For the love of weed!


Active Member
yeah he is right only sell to (friends / family) make sure they hit some weed becasue there is noting more strange than a person who doesn't smoke buying weed lol.. XD how strange ahhh


Active Member
billy most of the dealers work at there homes so you usually have to drive to them they have it already weighed and individually
packed if you weigh it at the time you are wasting time you can easily make 200$ of profit a day just by sitting and receiving calls
and opening the door for a friend who wants to get hooked up. people like there shit giving to them fast. ^-^


Well-Known Member
fast moving street pushers make the most profit, there also the first to get busted, the ones who get hit hardest with time.

where as small time pushers are less likely to ever sell to a cop, seeing as clientel is vip only, profits arent as high as street pushers but in the long run the conservative vip dealer who practices discretion ends up making more seeing as he's not in jail. or on probation/parole, still has a legitimate job, and still has his grow op.

so go push your pounds for the few years you can get away with it. save your cash cause when you get busted, your going to need the defense finances. And while your incarcerated the small timers will be out, eating steak, smoking bud, and pounding pussy. :D


Active Member
fast moving street pushers make the most profit, there also the first to get busted, the ones who get hit hardest with time.

where as small time pushers are less likely to ever sell to a cop, seeing as clientel is vip only, profits arent as high as street pushers but in the long run the conservative vip dealer who practices discretion ends up making more seeing as he's not in jail. or on probation/parole, still has a legitimate job, and still has his grow op.

so go push your pounds for the few years you can get away with it. save your cash cause when you get busted, your going to need the defense finances. And while your incarcerated the small timers will be out, eating steak, smoking bud, and pounding pussy. :D
i see where your coming from you need level of sales depending on how long you have known the person and see if there honest with the re-sale questions
the other things im sure there is people who go through 99 pounds of weed in a few months so you are lower level if your 5 lbs but work alone is the only thing
i can say if you sell weed
level 1. ounces
level 2. quarterpounds
level 3. pounds

you shouldn't possess more than 5lbs thats federal here in the texas and you only get 2 years max if you ever get caught under the federal limit.

you are talking about these "street pushers" im not sure about them but here dealers don't act like dealers and they don't practice being discrete
no one cares about dealers around here espeically if your doing a state crime and its only between friends and family.

and you are right the people who slang the most get more time my friend well he lives here but he has DWI's and he has been slanging for about a decade.
most of the people i have met sold for decades.

But yeah i like your post because its truthful but be honest with yourself you aren't gonna get caught selling weed period! moving pounds everyday maybe but
we were joking about that actually lol. and weed is going to be legal soon and plus we don't take as much pressure as we use to with weed.

drug money is the slowest money you will ever make in your life so i don't know what your talking about the "most profit" and thinking like that
will get you no where we posted this for fun.

Plus im a police officer :]


Active Member
fast moving street pushers make the most profit, there also the first to get busted, the ones who get hit hardest with time.

where as small time pushers are less likely to ever sell to a cop, seeing as clientel is vip only, profits arent as high as street pushers but in the long run the conservative vip dealer who practices discretion ends up making more seeing as he's not in jail. or on probation/parole, still has a legitimate job, and still has his grow op.

so go push your pounds for the few years you can get away with it. save your cash cause when you get busted, your going to need the defense finances. And while your incarcerated the small timers will be out, eating steak, smoking bud, and pounding pussy. :D
by the way im eating stake right now and smokin bud and pounding pussy right on :D


Active Member
Well yeah but if you do some simple math it might save you time if it is already bagged well thats just if your up in the sky's getting stacks
i see where your coming from cuz with the uh shit i forgot il get back to you later.
that's exactly what i was just thinking.


Breaking a bag is what a non sense thing .. . it cost a lot and think how someone made bags... you are destroying the imagination and innovative mind of someone's who is preparing the bags.
It is very small business but very effective and useful...think over it.