bigger pond, bigger fish

technically speaking if a fish is brought up in a big pond it is bigger than the same breed of fish if it grew in a smaller pond, does the same apply to seeds and plant pots ??? if i plant a germinated seed in a big pot will it grow bigger?


Active Member
Yes because the roots will have more room to grow and will not be stressed due to root binding.


Rebel From The North
to see if it roots faster, waiting for roots to make it all the way out of a large container doesnt
he;p with sorting out dud plants


Well-Known Member
bingo :) so why do people always seem to always start of in cup size pots ?
To reduce overwatering. When you start in a small pot, it gets a good chance do dry in 3-4 days which is ideal, the plant is tiny and uses little water.If you start a tiny seedling in a huge pot it will take a month of sundays to dry ,staying too wet not allowing enough air to the root system. Cant compare ganja to a fishy in a pond.