Club 600

Hey 6ers!
I havent read through todays posts yet but wanted to share this with you all... Forgive me if Iv already posted it, not sure if I have yet.
Discovery channel new show "weed wars" set in Oakland. Most of you know my stance on tv and its reality shows and commercialism that killed it for me but I might be a ale to look at something like this lol

Heres something I caught last night on (old man voice >> "the youtube" :lol:


Duh duchie posted last night lol
Some updates for the 600 crew.
Hey fellas... stupid question, but what do you guys call it when you cook outside on a grill with an open fire. I guess BarBQ is a west coast thing. My east coast friends call them a Cook out. DST, Is it South African that call it a Braai? What else you guys got.

And no matter what you call it, when we finally do have a blow out 600 meet & toke, a cook out- cook off is definitely in order.

I was quite disappointed with only two sets of tits. :(

its a cook out 'round my way.
Is this the American version of the video duchie posted? weird, same clips and everything. I saw something about Frontline at the beginning of this one, so it must be the same people.

Hey 6ers!
I havent read through todays posts yet but wanted to share this with you all... Forgive me if Iv already posted it, not sure if I have yet.
Discovery channel new show "weed wars" set in Oakland. Most of you know my stance on tv and its reality shows and commercialism that killed it for me but I might be a ale to look at something like this lol

Heres something I caught last night on (old man voice >> "the youtube" :lol:

Hey fellas... stupid question, but what do you guys call it when you cook outside on a grill with an open fire. I guess BarBQ is a west coast thing. My east coast friends call them a Cook out. DST, Is it South African that call it a Braai? What else you guys got.

And no matter what you call it, when we finally do have a blow out 600 meet & toke, a cook out- cook off is definitely in order.

I was quite disappointed with only two sets of tits. :(

It's called a barbq over here in merry old england
Hey 6ers!
I havent read through todays posts yet but wanted to share this with you all... Forgive me if Iv already posted it, not sure if I have yet.
Discovery channel new show "weed wars" set in Oakland. Most of you know my stance on tv and its reality shows and commercialism that killed it for me but I might be a ale to look at something like this lol

Heres something I caught last night on (old man voice >> "the youtube" :lol:


Im totally with ya on the reality tv thing mate. They seem to just put a group of people in a certain situation then just film the outcome and get rich. That's why nothing gets written anymore.
Not the same vid Jig. Same people and all but still a bit different. I think the one I posted last night was Republic of Pot. Anyway, I ditched my TV too but I still catch the good stuff on line for free. If it's not, I guess I don't watch it. That simple. I am looking forward to that series though.
Iv always called it grilling lol
"whats up? what you doing?"
"Im grilling some sh!t come over!"
Here they toss it up but every once in a while there's that ...... that comes out with that stupid Aussie accent, "Wood ya like me to toss a coupl'a shrimp on the barbie for ya?" That guy needs to leave before the fun starts.
Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, and good night fellow 600-philes!
I call this little indulgence "To Defy My Sharona".
Props go out to Primus and The Knack.
Sorry for the hand full of mistakes.
Took 12 attempts in a row to get this version, with many bong rips between each take.
Enjoy! (?)


Dooob thats pretty sweet man!
Iv tried playing stringed instruments but its a no go lol Im actually bad at every instrument Iv tried lol

Camtar FTW!
Thanks! Yeah the darn plant would just grow into the light and let it burn them if I did not put it in there. These 600 are kicking ass. I want to change the 600MH out for a 600HPS but I may just let it stay. I have to turn my camera settings on the lowest possible to take a pic that wont blind people. Im just trying to get over the first time growers learning curve!
Maybe our 600 brothers in the British Isles can weigh in on this item.

The sport is said to involve very little "native skill",[5] simply an ability to "have your tool bitten and not care"

Me loves the internetz.

quoting the wiki article:
"the winner is the one who is the last to release the animals"

Ladies and germs, I axe you: is there ever REALLY a winner in a contest like that? ;-)

"... and the winner for Most Raging Case of the Clap In Medical History goes to..."




R.I.P. Bon Scott