The Worst Turn of Events For a Young and Excited Grower


Active Member
Well today I was awoken by my roomate (at 2pm..lazyass) and he said "the house (we leased) was being put back on the market, even though 8 weeks ago we we're promised it would be kept off for the entirity of our lease and I decided to take full advantage.

However, with realtors and potential buyers now being permitted to enter my home whenever they so choose with nothing more than an hours notice (so pissed) I have been forced to get the drill and tear down my grow room, take my vegging plants and...I suppose plant them outside? Oh dear lord this is awful.

Also took down my 600w and glad i saved the boxes for them.

Atleast I had the time to take it down, but I'm so disheartened after my first grow was really getting off to a great start and had such a beautiful grow room and setup.

.....I hope this never happens to any of you, ever!


Active Member
That's shitty, brother....sorry to hear :/
Hope your next place is more stable for your grow setup. Get back on your feet!


Sorry to hear that brother.......stay excited about growing and put that enthusiasm to work as soon as you can :)


Well-Known Member
Well today I was awoken by my roomate (at 2pm..lazyass) and he said "the house (we leased) was being put back on the market, even though 8 weeks ago we we're promised it would be kept off for the entirity of our lease and I decided to take full advantage.

However, with realtors and potential buyers now being permitted to enter my home whenever they so choose with nothing more than an hours notice (so pissed) I have been forced to get the drill and tear down my grow room, take my vegging plants and...I suppose plant them outside? Oh dear lord this is awful.

Also took down my 600w and glad i saved the boxes for them.

Atleast I had the time to take it down, but I'm so disheartened after my first grow was really getting off to a great start and had such a beautiful grow room and setup.

.....I hope this never happens to any of you, ever!
i dont really see how that is legal in any way shape or signed the lease, and paid of course...its yours for the entirity of the lease. you dont go and sign a lease for an apartment for a year, and 4 weeks later they post a for rent sign outside...take that queer to court man.


Well-Known Member
i dont really see how that is legal in any way shape or signed the lease, and paid of course...its yours for the entirity of the lease. you dont go and sign a lease for an apartment for a year, and 4 weeks later they post a for rent sign outside...take that queer to court man.
this is what contracts are designed for. Get on the phone with a lawyer, explain your case. If you have one, you can either ask for some advice on how to approach the landlord to let them know they are in breach of contract, or take them to small claims court. Or take it with no lube, and find an new place to live.
Am totally sympathetic for you tho, that shit sucks to happen in the middle of your grow

collective gardener

Well-Known Member
It sucks. But, you're safe...not going to have your lights, your skill, and your desire to keep on growing. So, get out there and grow as much great herb as you possibly can.
First I would look at my lease and see if it was written in there that your landlord could do that. If not then I would definitely get ahold of a lawyer.


It should work both ways you get penalized for breaking your lease you pay the balance of the lease, they should be responsible for compensating you as well..


Active Member
There is a clause in our lease (I am not the lease holder or this would have never happened, I just pay my friend rent to live in his awesome house on a lake and grow weed in my bedrooms ajoining attic space) but this clause states if the house is sold we have 60 days and that they can set meetings to show the house two separate days, 2 meetings each of those days per week. So potentially I'll have 4 sets of buyers, plus realtor, plus property manager, and even possibly the owners coming through every single week.

I showed my uncle (an attorney) the lease agreement and he was kind enough to explain in a nutshell there's nothing

So guess I'll put my girls in the foliage down by the lake and play it by ear. We don't have many neighbors so it shouldn't be much of an issue but this was devastating. Things we're really starting to take off...super bummed and wishing I hadn't just dropped $1500 that I'll now get to sit on until I have a new situation (barring my new situation allows me to grow)

super bummed but thanks for all the pick me ups and encouragement guys, it is lifting my spirits.
I spend 2-4 hours (if not more) a day, on this forum, absorbing as much about growing as I can. I wouldn't have made it this far without RIU, so I won't let y'all down and I WILL grow again!

collective gardener

Well-Known Member
Island, start designing you ultimate grow op with the equip you have right now. This keeps your head in the game and only costs the money for a pad of graph paper. Maybe find a partner to provide the house and you provide the equip and skills? Just an idea. After 20+ years, I've grown in every possible sittuation...from huge commercial ops, to closets, to working for someone else's grow op. It's just so important to STAY IN THE GAME. Best of luck to you.


Active Member
I have enough cash to do some damage + the equipment I already have. But I don't have the place to do it.
10 seeds from attitude just got here too, they were going to be the second stage of building my perpetual harvest....balls