We are not turning into nazi Germany (sarcastic)


Well-Known Member
So who controlls all this? Who is calling the shots? The banks? China? Rothchilds? Bilderberg? It's crazy and pretty plain to see. I wonder when they'll start rounding people up and who will be first to go and what reason they will use to gain major approval.
if we were already nazi germany, as the OP asserts, they would already be rounding up the political dissenters and undesirables.

so much for america = nazi germany.


Well-Known Member
how can you abide by the constitution when earlier in this thread you got caught with your pants down about knowing what types of speech it protects?

and why do you cash unemployment checks from the federal goons? why don't you go out and get a job instead of whining about your shitty life of persecution from behind a computer screen?

if you're not going to go look for a fucking job, at least go start the revolution already, sport.
I am spreding the good word through grass roots movements and you dont know how i live my life and what moral concepts i actively peruse in my community.

There you go again assuming things like UI buckie.
Its all in your head man.
I still dont agree in limiting freedom of speech.
Nor did i get criminal charges when i yelled "fire!" in a crowded theater or when i was in third grade and pulled the fire alarm causing everybody to rush outside.
All in your head, wake up and smell the coffee.


Well-Known Member
did they burn inanimate objects, or people?

i would say the former is not violent, but the latter is.
Ok i want you to grab a megaphone and start spouting in your sensationalism and collectivism brain pattern aloud for all to hear while lighting something on fire.
Ill bail you out if you admit i was damn right.


Well-Known Member
I am spreding the good word through grass roots movements and you dont know how i live my life and what moral concepts i actively peruse in my community.

There you go again assuming things like UI buckie.
Its all in your head man.
I still dont agree in limiting freedom of speech.
Nor did i get criminal charges when i yelled "fire!" in a crowded theater or when i was in third grade and pulled the fire alarm causing everybody to rush outside.
All in your head, wake up and smell the coffee.
you've already admitted you take unemployment insurance :lol:

and pulling a false fire alarm is an offense of some sort, perhaps you did not get in too much trouble because you were just a kid who rode the short bus.

i mean, you seem to live in a state of moral confusion as a supposed adult, it might just be a continuation from your childhood.


Well-Known Member
if public displays of arson are violent, then those G20 protesters had it coming. they were lighting all types of shit on fire and vandalizing property.
Propaganda lies.
Do you realize that in reports and training memos, the police them selves send in their own uc's to do exactly what you just said as an excuse for what these police are doing.
You are so full of shit.
I dont have your problem of thinking and decoding reality as mainstream media tells you to.


Well-Known Member
Ok i want you to grab a megaphone and start spouting in your sensationalism and collectivism brain pattern aloud for all to hear while lighting something on fire.
Ill bail you out if you admit i was damn right.
why would you bail me out? i have a duck that just hatched, i'll be home all night tending to it and making sure it is warm enough.

i doubt you'll get in much trouble unless you spout off about how blacks were better off as slaves and this country is equivalent to nazi germany.


Well-Known Member
Propaganda lies.
Do you realize that in reports and training memos, the police them selves send in their own uc's to do exactly what you just said as an excuse for what these police are doing.
You are so full of shit.
I dont have your problem of thinking and decoding reality as mainstream media tells you to.
it's never your fault.

you lost your job to globalist bankers, and the G20 protesters were framed by the police.

and you are the most persecuted person in the country :cry:

poor, poor you. it must be so fucking tough to be a white male nowadays.


Well-Known Member
you've already admitted you take unemployment insurance :lol:

and pulling a false fire alarm is an offense of some sort, perhaps you did not get in too much trouble because you were just a kid who rode the short bus.

i mean, you seem to live in a state of moral confusion as a supposed adult, it might just be a continuation from your childhood.
You are assuming im still collecting proving again you don't know shit.
Even if i were, your argument is futile, because banksters and federal goverment had nothing to do with my checks as i already pointed out.


Well-Known Member
why would you bail me out? i have a duck that just hatched, i'll be home all night tending to it and making sure it is warm enough.

i doubt you'll get in much trouble unless you spout off about how blacks were better off as slaves and this country is equivalent to nazi germany.
You play just like the mainstream media plays. Its quite funny really.
Twist and turn this here. make this up here, and leave this detail out there. (sensationalism)


Well-Known Member
why would you bail me out? i have a duck that just hatched, i'll be home all night tending to it and making sure it is warm enough.

i doubt you'll get in much trouble unless you spout off about how blacks were better off as slaves and this country is equivalent to nazi germany.
Oh really? more collectivist sensationalism bullshit.
I have you all figured out buckie.
Even if i were to start spouting those things off, how would that get me persecuted?
Your sensationalism has no place with me.


Well-Known Member
You are assuming im still collecting proving again you don't know shit.
Even if i were, your argument is futile, because banksters and federal goverment had nothing to do with my checks as i already pointed out.
i thought you said the banksters and globalists took your job or engineered it away, leading you to suck off the tit for a while and play on the computer instead of getting a job.

in any case, please do let me know when they start rounding up the jews again. you seem to know everything and have it all figured out, and my wife and i being jewish and all, well, we sure would appreciate the neighborly heads up from you.

thanks in advance,



Well-Known Member
you've already admitted you take unemployment insurance :lol:

and pulling a false fire alarm is an offense of some sort, perhaps you did not get in too much trouble because you were just a kid who rode the short bus.

i mean, you seem to live in a state of moral confusion as a supposed adult, it might just be a continuation from your childhood.
Oh brother, you got screws loose.


Well-Known Member
i thought you said the banksters and globalists took your job or engineered it away, leading you to suck off the tit for a while and play on the computer instead of getting a job.

in any case, please do let me know when they start rounding up the jews again. you seem to know everything and have it all figured out, and my wife and i being jewish and all, well, we sure would appreciate the neighborly heads up from you.

thanks in advance,

Here i will make it real simple for you.
My previous employer + state + UI + me = My check
Bankster ran, bankster interest federal government = job loss.
Get it?


Well-Known Member
Oh brother, you got screws loose.
at least i understand free speech.

next time you are on a plane, yell "bomb" and see what happens.

or, easier yet, go to the supermarket at the 5pm rush and start yelling "fuck you, fuck this, fuck that, fuck bankers, fuck globalists!"

hell, you can even just start yelling really loud about how much you love america, i bet the same result would happen: disturbing the peace.

although i would like it more if you yelled about how persecuted you are and how blacks were better off as slaves. that would be a hilarious ass whooping to witness.


Well-Known Member
Here i will make it real simple for you.
My previous employer + state + UI + me = My check
Bankster ran, bankster interest federal government = job loss.
Get it?
i get it.

you sit here on a pot website bickering with me about the revolution you are going to start, funded by your unemployment check, setting out to take down those that supply your unemployment check.

go get a job.

the bums will always lose.


Well-Known Member
i get it.

you sit here on a pot website bickering with me about the revolution you are going to start, funded by your unemployment check, setting out to take down those that supply your unemployment check.

go get a job.

the bums will always lose.
How do you know i dont have a job?
I actually like this thread, has some good info flowing in it as it becomes an archive that Google can locate with a few key words. :wink:
Nothing about me and what im typing says what you're trying to say, you're twisting this here, turning that there and leaving this detail out over here. (sensationalism):-|