Preflower Help!

Brett Brown

Active Member
The cloning was much easier than I thought all you have to be is patient and they will grow. just got to make sure the dome is humid and covered in water and the heating pad with the thermostat was the bomb, it really helped and made them grow roots faster. now they are doing very well. New green leaves and new nodes coming out almost every third or fourth day , they are small but as the first one did I think once they get true sunlight they will start to get bigger very quickly. One other thing about the mother plant flowering. she has been in the ground about 2 weeks now and or 10 days I forget if I look back I could say for sure but she has been on the 12/12 schedule now for as long as it has been but she hasn't really been comfy in her enviroment since about 4 days ago and now that she is growing well and is almost all geen again, will she most likely start her flowering cycle since I had her on the 24/0 schedule and changed it abruptly to 12/12? Thanks, BB2112!!!!!

Brett Brown

Active Member
I was wondering why it hadn't started flowering. those 2 or 3 hours mAshley's baby shower at Johnny's 134.jpgatter huh? cause right now it is 14/9 I guess or close to that but I wanted to show you a picture of her now that she feels good and is healthy.Ashley's baby shower at Johnny's 135.jpg also I wanted to ask you a question about this one picture that I have, I noticed that on the plant when a branch is growing out and another branch splits to another branch they get these little growths on each divided branch and it is right near the bottom of each branch and they look like the little character on the front of this web page roll it up the little animated ball like thing do you know what these are called? here is a picture it's not very clear but here it is.Ashley's baby shower at Johnny's 136.jpg right in front of my middle finger, that little bud like thing? as the plant grows they end up drying up and falling off usually. sometimes they stay there all brown and rolled up. is this on both male and female plants? I know that she is a female because I have seen the pre-flowers and the white hairs but if you can tell me what these are I would love to know!!!!! Thank You, BB2112 P.S. it is hard to see on this picture sorry.


Active Member
i cant really see what it is in the pic, but it sounds like you are describing very young preflowers. Both males and females have preflowers that look similar, depending on the observers eye. When I see them on a young plant I've started from seed, I wait for the white hairs to pop out before I confirm it female. Since this is a clone you don't have much to worry about.
Your Mrs. McPlanterson looks amazing by the way. You really are doing a great job.
I'm quite excited for this friday. I get to start my harvest, gonna chop her head off.

Brett Brown

Active Member
Wow! That sounds barbaric, but really she is that far along allready the last time I saw your plant she was just starting the flowering stage and that wasn't too long ago was it? anyway that is great but, what kind is your strain? and thanks for the compliment but she is pretty much doing it on her own I am now giving her the nutes and I just cut it back to one teaspoon a gallon that was what they recommended and it has made such a big defference in her growth she is just exploding I topped her 2 days ago and she is allready recoving from that and growing the two new I guess they are new colas right because they are the main big arteries on the plant and she is just growing and healing so much faster with the nutes that i am using now as to es i was using before. That guy was right at the hydroponics store. Thanks to him she is gonna get huge but she will be very healthy all back to green again it is amasing how fast she turned around, like she got a shot of anti - biotics. It's so cool when things are going well it is alot of fun and it will be even more fun to harvest her when she is 8 feet tall. Lol. I thought she was going to start flowering when I chan ged the light schedule but if I have to wait untill september then she is going to be about 4 feet tall or more by then and then she will stretch and get bigger when she flower she may be 10 feet tall who knows. but I will let you know. Take care and best of luck with your little lady, now all you have to do is smoke her. It is very satistfying growing that's why I decided to grow a veggie garden but now I may just fill the veggie garden with a new plant that I learned how to gorw in a 10 x 10 area all 24 inches deep I could probably put 20 plants in there and then go to jail for cultivation. I think I am allowed 4 or 5 plants or a 5 x 5 area or 25 sq. ft. area to be concidered leagal for having a Medical Mari card!!! C-Ya and have fun chopping up your little lady. Lol, BB2112!!


Active Member
she was vegged for about a month and a half, and has been flowering for 60 days.
All her hairs have turned red and started receding back into the bud... and the crystals are just starting to go amber. My indoor turnover is about three to four months from seed to harvest. God I wish I could plant outside and grow like you, and let her have a full growing season in the sun.
It seems the closer I get to harvest, the more paranoid I get about people seeing it and narq'ing. Though I doubt they would launch a full raid for one indoor plant.


Brett Brown

Active Member
Wow 3 or 4 months from seedling to harvest that is fast I think mine has been since January or Feburary and she started out as clone about 5 inches tall so that was about a month before she was in the soil. So mine has been at least 6months and hasn't even begun to flower so lets say another 2 months till she starts to flower and then about what another month of flowering or more that is about 9 or 110 months. from seed to harvest. that is a big differece. but I woukldn't worry Obama said they were not going to spend federal money to crack down on the casule pot smoker unless it is a big shipment or feild he said no federal monies . and i think the state patrols and the police atre not going to care about one plant it isn't really worth it when they have so many other more problem criminals out there but trying to sell it may be another story. If you keep it for yourself and you are not making a big profit on it I don't think that they want to harrass a tax paying citizen for a small amount of pot. I think it has been show that it is not such a big bad drug as I know my parents thought it was like LSD they thought it made you paranoid and crazy hallucinating and everything else but when i told them that it was like being buzzed on alcohol but not as bad for your body, they kind of relaxed about it. anyway my clones are doing great and my mother plant is just growing like she is on steriods . the leaves are getting huge again like she was when she was younger it is like she has a new life it is amazing how fast she heals and how fast she grows new nodes after you top her it is fantastic . I am going to stay with this botinicare pro bloom and pro veg it is 26.95 a liter at the hydro store and 16.95 at amazon so I am goinmg to order both from amazon and have enough for my new 5 plants. I think that is the limit for one medical card holder. AQnyway I don't think you need to worry as long as you keep her in side I think you will be okay. well thanks for everything!!! take care and happy growing or harvesting. BB2112!!!!

Brett Brown

Active Member
those look tasty! wow that plant grew fast so what is that liquid on the leaf, is that water or part of the plant? and how many of those did you have? and how long do they get when they bud like that approx? well I'm getting impatient it is taking so long. it's worth it though. talk to you soon, BB2112!!!


Active Member
the liquid is just some water i spritzed on it cause it was quite hot in my closet at that moment. Its amazing how much faster a hydro setup can get a plant big then soil. That is just the top bud, there are maybe 20 or so more branches with buds similar in size to this, plus all the popcorn buds at the bottom. My plant has finished out at 32 inches total, each branch being about 10-12 inches long. I just harvested the top cola this week, so shes down to about 20 inches tall. I will be taking branches a few at a time depending on ripeness.

Brett Brown

Active Member
So you cut a piece off at a time? not the whole branch? so it ripens from top to bottom? and how long usually between days till you can top it then get the next and then the rest? I have not harvested my own plant before so i am probably going to have a few questions like what do you use to dry it out ? you don't just cut the branches and hang them upside down do you or is that the real way? I have heard about using a glass jar? to put them in the jar and let them dry out but the wetness of the plant keeps them kind of wet till they dry totally . I don't know if that is a real way it was just something I heard . but i guess i won't be at that point till about sept tember and this plant is going to be huge. LOL She is already at 36" now and I have almost 2 months before she starts to strtch and flower this thing maybe 10 feet by the time i harvest it. HA HA great!!!!!!


Active Member
ill take the whole top cola first since that is usually the first buds to ripen up under CFLs. I remove all the fan leaves and trim the "sugar" leaves (the little crystal covered leaves coming out of the bud) flush against the bud.
I then hang them in a cardboard box, close it up and put the box in a cool, well ventilated room.
Every day I check the buds to make sure they're not drying out too quickly and to check for mold. After about three days (the timing will change depending on how much I have in the box) I start doing my bend test. I'll take a branch and bend the stem. If I can hear a crunch but the stem doesn't break then I know it's time to start the cure.
The outside of the bud should be a bit crunchy too. If the stem does break, then you've waited too long.
I cut the buds from the stem and put them in an airtight glass jar.
Close up the jar and put it somewhere dark and cool. The kitchen cabinet seems to work well in my house, but I know that not everyone doesn't have to worry about hiding it from parents/wives/kids.
After about 24 hours remove the lid and let it sit open for two to four hours. If you did this right the outside of the bud should be re-hydrated a bit (not crunchy) when you open it. Close the lid after a bit, or when the outside of the bud just starts to feel dry and let it sit another 24 hours. Repeat this cycle for as long as you can stand not smoking it. You'll notice the smell getting more dank every day. The longer you let it cure the better. There's no harm in testing the bud a little at a time, just don't smoke it all before it's properly prepared. Once you get the bud tasting and smelling the way you like it, keep it in the glass but you no longer have to "burp" the jars every day.

Brett Brown

Active Member
Now, Just to get this correct, I wanted to know exactly which branches are colas and which are just branches? like on the plant that is on your profile picture the one that everyone see's when you write them on that plant in the picture (showing) there are # main colas and 4 secondary colas that won't get as much on harvest? or won't produce as much? or is there 7 that I can see because the light is kind of bright but the main branches that bud on the top are the colas correct so how many can you have because I think I have 8 or 10 big main branches that stick up above the rest and have big thick branches and then i have about 8 smaller ones that are growing tall but are not as thick but look like they may produce some smaller bud but could be fairly big . I can't believe how big the fan leaves are getting on the plant again after sticking it in the ground and then that stopped after a while like after she ran out of room in that 5 gallon bucket to grow bigger and spread out roots and some of the roots on this plant are pretty thick I saw one that i guess decided to grow up and out of the soil and I dug very carefully underneath it and pushed it back down into the soil as not to damage it in anyway. It was about a little over an 1/8 of an inch round or more like 3/16 of an inch round or in diameter. When i buried that root the lower section of the plant started betting bigger like that was it's main supply to the lower part of the plant and when i put the root back in the soil it started to absorb all the nutes it needed and started to grown down as far a I know. How big in diameter can some of these roots get? I know you can see yours and I have seen your plant in that fishnet and it was about 30 inches tall and how big were the bigger roots on that plant and do they have to get as big when you grow as you do and how do they get as to how I grow? I guess i mean do they get bigger in soil plants because they have to seek out the nutetrients in the soil and they end up getting bigger? as to where the way you grow you bring the nutes right to the roots, so the roots don't have to get as big but proably alot of them . So would it be safe to say that, your plant would have more roots but smaller and mine would have less but larger? . Also the clones are growing very fast much faster than last time except for one I think her root system is a little premature I should have let her stay in the cloner for another few days because the roots were much fewer and smaller. So one clones is still only about 5 inches tall as to the other are about 10 inches or 12 inches already . i can't believe it.
OK, So one last question even though I have written another novel to you but can you tell the strain of a plant by looking at her? So if I gave you a detailed picture of the clones or my plant could you tell what kind of strain it is. I am pretty sure it is lemon cush . but that is not for sure. If you can tell by a picture , let me know and if i sent you some good pictures maybe you could let me know or give me your best call!!! I think I was told that was what it was and when I take my thumb and index finger and rub the branch and then smell my thumb and index finger it smells like a citrus smell and more like a lemon than any other citrus tress, so woulod that be a good way to guess and also by looking at her? please let me know what you know and i will hopefully talk to you soon, BB2112. Thank You once again!!!!!!!!!

Brett Brown

Active Member
OMG! I am sorry that is a very long letter Sorry but hey like i said this is basically the first grow and the first clones on my own so I need to only ask once and from there i should be fine. Thanks, BB2112!!!!!


Active Member
as to where the way you grow you bring the nutes right to the roots, so the roots don't have to get as big but proably alot of them . So would it be safe to say that, your plant would have more roots but smaller and mine would have less but larger?
From my experience this is correct. My roots don't have to dig through anything either, they are delicate and white.

Cola location differs depending on wether the plant is topped or not.
This plant has one big main cola (not topped) untitled.JPG
The plant in my avatar had four top colas (topped and a little LST)GhettoStomp_bud.jpg

So basically, the uppermost branch or branches is/are the cola(s).

I am not familiar with strains and how they're each different. There are so many hybrids and careless breeders. I kinda have my own way of classifying the plants I grow. Sidewalk, bagseed, middies, mid-mids, headies, and bangin'. People tend to just hand me the seeds they've been collecting. I have a shot glass full of these and my bagseeds. I'll only spend time growing the seeds one specific buddy gives me, since he knows good bud. Though I never really listen when people tell me it's a specific strain. The only way to be 100% sure is to buy seeds from a reputable bank or get clones from a certified dispensery. Both of which are not possible where I live.

I have noticed that many plants have a lemony or citrius smell. My current plant smells like lemon and pine when I give it a little sqweeze and shake.

I won't be able to identify your plant 100% but I would love to see some good pics of her and do some research. I might be able to find her dominent genes and try to figure out the strain from there.

Brett Brown

Active Member
Ok, Great then! I will get you some really good pictures for you as soon as possible. I have been working a lot lately so I haven't had as much time to spend with the plant and pictures have been even tougher but I will try to get it done by tomorrow or Monday!!!!! Thank You so much. I just would really like to know what the plant is rather then what I was told and how do they get so many strains(I know by cross breeding but then how do they know that the one they just cross breaded, didn't just get cross breaded again by the next person and so on and so on. I mean i think it is all getting kind of the same. Either Medical or two different plants with a bunch of different strains of that particular plant. Anyway I too don;t usually believe what I hear from someone because they could be selling you the weakest or the best and they might not even know what their own plants strain is but they will tell everyone what they want it to be and people will just accept what they tell them , it is kind of funny actually these guys that are such qualified users (like a wine conneseur) you tell them that they are buying lemon cush and they believe whatever you say. Not that I deal, I'm just trying to make a point but I have never bought seeds so i don't know what they say but I have looked at one of those seed places and they have so many different strains. Isn't it that there are 2 strains or 2 plants and several strains of those plants? like sativa and Indica and then there are many different strains of both? or are there a lot more than I know? I just want to know as much as i can so i can pick out the bulls**t from the truth. Anyway I will try to get you some pictures and Have a great weekend harvesting and take it easy and thak you once again for writting back. Again you are a very excellent sorce of information and i love the fact that you don't mind answering my odd questions even if you are busy!!! that is really cool and really awesome that you are that nice. C-YA, BB2112!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brett Brown

Active Member
personal and plant pics 055.jpgwell here thpersonal and plant pics 052.jpgey are from earliest transferred into the 5 gallon bucket from cloner to the newest transferred into the 5 gallon bucket. 3 of them on 7/10/2011personal and plant pics 054.jpg2 are 9 inches and one is 7 inches tall but I have already topped them once and they are getting spread out and tall then this onepersonal and plant pics 059.jpg transferred on 7/20/2011 to 5 gallon bucket from cloner then this one transferred on 7/24/2011 from cloner to 5 gallon bucket. these last two are 4 inches the newest one is the one with the fewest leaves and stands straight up but in 20 days today since i planted the first 3 they have grown more than double about 5 inches . When I tranferred them they were about 4 inches tall like the newest ones but for some reason they are growing much slower in 10 days or so they have only grown maybe 1/4 of an inch and the one has gotten fuller but as of today I noticed since last night that it grew, so maybe I should have left it in the cloner a bit longer like a week to get bigger roots like I did on the 1st ones and the last two I took them out of the cloner with alot less root mass than the previous ones. the 1st 23 were in the cloner about 16 days and had long roots about 1 inch and the last 2 only had roots that were sticking straight out not dangling. So that I probably why they are growing slower. that heating pad really made a difference on growing the roots they grew easily in a week and by 14 days they were really rooting well. here is the last one personal and plant pics 057.jpg in the middle but it is in a one gallon plastic milk container because it was so small and i was almost out of dirt. well that's it for the clones , So I will send a pic of the mother plant she is really full and growing so much better than in that 5 gallon bucket. The roots were wrapping around the bucket and just all over the placve I think she was maxed out in that bucket and when I was starting to get those yellow leaves, I think it was because she had so many roots croweded in the bucket that she was not getting all the right amount of nutes in the right places because now in the ground she is growing like crazy with all the room in the world to grow. well I think that is enough for you to read. Sorry but I just want to know as much as I can, so that next time I won't need to ask so many question's. but Thank You so much for listening and giving me all the help and rerally giving me your time!!!! BB2112 have a nice weekend!!!!!!!!

Brett Brown

Active Member
Thank you for that curing technique, That sounds exactly how i heard it, I think except for the box. but that sounds like you have done it plenty of times and it works so that is what I will do!!! when did you post this? I just now saw it today Monday. anyway Thanks so much, BB2112!!!! oh and what did you mean by it will smell more dank. dank does that mean stronger pungent? ???


Active Member
lol east cost thing i guess... dank is the strong smell of properly cared for weed. I've bought stuff from people that smell like hay, no smell at all or a strong pine sol smell. There are these flavor drops that you can buy around here that is supposed to be for roll your own tobacco. Some sellers will put this in the weed to give it a bubble gum or other smell, though it tasts terrible. That kinda shit I won't smoke. I could rarely find a bag of good green dankass bud, which is why I turned to growing my own.

i made that dry/cure post sometime last week.

Brett Brown

Active Member
well I am glad that I looked back and was able to see it. Cause I will need it soon because I am starting to see alot more of those hairs in a smaller area like they are starting to bundle up a bit On the top of the colas they are starting to look as if she is starting to bud is that possible at this time? because like i said the top of the colas are starting to stretch a lot lately and at the top the pre flowers are everywhere and the white hairs are all over the place as well and they are more compact or close together and starting to look like a small bud but still haven't got to the point of that picture you showed me of your plant when she started to grow the white hairs. but they are getting longer I think at least they look longer and about twice as many , so I justwanted to know if we were getting close. Take it easy, Thank you again, BB2112!!!!

Brett Brown

Active Member
Hello, one question I have been pondering about these clones, since they are from the mother plant and I took them when the mother plant was of a mature stage,:If I were to plant these in the ground outside would they bloom or flower this year since they already have the white hairs and the pre-flowers? or will they skip this year and flower next year? I need to know so I can either get a place ready to keep the lights on them till it is time next year or just keep them under lights untill they get to the size that i want and then change the light schedule and not let them have any sunlight or put them out during the day and then put lights on them for another 3 or 4 hours when the time or daylight schedule changes. Just trying to figure out what to do now before it becomes a problem and i don't want all the plants and the mother to bloom at the same time because the clones will be way to small or they won't be that small they just won't be the size I would like!!!!! Please advise Thank You, BB2112!!!!!