LSD thought loops

I've been in thought loops a few times when taking LSD in the 450 to 550 microgram range, its very frustrating and can limit the potential of the remainder of the trip if you can't let it go. I have always been under the impression that to break the loop you need to get to the root of the unresolved question inside your Head and truthfully answer it to yourself, then I think your sub-conscious mind lets the issue go. My uncle however, a tripper during the 70's where microdots in the UK where very powerful told me the best thing to do is break the loop. Like, leave, do something unexpected and forget the issue causing the loop. Who here thinks you should break the loop or look for an answer why it happened?
First of all, I get thought loops with Shrooms pretty bad, not LSD, not even at that dose. But it really depends. In the long run it might be better to answer the question, but at the same time, theres no need to have an intire trip dedicated to answering it. Unless you wanted to of course..
Looking for an answer to a senseless thing is just as senseless as the thing to begin with.
Loops are just meaningless. They happen occasionally when I am out and about, I stop them as soon as I notice them. Its either from conditioning or just what we do to fill time when were thinking.

Get out. Quick!!;)
ime its better to just let it go, tell yourself it was something pointless and know that it doesnt matter. try to center yourself. ive seen people almost go crazy looking to answer that question.
Yeah, I've got round too that way of thinking too. Last time I was looping I didn't realize until my girlfriend says I was repeating myself but at the back of my mind I wonder if I was or if because she said I was it influenced my memory, the trip and infact created the loop. However it can be very frustrating, almost worrying even, when you almost get to your point and you forget what you were saying and then realize it was at the same point in the sentence you blanked out the last five times lol
My two buddies did shrooms and acid (first time for both of them doing both drugs) and they both got stuck in the same exact loop, but it was fucked up cuz at the end of the loop they would figure out they were in a loop, than it would start aaaallll over and they would have a 20 second conversation then realize it again... Was fucked up lol
I've been in thought loops a few times when taking LSD in the 450 to 550 microgram range, its very frustrating and can limit the potential of the remainder of the trip if you can't let it go. I have always been under the impression that to break the loop you need to get to the root of the unresolved question inside your Head and truthfully answer it to yourself, then I think your sub-conscious mind lets the issue go. My uncle however, a tripper during the 70's where microdots in the UK where very powerful told me the best thing to do is break the loop. Like, leave, do something unexpected and forget the issue causing the loop. Who here thinks you should break the loop or look for an answer why it happened?
I know exactly what you mean, I got on one about catch 22 and how everything is a catch 22
Yup i been in the horror loop. Lsd at 550mcg

It was truly horrific. I say the lsd shows you whats holding you back in life for true potential and you have to fix it.

Theres no way you can blow off what lucy is showing you. My last trip was almost the death of me it was so horrible. But i have over came what it bestowed on me and i feel so much better now.

Bad trip = great returns if you take what lsd showed you in that nightmare and fix it.
Yup i been in the horror loop. Lsd at 550mcg

It was truly horrific. I say the lsd shows you whats holding you back in life for true potential and you have to fix it.

Theres no way you can blow off what lucy is showing you. My last trip was almost the death of me it was so horrible. But i have over came what it bestowed on me and i feel so much better now.

Bad trip = great returns if you take what lsd showed you in that nightmare and fix it.

Time ... I know that your last trip had an impact. You have not been the same since. You seem way more 'chill' in a good way.
I always wanted to ask you for a report on that experience ... but figured YOU needed some time to digest THAT experience.
Good to see YOU my friend ... and thank you for your thoughts on the subject !

Loops is where YOU actually get to learn about YOURSELF.

my girlfriend and I had to trip with 2 of my buddies in an "old chop" loop. Saying it in every sentence for 4 hours in a hotel room. thats a trip downer
Time ... I know that your last trip had an impact. You have not been the same since. You seem way more 'chill' in a good way.
I always wanted to ask you for a report on that experience ... but figured YOU needed some time to digest THAT experience.
Good to see YOU my friend ... and thank you for your thoughts on the subject !

Loops is where YOU actually get to learn about YOURSELF.


TBH it would be impossible for me to give a full detailed report. It was basically pure hell. the loops where like reality. so vivid. i was looping that i had no friends and a 100% shattered ego. kept looping like i was to be alone forever. i got extremly depressed. if i owned a gun i would have offed me. but i got my sister to come over to help me out thankfully! <3. so then i took 2 ativan and passed out. man oh man i havnt done psychedelics since then. which was about 4-5 weeks ago. dont plan to for a long time either. i think it was lucy was of telling me i was abusing drugs far to much which i was and i need to quit. so i did. thanks for caring p fish<3!
that shits scary and it happens to the best of us. usually its your own fault youre embarrased but you were on acid and not making rational thoughts. The most important rule of using acid is to not dwell on dark thoughts or else it can feel like youre dying. Nothings is more difficult than tripping hard and trying to figure out 'ways to make the trip less intense', let alone putting that thought together and into words!
Looping is what LSD is all about.
Time .... I take YOU 10 times more seriously today ... as YOU have been humbled ..... AND GET IT.
But this experience makes YOU 100 more powerful in terms of what YOU have to share.
And in terms of what YOU have learned about yourself.

I love looping ... and getting out of them ... that is when I know ... I have reached 'BAT COUNTRY'
It takes a long time to learn how to get out of them.

LSD at high dose is not to be toyed with. Maiming ONEs EGO is a very powerful experience.
It will change your life.
That is why ONE can not just give tabs to people who are not ready.
Without some sort of education/guidance/counseling beforehand.
Kids that speak of getting 'thumb printed' make me snicker ...
People who feed friends LSD without warning make me sad ...

Puff and 1022 you both make valid point.

I guess i lacked the power to realize these loops were fake. It was so real it was real lol

Yeah i went into that trip thinking this will be nothing. Oh boy i was wrong. For sure big doses of lsd are NOT to be fucked with unless your ready to see the light.
TBH it would be impossible for me to give a full detailed report. It was basically pure hell. the loops where like reality. so vivid. i was looping that i had no friends and a 100% shattered ego. kept looping like i was to be alone forever. i got extremly depressed. if i owned a gun i would have offed me. but i got my sister to come over to help me out thankfully! <3. so then i took 2 ativan and passed out. man oh man i havnt done psychedelics since then. which was about 4-5 weeks ago. dont plan to for a long time either. i think it was lucy was of telling me i was abusing drugs far to much which i was and i need to quit. so i did. thanks for caring p fish<3!

Around the same time that I got into psychedelics, I was also contemplating getting a gun... I went with psychedelics ;)

I've yet to experience these loops on acid. But I have before on shrooms. I couldnt get out of the loop for several reasons. It was a spur of the moment trip, and it was not planned well at all. Also, I don't think I had as much control over my mind at that point in my life.

Does DMT cause thought loops?
NP R U playing with a new potion ?
No loops with DMT ... but it takes some time to
break through into hyper-space.

U got to train yourself to inhale D as U vaporize ...

NP R U playing with a new potion ?
No loops with DMT ... but it takes some time to
break through into hyper-space.

U got to train yourself to inhale D as U vaporize ...


One of my friends said Heavy D might be paying him a visit in the near future.... If he actually is able to get it, I may experiment in a couple weeks after the semester is over. I have a very hard time not trying a substance when I first get it, but with DMT, rushing into a trip could be disastrous... But I will admit, I've already started preparing "the machine". Maybe I'm getting a little ahead of myself here! If I can't resist smoking DMT right when I get it, then I'm probably not ready for what it has to show me...

DMT of the 4-aco variety is also on the menu for sometime in august ;)