Ever wonder about people's names on here?


Well-Known Member
Lol I meant the names you were born with, not the meaning of your handle. My name is Erica. Someone on this thread is Harvey, and have a Brandon. True first names is what I was getting at


Well-Known Member
Well, i kinda did give you the name. Connect napa and dynamite. Think of a movie about an imbecile with the last name dynamite.


bud bootlegger
I always thought blasians were sexy. You have proven me correct :).

yes, the REAL MJ was number 23 lol. Idk what he was thinking when he came back.
yah, i think the real reason behind changing numbers was so that he could get some more money from jersey's and all, well, the sales of them at least.. lots of people were going to need the new jordan jersey with the new number.. if he would have kept the number 23, well, not so many people would need a new jersey..


Well-Known Member
yah, i think the real reason behind changing numbers was so that he could get some more money from jersey's and all, well, the sales of them at least.. lots of people were going to need the new jordan jersey with the new number.. if he would have kept the number 23, well, not so many people would need a new jersey..
I will always stick to 23. I like the bulls jersey better. Many of my clothes have either red white and black in them. Those are my college colors too though. I just like that combo in general lol. But back to names, can anyone figure mine out. it's not that hard with my hints lol. Hey Joseph, what's crackin man?


Active Member
My name is Jake, and if my username isn't obvious, everybody would Push for some Kush wouldn't they? hahaha

really interesting post though, how so many people have different inspirations for they're usernames. cool.


Well-Known Member
Not like last names or middle names or anything that could identify you to a creeper, but like I wonder what some people's first names are. Urca is a nickname my friends gave me, when they tried to say Erica all ghetto... I also have the nick name delicious, its a long story. Anyway, any of you guys ever wonder?
ya, know...............I'll betcha dollars to doghnuts that Al B Fuct ain't really that guys name


Well-Known Member
I wanted to be quercus, the Latin name for oak. But it wasn't available. So I just went with what my mom used to call me. Which is ironic because I used to call her dumb bitch.


Well-Known Member
KushxOj = Kush and Orange Juice... my daily wake n bake

I have an "international name"...... Derek lol

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Not like last names or middle names or anything that could identify you to a creeper, but like I wonder what some people's first names are. Urca is a nickname my friends gave me, when they tried to say Erica all ghetto... I also have the nick name delicious, its a long story. Anyway, any of you guys ever wonder?
Mi madre calls me Carne Seca because I'm skin and bones. :p


I'd love to hear the true story on how you got the nickname delicious. My nickname is lulu, and i am a hairy, burly, manly man. If i was gay i would be a bear. You'd think it would be something like calling the huuge guy tiny, but it's actually because when i was an adolescent my hair was very curly. i went swimming to this friend of mines and she had a poodle named lulu. After coming up from the dive my hair was as curly as the dogs. i was henceforth given the title lulu, which turned into "lulu the afro man" after a couple years of trying to grow my hair long but it never came down, i just had this funky afrolike doo. Anyway, i've been smokin a lonnng time, i am no longer anywhere near teen.


Well-Known Member
Not like last names or middle names or anything that could identify you to a creeper, but like I wonder what some people's first names are. Urca is a nickname my friends gave me, when they tried to say Erica all ghetto... I also have the nick name delicious, its a long story. Anyway, any of you guys ever wonder?
ya, know...............I'll betcha dollars to doghnuts that Al B Fuct ain't really that guys name