We are not turning into nazi Germany (sarcastic)


Well-Known Member
How exactly is freedom of speech going to harm you buckie?
That makes no sense unless your wittle feewings get aw hurt, that doesn't count buddy.
To imagine freedom of speech harming others, you got screws loose.
someone yells "fire" in a crowded theatre, people get trampled.

this is just basic shit. freedom of speech is not unabridged :dunce:


Well-Known Member
like i said, it is because it is a hotbed full of heavily-armed dolts like yourself who actually buy into whatever tale alex jones spins.

you're just sitting around, collecting an unemployment check, playing tough guy behind a computer screen.

you wouldn't pull any revolution shit because you need your little unemployment check from the government :lol:

you don't even know the limits of the first amendment with respect to freedom of speech.

why don't you go look for a job instead of plotting your revolution on a pot growing website while you suck in the government cheese.
Why dont you get a job rather than sitting on a growing site bashing liberty?
You dont know if im still collecting UI, so piss off.:finger:
Your explanation for why they are monitoring infowars is extremely laughable.:lol:


Well-Known Member
Alex jones tribute?
Your lost and confused thanks for stopping by.
i'm not the one who doesn't understand how freedom of speech works :lol:

i'm also not the one plotting a revolution against the government on a pot growing website while collecting an unemployment check from the government :lol:

go look for a job.


Well-Known Member
Besides unemployment is state ran and me and my employer paid into it.
As if the Federal government hand dilivers my checks when they have nada to do with my checks.


Well-Known Member
Why dont you get a job rather than sitting on a growing site bashing liberty?
You dont know if im still collecting UI, so piss off.:finger:
Your explanation for why they are monitoring infowars is extremely laughable.:lol:
i have a job.

last time i heard you were still sucking on the government teet, so to hear you plotting your revolution is completely ironic and laughable.

you have me on that last point, the government would have much more luck monitoring comments on 'my little pony' message boards :dunce:


Well-Known Member
Besides unemployment is state ran and me and my employer paid into it.
As if the Federal government hand dilivers my checks when they have nada to do with my checks.
only the first 6 months is from the state, sometimes less.

after that you are sucking off the federal government's tit.

i bet you were born in 1989, have worked a few years, and sucked way more out of unemployment than you ever paid in.

better start a revolution, eh? :dunce:


Well-Known Member
only the first 6 months is from the state, sometimes less.

after that you are sucking off the federal government's tit.

i bet you were born in 1989, have worked a few years, and sucked way more out of unemployment than you ever paid in.

better start a revolution, eh? :dunce:
I wouldn't need to even look into UI if it weren't for this federal goon squad banker take over engineering it now would i?
I have never had to collect in my life, until now, so there you have it.
Same goes with everyone else i know in this horrible engineered jobless economy.
Your stuck in some other hemisphere where you dont see the whole picture.
The time depending on how long you worked is how long you collect and not every state has federal extensions.
What makes you think i am born in 1989?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't need to even look into UI if it weren't for this federal goon squad banker take over engineering it now would i?
I have never had to collect in my life, until now, so there you have it.
Same goes with everyone else i know in this horrible engineered jobless economy.
Your stuck in some other hemisphere where you dont see the whole picture.
The time depending on how long you worked is how long you collect and not every state has federal extensions.
What makes you think i am born in 1989?
ha, that's rich.

you don't have a job and it's not because you sit around on a computer all day, plotting your revolution, collecting your unemployment check from the government....it is because some nefarious kabal engineered your job away.

that is a hell of a lot of personal responsibility you are taking there :lol:


Well-Known Member
ha, that's rich.

you don't have a job and it's not because you sit around on a computer all day, plotting your revolution, collecting your unemployment check from the government....it is because some nefarious kabal engineered your job away.

that is a hell of a lot of personal responsibility you are taking there :lol:
There you go again assuming things.:roll:


Well-Known Member
ha, that's rich.

you don't have a job and it's not because you sit around on a computer all day, plotting your revolution, collecting your unemployment check from the government....it is because some nefarious kabal engineered your job away.

that is a hell of a lot of personal responsibility you are taking there :lol:
Im not into your collectivism.
I know for a fact banksters are why our country is in the shape its in and headed, make no mistake.
Its loud and clear.


Well-Known Member
like i said, it is because it is a hotbed full of heavily-armed dolts like yourself who actually buy into whatever tale alex jones spins.

you're just sitting around, collecting an unemployment check, playing tough guy behind a computer screen.

you wouldn't pull any revolution shit because you need your little unemployment check from the government :lol:

you don't even know the limits of the first amendment with respect to freedom of speech.

why don't you go look for a job instead of plotting your revolution on a pot growing website while you suck in the government cheese.
Alex jones spins?
He just emphasizes and exploits what government and media briefly touch on themselves.
it is a hotbed full of heavily-armed dolts like yourself ?
Haha, again extremely laughable buckie.:roll::lol:


Well-Known Member
Im not into your collectivism.
I know for a fact banksters are why our country is in the shape its in and headed, make no mistake.
Its loud and clear.
if you're not into collectivism, take personal responsibility for your individual situation in life and admit that YOU are responsible for YOU not having a job and collecting money from the government that you want to overthrow.


Well-Known Member
People are out to make the government look bad, lol
Buckie will save the government because he knows they aren't all that bad, and these people saying other wise, well, they're just crazy. :dunce: