It looks like you have a hanna meter or are at least on the .5 conversion as your combination above equals about 2.0 EC. Soil or hydro?Is one teaspoon of grow, bloom, and protekt good all through flower. It brings me to about 1000ppm, with 220-250ppm from the tap when I mix it.
If you were using a promix type soil with no food in it, I'd suggest about 1ml of grow and 2mls of bloom and a teaspoon of protekt per gallon. Make sure that much protekt doesn't throw your pH off. Add enough protekt to get to a pH of about 6.5 which could mean only 2mls of protekt, you'll find out soon enough.I'm in soil and using a blue tds meter that I got off of eBay. So 1 teaspoon of bloom and protekt should be enough?
I'd love to see this as well. I have been told their substra line is excellent for DTW- and seen pics to confirm. I am supposed to use it as a benchmark and will against dyna when I get going myself with the new setup...I vote for Canna Aqua Vega/Flora as the next nute showdown.
Absolutely agree... He offsets handfulls of trollsHell I would donate for the next test, if there was a way to! I think homebrewers showdowns are some of the best and honest there are. His tests help everyone!
Yeah, just looked at the site and I'm using way to much. I'm going to flush and do 2ml of bloom and protekt and continue to throw in the grow when needed. Could this be why my slh has a P deficiency? 8wks today flowering on querkle, slh, jtr, and ww x bb.
If you are in flowering stage...
ad a small amount of Grow (maybe 200ppm), test water with meter, then add your protekt, test water, then use Bloom as much as you can to bring up the reading to 1000-1200
It just says never mix concentrates together....I always do it the way reverof describedThe directions explicitly state to add Pro-Tekt first and then add grow/bloom and supplements. I think the reasoning behind adding the Pro-Tekt first is so the other nutrients do not get locked out or something like that.
Advice is always appreciated but sometimes I wonder if some advice is unsolicited. This is hb's thread is it not?
It just says never mix concentrates together....I always do it the way reverof described
The directions explicitly state to add Pro-Tekt first and then add grow/bloom and supplements. I think the reasoning behind adding the Pro-Tekt first is so the other nutrients do not get locked out or something like that.
Advice is always appreciated but sometimes I wonder if some advice is unsolicited. This is hb's thread is it not?