drunk hash making


Well-Known Member
i estimate between 50 and 75 grams of hash ended up on the floor when i walked outside to show my buddies the beemer. :clap:

Your The Man, I remember when you got the washing machine. I wish I had hash, I would make super strong edibles.
Pretty close to the worst outcome you could have hoped for, congratulations.

i walked back inside after my buddies left to get more beer and was stopped, dead in my tracks. :(

i went in the house and got my wife, ... "you gotta see this" ...
ouch :lol:

50-75 isn't that bad though... for bubble at least :lol:

Tell me how the floor cleanup comes as that water evaporates :lol:
Haha, I'd wait for the plywood floorboard to dry, rip it up and replace it, and save the hash-y one for a bonfire on the lake.....
I had a similar exp this fall up at my shack in the woods I went from never having seen so much drying hash to never having knocked over so much drying hash!
Lol one time when making hash with bags. The blender got caught on the bag, which tightened extremely fast. Shooting green water all over the walls of my apartment.