Sr. Verde's: ROLLITUP GLASS INDEX [Post your collection here]

its gunna be some time homie.. but dishes,domes,and pendants is pretty much what im gunna try to be maken once i get behind the torch.. i see what fdd was saying about $10 domes now..when u order joints their connected to clear tube a few inches long.. its pretty much an already made downtube,to make a dome u just take a female joint,blow out a lil and bam there a dome..u could even gather it a little to make it thicker..make it how ever tall or short u want it...i cant effin wait to just fuck around! buying a used kiln off my homie for $100, its tiny but it'll be perfect toget started and for $100 i cant complain! he even said he would take a ti set.dabber,stand, talking about it makes me wanna order the torch right now! lol :D
its gunna be some time homie.. but dishes,domes,and pendants is pretty much what im gunna try to be maken once i get behind the torch.. i see what fdd was saying about $10 domes now..when u order joints their connected to clear tube a few inches long.. its pretty much an already made downtube,to make a dome u just take a female joint,blow out a lil and bam there a dome..u could even gather it a little to make it thicker..make it how ever tall or short u want it...i cant effin wait to just fuck around! buying a used kiln off my homie for $100, its tiny but it'll be perfect toget started and for $100 i cant complain! he even said he would take a ti set.dabber,stand, talking about it makes me wanna order the torch right now! lol :D

I meant the glass in your collection you said you would be selling to make some extra money ;) Not the glass your going to be blowing! :lol:
gunna be buying a torch and setting up a little studio.. gunna be some time but i have my mind set to it sincei cant grow anymore and ive always wanted to blow glass!...found a place not to far from me that does a 65$ hands on class. teaches u the basics to lampworking and u get to make a little piece and brign it home! pumped!!! just need to keep saving $ for everything..selling some of my glass to make some $ to it'll be worth it in the long run! im ready to get burnt scraped and cut! ;)

woot woot!!

you're gonna love it.

take the classes, but don't let them blow smoke up your ass. i took a few classes and it helps, A LOT, but you're going to run into a lot of egos as well. people will try to hold you back, don't let them. do what YOU want to do, not what they make you think should be done. this applies to your homework, at their studio just be polite and soak it all in. when i first started a lot of people told me "you can't do it like that". it was usually AFTER i had already done it. ;)

be creative, open your mind and have FUN. :cool:
its gunna be some time homie.. but dishes,domes,and pendants is pretty much what im gunna try to be maken once i get behind the torch.. i see what fdd was saying about $10 domes now..when u order joints their connected to clear tube a few inches long.. its pretty much an already made downtube,to make a dome u just take a female joint,blow out a lil and bam there a dome..u could even gather it a little to make it thicker..make it how ever tall or short u want it...i cant effin wait to just fuck around! buying a used kiln off my homie for $100, its tiny but it'll be perfect toget started and for $100 i cant complain! he even said he would take a ti set.dabber,stand, talking about it makes me wanna order the torch right now! lol :D

i scored some really good deals off craigslist. ;)
i scored so really good deals off craigslist. ;)
i searched craigslist in a few towns around me and didnt find anything lol!... u know anything about GTT torches? saving for the GTT phantom torch,was gunna get the cheetah cause its only 500$ but then people were saying id need a second torch....was told by a shit ton of ppl that the phantom a wicked good torch and doesnt watse too much fuel/oxy for the size flame and heat it puts out.. cheapest i can find it is $1100! def. going to stick to this so i guess getting a good torch wouldnt be a bad idea!?!
i searched craigslist in a few towns around me and didnt find anything lol!... u know anything about GTT torches? saving for the GTT phantom torch,was gunna get the cheetah cause its only 500$ but then people were saying id need a second torch....was told by a shit ton of ppl that the phantom a wicked good torch and doesnt watse too much fuel/oxy for the size flame and heat it puts out.. cheapest i can find it is $1100! def. going to stick to this so i guess getting a good torch wouldnt be a bad idea!?!

i have a mirage, i love it.

if you get a phantom you'll want a mirage.

you can start on a lynx. it is the same as the center fire setup on the bigger torches. it can put out some pretty decent stuff for the size it is.
i have a mirage, i love it.

if you get a phantom you'll want a mirage.

you can start on a lynx. it is the same as the center fire setup on the bigger torches. it can put out some pretty decent stuff for the size it is.

im atleast getting the phantom, im trying to get one of my homies to go halfs on a studio set up cause hes been talking about blowing glass for a while now too..if i can get him to atleast throw down on a torch then id def. get the mirage..if not then i'll just get the phantom for myself..either way the studio will be in my house so idc if he wants to throw half it'll just help me get started even faster!..about those mirage torches, i talked to a few ppl in cali that use them and they all said amazing things about it and if i cant afford the mirage then to get a phantom,and said if i can afford a phantom then to get a nortel red max..i really like those gtt torches though so im def. shooting for the phantom or the mirage for sure!..anything i can use for tools so i dont have to spend 50$ each tool?...damn tools are expensive! lol
found some pics of my retti dish, ... 002 (16).jpg

10 dollar dome, signed with Ti pen ..... IMG_3584.jpg

worked dome, signed in Ti pen, .... IMG_3592.jpg

here she is,i guess the real name for this is a splitline micro..





My homie picked up this fumed macro!

