i would think that would be impossible cause if remember, the sun is as old as the universe i think, so any supernova explosion close to anything here would of destroyed our sun as well
Now since you throw a tiff when I cant be civil, I will be nice.
Our sun is new compared to the rest of the universe, as is our solar system. Our solar system is a speck in the huge galaxy we live in, which is older than our solar system, but then again, fairly new to the universe.
Supernova's are everywhere in the universe, billions and trillions of lightyears away, and there are even some in this galaxy. They all die, as our sun will die one day, because they can no longer carry out chemical reactions. They explode, which releases lots of elements into outer space... the remenants of these stars become the basis for new planets, compressed together by gravity.
That is how our solar system was formed, through supernova death.
btw, we have other super nova's in this galaxy. closest one in 7,400 light years away.
If it explodes, it wont take us out with it