We are not turning into nazi Germany (sarcastic)


Well-Known Member
We merged with them, We had started a lot of the research and formulated many of the ideas that the Nizis are known for, then after the war we brought some of them to work for us and we took all the research and technology we were able to recover after the war.


Well-Known Member
We merged with them, We had started a lot of the research and formulated many of the ideas that the Nizis are known for, then after the war we brought some of them to work for us and we took all the research and technology we were able to recover after the war.
Exactly, exactly.


Well-Known Member
to be fair using the internet to threaten somebody's life shouldn't be considered protected free speech, but the pushishment should fit the crime...

i think confiscation of the computer being used at the time of the offense is punishment enough.... jail time?? ridiculous....


Well-Known Member
to be fair using the internet to threaten somebody's life shouldn't be considered protected free speech, but the pushishment should fit the crime...

i think confiscation of the computer being used at the time of the offense is punishment enough.... jail time?? ridiculous....
Its either all ok to talk about or none of it is.
He was protected by freedom of speech, period.


Well-Known Member
Its either all ok to talk about or none of it is.
He was protected by freedom of speech, period.
language that threatens a person life isn't protected free speech. look it up.

that's why he's gonna sit in jail.

in this case, the punishment does not fit the crime. period.



Well-Known Member
I wonder how many times per day that free cop looks over his shoulder. One person spoke what thousands feel and he goes to Prison. This world we live in is a joke.

It will now become my new mission in life to scour all forums in the USA and try to get the FBI to arrest and prosecute every internet bully out there, this should fill our prisons to 5000% capacity with the multitudes of idiot young males who threaten each others lives every day in some stupid flame war. That should be excellent use of the Taxpayers money don't you agree? Instead of Roads and clean water we can have 1/2 the population in prison with the other half the guards, think of the utopia!!!

That second paragraph is facetious.


Well-Known Member
I wonder how many times per day that free cop looks over his shoulder. One person spoke what thousands feel and he goes to Prison. This world we live in is a joke.

It will now become my new mission in life to scour all forums in the USA and try to get the FBI to arrest and prosecute every internet bully out there, this should fill our prisons to 5000% capacity with the multitudes of idiot young males who threaten each others lives every day in some stupid flame war. That should be excellent use of the Taxpayers money don't you agree? Instead of Roads and clean water we can have 1/2 the population in prison with the other half the guards, think of the utopia!!!

That second paragraph is facetious.
Would this be a way to stimulate to full employment? If half is in prison and the other half guards then we have fixed unemployment.


Well-Known Member
I can say im going to kill someone all day every day and i shall never be punished ever!
The first amendment is a beautiful thing.


Well-Known Member
You cannot say freedom of speech is okay until you say a certain thing, that isn't how freedom or the constitution works.


Well-Known Member
You cannot say freedom of speech is okay until you say a certain thing, that isn't how freedom or the constitution works.
go yell "fire" in a crowded theatre then.

i'll bail you out after, but only under the pretense of bacon being provided to me in large quantities once we get home.

just as your right to be a bigot ends when it causes harm to others, so does your freedom of speech. look it up.

you have once again exposed your ignorance.


Well-Known Member
I like how the FBi monitors infowars.com it makes alex jones even more credible.
The government knows the time of revolution is a foot, and are trying to stop it, they can not have their regime and gangster buddies threatened by the peasant scum (average fed up american)
When it is our duty as we the people to look out for perversions and corruptions to our constitution, government and freedom. This country is becoming more and more unrecognizable.
Revolution is our right, it is our duty to hold those involved in treason accountable, but not in the fascist states of america.


Well-Known Member
go yell "fire" in a crowded theatre then.

i'll bail you out after, but only under the pretense of bacon being provided to me in large quantities once we get home.

just as your right to be a bigot ends when it causes harm to others, so does your freedom of speech. look it up.

you have once again exposed your ignorance.
were shall i make the distinction? Mr. freedom of speech is only good up until the point you offend others?
Part of freedom and speech and our first amendment is tolerating things being said you dont like.
Once again you display your liberty killing thinking pattern.


Well-Known Member
I like how the FBi monitors infowars.com it makes alex jones even more credible.
their time would be much better spent checking out "my little pony" message boards instead of the stomping ground for heavily armed dolts that are too dumb to realize that alex jones is whipping them into a frenzy so he can further line his pockets.

The government knows the time of revolution is a foot, and are trying to stop it, they can not have their regime and gangster buddies threatened by the peasant scum (average fed up american)
When it is our duty as we the people to look out for perversions and corruptions to our constitution, government and freedom. This country is becoming more and more unrecognizable.
Revolution is our right, it is our duty to hold those involved treason accountable, but not in the fascist states of america.
go take on the full force of the united states army then.

quit squawking about your revolution from behind your computer screen (while you collect unemployment checks from the government :lol:) and go fight.

otherwise, you are just some big talk, no action little pussy.


Well-Known Member
were shall i make the distinction? Mr. freedom of speech is only good up until the point you offend others?
Part of freedom and speech and our first amendment is tolerating things being said you dont like.
Once again you display your liberty killing thinking pattern.
once again you expose yourself for the dullard you are.

i did not say "offend", i said "cause harm" :dunce:

my thought pattern does not kill liberty, it preserves it. i should have the right not be harmed by the speech of someone else.


Well-Known Member
i was going to leave your little revolutionary circle jerk over-embellishing exaggerated alex jones tribute alone, but you totally butchered the true meaning of freedom of speech.


Well-Known Member
their time would be much better spent checking out "my little pony" message boards instead of the stomping ground for heavily armed dolts that are too dumb to realize that alex jones is whipping them into a frenzy so he can further line his pockets.

go take on the full force of the united states army then.

quit squawking about your revolution from behind your computer screen (while you collect unemployment checks from the government :lol:) and go fight.

otherwise, you are just some big talk, no action little pussy.
The military is primarily made up of average american people. When the time comes, hopefully the good will go home and protect their families.
They were monitoring infowars.com comments.
Why would they uncle buckie?
You don't think what has happened and is happening all over the world cant happen here?
I am with the tea party manifesto, i am revolution.
I advocate everything liberty and constitution, im doing my part for now.


Well-Known Member
once again you expose yourself for the dullard you are.

i did not say "offend", i said "cause harm" :dunce:

my thought pattern does not kill liberty, it preserves it. i should have the right not be harmed by the speech of someone else.
How exactly is freedom of speech going to harm you buckie?
That makes no sense unless your wittle feewings get aw hurt, that doesn't count buddy.
To imagine freedom of speech harming others, you got screws loose.


Well-Known Member
They were monitoring infowars.com comments.
Why would they uncle buckie?
like i said, it is because it is a hotbed full of heavily-armed dolts like yourself who actually buy into whatever tale alex jones spins.

You don't think what has happened and is happening all over the world cant happen here?
I am with the tea party manifesto, i am revolution.
I advocate everything liberty and constitution, im doing my part for now.
you're just sitting around, collecting an unemployment check, playing tough guy behind a computer screen.

you wouldn't pull any revolution shit because you need your little unemployment check from the government :lol:

you don't even know the limits of the first amendment with respect to freedom of speech.

why don't you go look for a job instead of plotting your revolution on a pot growing website while you suck in the government cheese.