We are not turning into nazi Germany (sarcastic)


Well-Known Member
you sit here on a pot website bickering with me about the revolution you are going to start, funded by your unemployment check, setting out to take down those that supply your unemployment check..
I can't rep you U.B. but you rule.
As far as your side, while i disagree with the left on most issues, the good thing for you is they will always win for the reason highlighted by your quote- Most people will vote for their wallet every time.


Well-Known Member
Revolution is our American duty as wethepeople.
Periodic revolution, “at least once every 20 years,” was “a medicine necessary for the sound health of government.” - Thomas Jefferson
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." - Thomas Jefferson


Well-Known Member
Revolution is our American duty as wethepeople.
Periodic revolution, “at least once every 20 years,” was “a medicine necessary for the sound health of government.” - Thomas Jefferson
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." - Thomas Jefferson
2012 modern industrial society =/= 1800 agrarian society


Well-Known Member
all true.

you said blacks were better off as slaves. anyone can click my sig and see the full quote, it doesn't mitigate the abhorrent racism in that remark.

you are unemployed last i heard, unless you want to tell me different now.

you clearly did not know that there were limits on what types of speech were protected and which were not, that much is evident to anyone who reads the first 20 posts here.

that is not sensationalism, that is truth that you simply don't like.


Well-Known Member
you have also claimed before that slaves and slave owners had equal starts in life. you are a wealth of idiotic quotes!

i only wish my signature line could contain all of them. but alas....


Well-Known Member
All i have to do is outline your incredible delusions of sensationalism and that is all.
The spirit of 1776 is more alive than ever.
1776, 1776, 1776 !
you are deluded. i mean that in the kindest way possible.

good luck starting your revolution with your unemployment check and a thread on a pot growing website :lol:

i hear starving armies are not effective fighting units against the strongest army in the world


Well-Known Member
all true.

you said blacks were better off as slaves. anyone can click my sig and see the full quote, it doesn't mitigate the abhorrent racism in that remark.

you are unemployed last i heard, unless you want to tell me different now.

you clearly did not know that there were limits on what types of speech were protected and which were not, that much is evident to anyone who reads the first 20 posts here.

that is not sensationalism, that is truth that you simply don't like.
My first hand experience says its not true.
Your media lies and propaganda is sensationalism.
These provisions on freedom of speech are incrementally destroying our constitution.
You think that because our constitution is old and being perverted you can swoop in and spout your sensationalism ideas then others that are just as dumb will follow suit.


Well-Known Member
you are deluded. i mean that in the kindest way possible.

good luck starting your revolution with your unemployment check and a thread on a pot growing website :lol:

i hear starving armies are not effective fighting units against the strongest army in the world
Haha we have been over this buckie.
Why do you play like that?


Well-Known Member
My first hand experience says its not true.
Your media lies and propaganda is sensationalism.
These provisions on freedom of speech are incrementally destroying our constitution.
You think that because our constitution is old and being perverted you can swoop in and spout your sensationalism ideas then others that are just as dumb will follow suit.
please just let me know when they come for the jews.