New Mother Plants LOVE The Heat !


Active Member
I put down four clones about three weeks ago. Three were rooted in Rockwool and the other in soilless. All were transferred to 3 Gal pots w/ ProMix after purchase and alternated: days outside in direct sun and nights under lights. Feeding FloraNova Gro at 2 tsp/gal which provides pH of about 6.2 and about 1.8 mS over relatively soft tap water.

Temps here in Michigan have been heat-wave this week with high temps during the day in the 90s F. Plants love it.


Wonder Haze:



Strawberry Kush:






Big Buddah Cheese:



At nite they rest in here:

Real nice looking plants. One observation, that looks suspiciously like cooking foil. If it is, get rid of it. Cooking foil is designed to keep heat in, not reflect light. The flat white paint on the walls is more reflective than cooking foil. Also, wrapping the pot in it is a bad move imo. Roots should be between 8 & 14 deg cooler than green plant material, you are impeding the plants development. Why do you think plant pots are black plastic and not made with cooking foil?? If you get rid of the tin foil, your plants will thank you for it with even better growth! Other than that nit picking, keep up the good work dude. Peace W This is a common mistake made by many new growers.
Real nice looking plants. One observation, that looks suspiciously like cooking foil. If it is, get rid of it. Cooking foil is designed to keep heat in, not reflect light.

Thanks for the comments about the Al foil on the pots. Silver helps to reflect directed heat sources like sunlight. (Next time you're in the parking lot, check which vehicles are cooler...the dark colored or the light/silver colored.) In direct sun, the foil helps to keep the pots and roots cooler.

Measured the temp of the deep roots with a thermocopule when the ambient temps were 90+ F. Deep roots were cooler than higher ambient all day.



Plant over-all health seems great, even though growers are most times instructed that ambient temperatures for cannabis cannot exceed 90 F.
A white car and a black car are the same temps inside and out on a hot day. Hot! Sounds good in theory but they are still both hot. Try your little heat gage on it one day. And I wouldn't consider 90* all that warm or a heat wave.just summertime temps. Where I come from. 90* is a nice day compaired to 105* +. I would listen about the tin foil thing, at least on the inside of your GR. Best way to cool your buckets if possible is to put them in the ground with the bucket. Keep the surrounding soil wet. We do fine in a 100* temps. Just keep lots of water on em. :leaf:

Your plants look great !
I had to paint the frame on my carport from dark brown (from factory) to white because the brown would cook the plastic, I had covering it.

The dark brown frame got so hot in the sun it would burn you if you touched it. Now it's white & cool to touch even in the sun.

Dark absorbs heat, white reflects it. Solar water heaters are black for a reason

True. guess what im trying to say if you get inside a white or back car on a hot day they are still hot. Not much diff. They both feel hot to the touch on the hood. white does reflect. A white shirt on a hot day is way better than a black one. A white tarp reflecting heat is cooler than a brown or blue or what ever color for sure. ahh nevermind,just babbling I suppose.
True. guess what im trying to say if you get inside a white or back car on a hot day they are still hot. Not much diff. They both feel hot to the touch on the hood.

It's the radiant heat load we're referring to here, and maybe I didn't make myself clear on the use of the foil on the pots.

The foil is to prevent the black pots from overheating in the sun, i.e. getting too much of the sun's radiant heat load and overheating the pots and the roots.

Why is all of NASA's shit that orbits in space silver or lighter in color? Space station, satellites, the defunct shuttle, ALL this stuff used silver or reflective materials on their exterior to reflect the sun's massive heat load on orbiting objects.

Plants were thrown down into soil mix about four weeks ago and spend days outdoors in direct sun, and night inside under two (2) 200W CFL hoods:


we all know why you are doing it. weve seen it a million times. you should transplant those bitches soon

why are the pots on those pink things? and is that your neighbors house in the background? lol
we all know why you are doing it. weve seen it a million times. you should transplant those bitches soon

Fucking stoners...I love us. :leaf: Check the thread title, dude, they're mother plants. :weed:

why are the pots on those pink things?

Wish I could share a gram with the first stoner to notice "those pink things" in the pics. Insulation to keep the deck's radiant heat from being transferred to the pots and roots.

and is that your neighbors house in the background? lol

nah, that's your mom's place. :-o
i have a question are the plants in the pic. the ones in side. dif plants. or is that one big f cfl.
i have a question are the plants in the pic. the ones in side. dif plants. or is that one big f cfl.

Same plants, pics taken about three weeks apart....the pics with the small plants are older than the pics with the bigger plants.