fluffy light buds 3 straight harvest....PLEASE HELP


I don't know what I'm doing wrong but this is my third harvest and everything looks good the triches are half amber half clear but my plants always come out fluffy NOT DENSE and not as potent as what I buy. I am using my closet which is 2 1/2 feet deep 4 feet wide I'm using a 600 watt HPS and 2 fans to help with heat I don't use nutes. Can anyone help me in what might cause light fluffy not sense and not as potent as possible bud? Or has anyone had this pproblem and been able to correct it?


New Member
if you want dense buds you need a 1000 watts or at least buy a cool tube so you can get the light closer to the plants. As for potency you need nutrients and if you want there are other additives that supposedly make your plant produce more and have more resin etc. Also watch your PH and PPM. On top of that you should have a lupe to look at the crystals to see if they're clear, cloudy, or amber. You want mostly cloudy or amber. Cloudy is THC amber is CBN which will couch lock you.


Well-Known Member
Well, its the light it gets man. I grew under floros, HPS, Ceramic Metal Halide and the sun.
The tightest buds were grown under the sun. My nephew just grew some real tight nugs under a 1000w
Kept the light close, like 16 inches and ended up with rock hard nugs.

Adding nurtients will help too. I know a good soil mix can take you all the way through the grow but adding bloom nutrients really does help.

Maybe wanna try some bloom nutes and air cooling the light and getting closer.


Well-Known Member
All good points... one thing I would like to add that has made a significant difference for me, is good ventilation in your grow-space. Make sure you have plenty of fresh-air entering your grow-room, and just as much (or even a tad more) air getting sucked out of the room. Fresh air and sufficient circulation helped my buds fill out exponentially better.

One other thing - try adding a few tablespoons of blackstrap molasses to your water during weeks 4+ of flower - you'll notice an increase in resin production as well as thicker buds.

Keep'er green! :leaf:


600 watt HPS is MORE then enough, believe that!

What genetics are you growing? some plants arent meant t get 'tight, you know. Even indica dom indica/sat hybrids will show fluffy nugs due to the Sat heritage, and furthermore fluffy sativa buds were some of the best ive ever smoked. ive grown plenty of fast hard tight indi's but it wasnt until i grew my own fluffy Sat nugs that i found that i didnt mind them fluffy at all.

id say you need a change up of genes. If thats not the case then i need more info about your set-up.


Well-Known Member
I agree with the above. Given the right strain you will get dense buds under a 600. Sativa strains and sativa dominant hybrids commonly produce airy buds and even indica buds can end up with a high leaf to calyx ratio. I think you shiould check your genetics and consider adding nutes particularly during the mid flowering phase.


Thanks ill keep all of this in mind my light is about 18 to 20 inches from the tops of my plant and I'm growing (what was told to me by a friend to be OG Kush) ill take some pics of the set up


now if that shit dont get tight then id say you'd have to get over your buddys house and tighten his ass up for putting you on a bum steer:fire::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I don't know what I'm doing wrong but this is my third harvest and everything looks good the triches are half amber half clear but my plants always come out fluffy NOT DENSE and not as potent as what I buy. I am using my closet which is 2 1/2 feet deep 4 feet wide I'm using a 600 watt HPS and 2 fans to help with heat I don't use nutes. Can anyone help me in what might cause light fluffy not sense and not as potent as possible bud? Or has anyone had this pproblem and been able to correct it?
Too hot bro giving you soft, spindly stringy weak buds.
Stop wasting your time and effort and risk and get a cooltube for the light, ducting the old hot air from the grow room and surrounding area(dump it in another room).Also you must have proper ventillation ,not just a couple fans blowing hot air around.Get and exhaust fan with ducting ,again outta the grow space and room. Do this and you will start getting hard nuggets, just like the pros.


Well-Known Member
If u cant get a cooltube in the closet ,make sure you get the exhaust fan duct and thermostat set at 75-80, the magic number for chunky rock hard buds.And get the rh to 40-50 with a small dehumidifier run at lights off placed high up in the grow closet.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I agree with the above. Given the right strain you will get dense buds under a 600. Sativa strains and sativa dominant hybrids commonly produce airy buds and even indica buds can end up with a high leaf to calyx ratio. I think you shiould check your genetics and consider adding nutes particularly during the mid flowering phase.
Sounds like your genetics. You got enough light sure as hell. I just can't get my mind around the whole "no nutes" thing tho....That makes no sense.


Active Member
yeah, u want to use some kind of nutes during flower ...

I used to use a 400hps in my closet(3x3x9) ...
i would grow 3 nice sized plants under it ...
in 5 gallon pots ...

My buds would come out some hard and some softer ...
like sais b4, its all about the genetics ...

Also, do listen about getting as much fresh air on them as u can ...
try not to just push the hot air around ...

I use a 1000dual arc bulb now and it still depends on the genes i think ...
i grew out some kush that had rock hard nugs and then i had a ak48 under the same light that came out fluffy as a feather ...

I do prefer the rock hard nugs rather then the fluffies ...
i guess i just haven't found that grat Sativa yet ...

Maybe this time i'll find a nice jack the ripper ...


Active Member
You want tight nugs, you need the genes, OG Kush should give you delicious tight nugs if grown correctly. So what does "correctly" mean? All plants grow by using a process called photosynthesis. For photosynthesis to work, 3 elements are needed, CO2, Light and water. CO2, If you do not have a sealed room with AC and CO2 ammendments then you need to exchange the CO2 depleted air between once and 4x per min. Calculate the volume of your room, decide how many times per min, multiply the two. Add 15% for any bends in your ducting and 25% if you have a carbon filter. Just using an oscillating fan will not replenish the CO2. Light, MJ needs a minimum of 3,000 lumens per sq ft of canopy in the blue (6,500k) spectrum while in veg and 5,ooo lumens per sq ft of canopy in the red/orange (2,500k) spectrum while in flower. You have a 600W light which will produce around 90,000 lumens. You have 10sq ft so you have plenty of light despite what someone said about needing a 1,000W. During veg, you can use a MH bulb in that light and get good results. Generally, airy buds are the result of either too little light, poor humidity or high temps. I will assume your water is good since it will take a long time to detail what constitutes "good" water. Thats the basics for growing however the environment needs to be good also, which means temps, humidity. Temp, as someone mentioned needs to be between 75 & 80 deg, with 78 being perfect. Humidity, should be in the 40% to 60% rh range. Get these wrong by 10% and it can cost something like 25% yield. (I tested this over a long period with several strains) So, you have light, CO2, water, temps, humidity and genetics. This is like saying to a human you have light, shelter, clothing, comfortable temps and humidity. But why isnt the human growing??? The poor thing is starving!!!! You MUST feed your plants. Even if this is time release fertiliser (for the stupid, idle people out there) your plants need food. The brand doesnt matter but companies like Advanced Nutrients, Canna, General Hydroponicws, Dutch Pro, Ionic etc all make products specifically formulated for our preferred plant. I would suggest using their expertise. Green mojo dude. W

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Yep, there are many factors that contribute to the problem, I don't think you can blame it all on genetics and it is not the light. I grow 6 plants under a 400 watter and the quality is amazing. It is an air cooled hood and I keep up on temps, humidity , PH and PPM. I also have plenty of fresh air coming into the room. Sometimes you just have to get back to basics. Start with good genetics and build from there. This is won in the planning phase. If this has been 3 grows in a row, at least it is consistent. Whatever the source(s) of the problem are, it has been there for 3 grows.


Active Member
Exactly!! Without Nutes it's just a regular weed. LoL
i agree,im no longer growing with my friend because he cheaps out alll the time,he has all kinds of nutes but doesnt want to use any.

stopped using 5gal filtered water and uses tap from the hose with a shower head on it

we buy all kinds of clones from diff med shops and only sometimes we get a plant that comes out super dank.

i can go on...but what im trying to say is most of it comes out like regular weed..so im taking my lights back,meds for the money ive put in and doing mine legit.

and if anyone wants to know which strains came out Dank without nutes the whole process,blue dream and green crack.


Ok yea ill try the exhaust fan I just read a lot of people using the back of the hand test, you know where you put your hand at the top of the plant and if its to hot for your hand then its to hot for your plant. Any idea as to what size or how strong it needs to be?