Brett Brown
Active Member
The cloning was much easier than I thought all you have to be is patient and they will grow. just got to make sure the dome is humid and covered in water and the heating pad with the thermostat was the bomb, it really helped and made them grow roots faster. now they are doing very well. New green leaves and new nodes coming out almost every third or fourth day , they are small but as the first one did I think once they get true sunlight they will start to get bigger very quickly. One other thing about the mother plant flowering. she has been in the ground about 2 weeks now and or 10 days I forget if I look back I could say for sure but she has been on the 12/12 schedule now for as long as it has been but she hasn't really been comfy in her enviroment since about 4 days ago and now that she is growing well and is almost all geen again, will she most likely start her flowering cycle since I had her on the 24/0 schedule and changed it abruptly to 12/12? Thanks, BB2112!!!!!