We are not turning into nazi Germany (sarcastic)


Well-Known Member
1913 explains it all.
Get you ass out of 1913.
73 people dead because someone yelled fire in a crowded theater.

yet your mind goes directly to conspiracy theories. it must have been the banksters that yelled fire, and then they went mad on power and formed the federal reserve!

you are a funny guy. pathetic, but funny.


Well-Known Member
73 people dead because someone yelled fire in a crowded theater.

yet your mind goes directly to conspiracy theories. it must have been the banksters that yelled fire, and then they went mad on power and formed the federal reserve!

you are a funny guy. pathetic, but funny.
Buckie im not even shitting you, this wouldn't happen in todays time, face facts.
Well you cant.
Conspiracy theory? lol your the funny one.
Here ill post this again just for you buckie.
"Conspiracy Theorists"
A name to label someone, or something who, "points out the tens of thousands of lies, cover ups and denials of both government, and media, also points to the inconsistencies, contradictions, and all out blatant lies ".
The name is typically given by someone, who, is generally a spectator, or apart of a mass population with the same lower frequency brainwave, who, to them these matters go unnoticed, and unrecognized, no matter how obvious, and or relevant the case, or specific situation, even with government documentation and proof. Denial, and pre-implemented thought (i.e. brainwashing,influencing,manipulated), is generally the thesis for this behavior pattern and psychological psychosis.
These behavior patterns and psychological psychosis, can also be tied to the way ,one will deny all facts if it does not fit into ones own world view, which increasingly, becomes a stronger, more dominant behavior/psychosis, the more this ritual is participated in by the participant.
(Example: Consider how, when the jet hit the twin towers, in the disaster of 9/11. Government claims they found the passport to one of the hijackers in the street below. When one with common since, and logic, would know, it is impossible for a piece paper to somehow fly out a burning, exploding, fire ball of a plane as it collides with the building, which in turn reduced the skyscraper to mere filth. Ones who would point at someone and plead, "Conspiracy Theory" at the common since aspect of this example, would beg to differ that somehow, it is indeed possible for a piece of paper, to fly through the fuselage of an exploding plane, through the fiery jet fuel explosion, then through the building and all the debris, to perfectly land down on the street below, unharmed in any way. Even though there is staggering evidence supporting that cannot, and will not happen, they continue to believe that it actually and factually did.)
"Conspiracy Theorists" or so they are labeled, just as anyone who gets labeled to try and discredit their reputation. When in fact it is just a stereotype, to rationalize ones ignorance. Or ones need to just feel important. Only to, in turn to look idiotic, and absolutely foolish as they go on spatting words like "conspiracy theorists" or "conspiracy theory".


Well-Known Member
like i said, it is because it is a hotbed full of heavily-armed dolts like yourself who actually buy into whatever tale alex jones spins.

you're just sitting around, collecting an unemployment check, playing tough guy behind a computer screen.

you wouldn't pull any revolution shit because you need your little unemployment check from the government :lol:

you don't even know the limits of the first amendment with respect to freedom of speech.

why don't you go look for a job instead of plotting your revolution on a pot growing website while you suck in the government cheese.
Who exactly are you to dictate what i am typing about in the politics section of the forum?
Revolution shit? wow that says allot, i think we all know what you're about with your collectivism and sensationalism. :roll:


Well-Known Member
fluoride is a conspiracy to give us chemical lobotomies and make us passive and turn us into nazi germany.

they are engineering joblessness so that you sit around collecting unemployment and talking about revolution on pot websites instead of looking for a job.

whites are the most persecuted people in america and blacks were better off as slaves.

also, you can say whatever you want, even it it causes harm to others, because the constitution protects all speech whatsoever.

you are compiling an awesome list of awesome.


Well-Known Member
Fluoride causes ten fold increase in bone cancer and is a main ingrediant in Xanax and other anti anxiety medication.
The banker take over is here, shit, go to drudge report and just look at it all, make no mistake.
I can type about politics in the politics section of this forum.
Whites are persecuted more now than any other race in the USA, first hand experience being a minority and how that comes into play.
You cant start putting restrictions on freedom of speech because then we limit it more and more... until there is nothing left.
Your ignorant sensationalism and collectivism has no place in America.
My s.u.v causes climate change, ah durpee durr :dunce:


Well-Known Member
If these people were white they would have all been arrested, period. Most of these people are illegal.


Well-Known Member
Fluoride causes ten fold increase in bone cancer and is a main ingrediant in Xanax and other anti anxiety medication.
not harmful when diluted to parts per million. if you want to say it is, than i have some scary facts about bananas for you. :lol:

The banker take over is here, shit, go to drudge report and just look at it all, make no mistake.
i got up when i pleased, made myself a sandwich, and watched my chicken hatch a duck. no bankers were involved in this.

Whites are persecuted more now than any other race in the USA, first hand experience being a minority and how that comes into play.
go tell a black person how bad you have it compared to them :lol:

You cant start putting restrictions on freedom of speech because then we limit it more and more... until there is nothing left.
we put restrictions on freedom of speech about 100 years ago. we seem to be doing fine.

Your ignorant sensationalism and collectivism has no place in America.
your ignorance of the limits of freedom of speech and ridiculous view that blacks would be better off as slaves have no place anywhere in this world.

now let me utilize my freedom of speech and suggest that you do us favor and never breed. in fact, lock yourself in a dark box and don't come out. you are a blight on this country.


Well-Known Member
If these people were white they would have all been arrested, period. Most of these people are illegal.
look how persecuted these poor white people are

our freedom of speech totally went to shit after they started limiting it nearly a century ago :lol:


Well-Known Member
Your ignorant sensationalism and collectivism has no place in America.
My s.u.v causes climate change, ah durpee durr :dunce:
how do you afford an suv on unemployment? :lol:

and you accuse me of sensationalism yet have no problem bandying about alex jones?

boy, he has you brainwashed. good little pawn.


Well-Known Member
not harmful when diluted to parts per million. if you want to say it is, than i have some scary facts about bananas for you. :lol:

i got up when i pleased, made myself a sandwich, and watched my chicken hatch a duck. no bankers were involved in this.

go tell a black person how bad you have it compared to them :lol:

we put restrictions on freedom of speech about 100 years ago. we seem to be doing fine.

your ignorance of the limits of freedom of speech and ridiculous view that blacks would be better off as slaves have no place anywhere in this world.

now let me utilize my freedom of speech and suggest that you do us favor and never breed. in fact, lock yourself in a dark box and don't come out. you are a blight on this country.
Its in the PPM of what they currently dose at that is causing the 10x increase in bone cancer.
What does the banksters enslaving this nation to debt have to do with your chicken and sandwich?
Things are taken out incrementally not all at once.


Well-Known Member
Exactly religious beliefes dont get persecuted by the government, try again.
nor do political beliefs, as in the video you posted.

only speech that poses the potential for harm does.

so, you gonna sit on the computer all day, look for a job, or start a revolution?


Well-Known Member
Watch and weep dummy.
All these videos are of peaceful American assembly.
The mexicans being foul mouthed pigs calling the police satan dont get arrested, when they are illegal aliens on top of it.





Well-Known Member
nor do political beliefs, as in the video you posted.

only speech that poses the potential for harm does.

so, you gonna sit on the computer all day, look for a job, or start a revolution?
Thats where your wrong.
Political wont be persecuted if your a minority or illegal.
If your white, watch the FUCK OUT!