For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users


Well-Known Member
Hell, I hesitate to write this, but your going all about this wrong. If your water reservoir temperature is 75(f) you need to fix that. :) A water chiller isnt the best way. Why is the water being hot? Probably because your room is too hot and your lights are inadequately cooled. Fix that and then you have everything else in the right range.

To go to 3/4" intakes from the 1/2" intakes already just swap out the parts and tubing. There's no reason for this, though. The extra water at the bottom of the buckets that you dont drain out is meant to be there to assist with any roots that come through the buckets and provides humidity to the Hydroton.

The systems work as designed, no tinkering or weird stuff necessary.

At least, that's what I've gathered from your post. Cheers.


Rebel From The North
My res tanks are out of the room with the lights, and that temp in the room with the res tanks is 72f.
In the tents its 79 to 80f everytime the system cycles the temp goes up from the warmer water in the
Lines plus the pump to. As for proper cooling of lights ive got the best you can buy 8in vented hood
With 85pound carbon scrubber and vortex 8in sound like a jet engine with all the air moving, each tent
Has one of these. Outside the tents in the room is a intank 8in bring in fresh air to cool, each tent exhaust
Outside. So its imposable to use cool air to cool my water and a chiller is a must.

As for standing water it works well with hydrotron but not growdan and im switching to that.


Rebel From The North
well I broke down and got a chiller, got a 1/2 hp aqua chill will be here in a week. did a res change on the res with BC and there in very very little residue on the
tubes and stuff, still not using anything chemical to deal with slime and temps are in the 74F range, just going to let it ride for a week.

anybody else got pics of there ebbs in action I cant be the only one here?


Well-Known Member
well I broke down and got a chiller, got a 1/2 hp aqua chill will be here in a week. did a res change on the res with BC and there in very very little residue on the
tubes and stuff, still not using anything chemical to deal with slime and temps are in the 74F range, just going to let it ride for a week.

anybody else got pics of there ebbs in action I cant be the only one here?

hey hr,whaddup,just thought id throw one out there,i had temp issues,72,73 so i moved the res closer to the central air duct and put a deflector on the grate so it blows right on the res,brought her right back down to 68,69 worked a treat,if your duct is up higher you could run some flex duct down to the res,just a thought ,sounds like you will soon have it under control at any rate peace out

collective gardener

Well-Known Member
My res tanks are out of the room with the lights, and that temp in the room with the res tanks is 72f.
In the tents its 79 to 80f everytime the system cycles the temp goes up from the warmer water in the
Lines plus the pump to. As for proper cooling of lights ive got the best you can buy 8in vented hood
With 85pound carbon scrubber and vortex 8in sound like a jet engine with all the air moving, each tent
Has one of these. Outside the tents in the room is a intank 8in bring in fresh air to cool, each tent exhaust
Outside. So its imposable to use cool air to cool my water and a chiller is a must.

As for standing water it works well with hydrotron but not growdan and im switching to that.

The op looks real good. May I suggest that when you switch to rockwool you flush heavily once/week with pure RO water. Rockwool tends to hold onto salts. This is compounded in an ebb and flow op. We top feed our rockwool and after a week the waste drainage is around 200ppm higher than what we are feeding with. We flush every week. Good luck to you!


Well-Known Member
their cheaper,easier to clean,they are fired shale and do not retain any residual antigens that can be absorbed into hydroton after a few uses,they also contain silica for better plant health,their shape allows for easier exchange of gases,and have more surface area for better water retention


Rebel From The North
il look into that medium but as of yet theres now il effect or issue with growdan and in the end im just going to throw it away!
if it was just alittle hydrotron it would be fine to use and clean but using 30 buckets of it f-that


Well-Known Member
their cheaper,easier to clean,they are fired shale and do not retain any residual antigens that can be absorbed into hydroton after a few uses,they also contain silica for better plant health,their shape allows for easier exchange of gases,and have more surface area for better water retention
i like, going to look into it as well.


Well-Known Member
Thats my problem with rockwool. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. You guys needlessly throw away money every harvest for what benefit? Having to flush salts out? Pfffft. =P


Well-Known Member
So yeah I'm about to set up an cap ebb monster (if I can get the dyna-roks clean) . I've already run into issues and I haven't even taken it out of the box yet :/
So anyway the roks are kinda small and I'm worried about the tubing plugging in the buckets, I've decided I'll probably just do a thin layer of hydroton on the bottom of the bucket then fill with these expensive ass roks. One thing thats come to mind is flooding, fidy gallons of water or so is quite a bit if something went wrong, I've been advised to install a check valve but I'm not real sure how that goes, my res is like 15 feet from the control bucket. I haven't a clue as to how to do this right down to how many times a day to flood, I guess thats dependent on medium used and nutrients but I dunno. I suppose I'll spend endless hours (or at least moments) looking for clues. Any words of wisedom for me in this project are most helpful and your time is valuable to me!
Thanks and hopefully I can get this thing going.


Well-Known Member
If you use hydroton on bottom of the rocks, they will just mix later and be impossible to separate. Well, not impossible, just hella hard and annoying! The rocks dont touch tubing, so there's zero chance it could clog the tube. The rocks sit inside the inner bucket, not the bottom bucket. ;) Inner bucket isnt touching any tube.


Well-Known Member
If you use hydroton on bottom of the rocks, they will just mix later and be impossible to separate. Well, not impossible, just hella hard and annoying! The rocks dont touch tubing, so there's zero chance it could clog the tube. The rocks sit inside the inner bucket, not the bottom bucket. ;) Inner bucket isnt touching any tube.
Hi kitty, these rocks are small enough to go thru the holes in the inner bucket where I DID intend to put my roks! yes mixed but still usable, I could take a big loss in the roks and sift the small ones out, I did get a couple cubic foot extra. at the hydro store earlier the dude and I were trying to come up with something and we looked at the top fitting for a flood table, the drain fitting, it seems to pop right on the end of the barbed fitting that goes in the OUTER bucket KITTY. so anyway, where the fuck was I?? oh yeah, sparking one.