Stinkbudd1's 600w Kush Exstravaganza! Featuring: Buku, Killing Kush,Kushage,Darks

Should i run a NYCD as well and cross with a Purps?

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Well-Known Member
Here are the girls at 55 days actual flowering time, the ones in the darker pic's are just about ready for chop im thinking maybe by friday the others i will feed one more time and then start to flush once they are dried out next time giving them about another 14 days maybe they go from there fo like the others in the blink of an eye so we will see..:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
First four pic;s are the ones i will chop in a few days the last set of pic's are the ones i will give one last feeding and the start to flush as soon as they dry out next time..:leaf:



Well-Known Member
Here are the first of my chops to come down four down three to go in about a week or so...:peace:

So glad to be coming to the end of this one so i can concentrate on the new deal..I guess i did a pretty good job of rescueing these girls after all the mishaps smells great and looks real nice ..:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
That looks almost good enough to smoke..........rep.........
Right on my brotha thanks for the comp..And to show my appreciation heres a lil porn for you..

Nice thick and solid buds all the way through this is a few buds shots 2 days after chop almost finish drying..:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Man if only i could i would sure enjoy that !~ i love to see the effect my shit has on others kind of my guage..


Well-Known Member
For sure I should be flowering in a week or so
Right on bro you know these some of the seeds i got from my accidental pollination with my PK grow a while back if you remember they turned out to be very good beans and fem at that pollen must have been a hermie stress...