
How long will it take after using ph-down to notice an improvement??? This plants 3ft,and has only minor lockout,sum mottled green leaves,slight leaf cupping,sliht droopiness of top leaves???


Well-Known Member
Ph down will only lower your waters ph and not your soils.. what type of growing method are you using
ph down will only lower your waters ph and not your soils.. What type of growing method are you using
good old sunshine in 20 gallon totes,i added to much lime i think when i transplanted 5-days ago,so 2hrs ago i mixed 1 teaspoon of vinegar-6% acidicy to 2liters of water,and they have perked up already,i see a big diff already,i figured it would take a few days,so vinegar works for soil,right?i did;nt use ph-down my bad...whatcha think bout vinegar 2 go down,baking soda or lime to go up to correct ph issues? Also soil can be forgiving with minor mistakes,i've read that it's more of a shock thing 2 the plant if the ph changes fast,say 6ph in smaller pots then 2 a 7,7.5ph when i transplanted into totes,plants dont like big ph swings like that.i have 2 be more careful,it's hard 2 always do ev-thing rite when ya got 12,3-4ft plants,its a lot of soil 2 mix up transplnating 2 20 gallon totes,i ran out of my cured soil and hadda mix up more and i fucked up i guess by not measuring everything out cuz i was in a hurry.thanx for ur info-so ph up,down from hydro stores only treats ur feeding water,good 2 know.