ex wow players.. your main was a


Active Member
80 lock

but also had a
80 dk
80 pally
80 druid
80 rogue

I know it's admission of guilt of being a dork... embrace it.


New Member
i dont play, i bot the game and sell accounts in exchange for money, which then buys me lights and OZ's Currently have 8 level 85 mage's BG botting for pvp gear, then im selling all 8 accounts for around 180 bucks a piece.


Active Member
There was some kind of chinese child factory at one point that made kids sell account/play wow


Well-Known Member
85 Resto Druid

85 Affliction Lock
85 Prot Warrior
85 Ret Pally

Nerds Unite


Staff member
85 hunter , 80 dk, and a 75 holy priest. i fucking hate to level , however before the buffs in icc i was 11/12 25m heroic icc...<--- NERD POWER


Well-Known Member
That reminds me, I gotta sell that shit. 85rogue, I can probably get 250bucks for it. Get a new bong, fat eighth, earwax, and cigarrettes.


Well-Known Member
85 lock

Gladiator on lock s2 s3 s4 gladiator on priest and rogue in 4 as well. Quit then came back and got gladiator on pally in season five and six then quit and came back in season 9 got glad on lock and shaman and I just cancelled my accounts again two days ago cause I don't have time for it and lately I'd rather work out go out or jog than sit on wow.

I wanna sell two accounts right now, gladiator warlock with 82 rogue and 90k gold on the account. Then a second account with an 85 shaman priest and Mage


Well-Known Member
i had to post it


Well-Known Member
I had a N. Elf Hunter, forgot which tier I made him... not Pet. Was in a clan that was ranked at #4 on our server (Draka I think) for dungeons or w/e they were. Got the Burning Crusades expansion, got to about level 65.... then my nuts dropped. End of that.


Well-Known Member
I used to whip my cock out for strangers every wednesday, I miss W.O.W. we should bring back the trend


Well-Known Member
I was an 80 hunter when I quit, but at 70 before WotLK came out I was an arena master and in a guild with BT/SWP on farm :D. Man, those were some fun days, back then I thought weed was the devil XD. Brings back some good memories :) I almost feel like WoW made me the awkward person I am today lol