods of drying for ppl who are to impatient to do it properly, if u can wait months for ur plant to get to harvest u can wait the extra amount of time it takes to do it propery, trying to "speed dry" it is decreasing the potency of ur bud
sorry m8 thats the wank arse english education 4 u... well 4 me!god dam rest of the world and their stupid metric system, lets see 2.54 cm per inch, uh .... divided by 12, take the everything after the decimal and multiply by 12....
a while was a understatement,, i did not expect that.. and then it got me thinking ppl who mass produce how the fuck do the srt theres out so soon..coz say 100 plants thats a whole lotta hours and fucking sore aching finger after all the scissors usage....looks like it paid off but the trimming always takes a while.
you can buy machines that do it for you, but that takes away the personal artist's touch in my opiniona while was a understatement,, i did not expect that.. and then it got me thinking ppl who mass produce how the fuck do the srt theres out so soon..coz say 100 plants thats a whole lotta hours and fucking sore aching finger after all the scissors usage....
cheers m8.. ? answered..you can buy machines that do it for you, but that takes away the personal artist's touch in my opinion