For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users


Well-Known Member
so I asked the dude at the home depot about a anti siphon check valve and he didn't really have a clue, I guess I'll find out if this part is needed.


Well-Known Member
sure thing man, post some pics when its up and running, always wanted to see a monster in action.
was really hoping to start it up tonite because I have 4 plants in veg that have been there oh...I dunno how long really but I've put off moving them and they've gotten out of hand, I do want to grow big but I dunno about this big, I guess the bigger the better eh?


Well-Known Member
jesus the chiller just threw me for a loop, I forgot about it. anybody using one of those? I'll probably use the shitty stock cap pumps that came with the system to circulate the chiller.I suppose just running a piece of tubing into and out of the large hole in the res lid will work, then again I do have a unibit and can drill whatever size hole I might need.


Well-Known Member
was really hoping to start it up tonite because I have 4 plants in veg that have been there oh...I dunno how long really but I've put off moving them and they've gotten out of hand, I do want to grow big but I dunno about this big, I guess the bigger the better eh?
in that system, hell ya lol use it to the fullest.


Well-Known Member
fucking sunday and I can't pull myself away from this pipe(loaded with 90+ percent earwax) long enough to get this thing running, cleaning the fucking roks alone was a ordeal.


Rebel From The North
jesus the chiller just threw me for a loop, I forgot about it. anybody using one of those? I'll probably use the shitty stock cap pumps that came with the system to circulate the chiller.I suppose just running a piece of tubing into and out of the large hole in the res lid will work, then again I do have a unibit and can drill whatever size hole I might need.
I get my chiller monday and the check valve you have to get from Cap I order 4 of them il throw up a pic of what it looks like


Well-Known Member
say yes and I get to sit here and take hash rips the rest of the evening, say no and its back to work!


Rebel From The North
you would want the one for 3/4 but you get the concept. for the chiller im going to to just run a pump in the
res to the chiller and back to the res.


Well-Known Member
you would want the one for 3/4 but you get the concept. for the chiller im going to to just run a pump in the
res to the chiller and back to the res.
yes exactly, I was just wondering how to secure the tubing , a couple new holes surely wouldn't hurt I guess.


Well-Known Member
you would want the one for 3/4 but you get the concept. for the chiller im going to to just run a pump in the
res to the chiller and back to the res.
you shouldnt run nutes through a chiller. they make a copper coil to cool resi's with. so you just run RO through the coil and chiller to cool your res. make your chiller last much longer that way :)


Well-Known Member
Hmm so the only water in the loop is whats in the lines? No res of sorts?
o sorry you would have another res for the chiller of RO water. if you run nutes through your chiller the salt buildup will eventually ruin it. i cant remember, but i was talking to a friend of mine who swears by chilling his res.(i dont bother unless its really hot) but he said nutes shouldnt be directly cooled in a chiller bla bla bla. i just think the copper coil is much cleaner keeps your nutes in their place and keeps your chiller clean. think of all the slimey shit on your hoses in your res with nutes i wouldnt want that shit to build up in a $500 chiller lol


Well-Known Member
the chiller has a small res in it and can be easily back flushed with a garden hose, I've done it to my chiller once already but there was really no need, its not like you're ruining the chiller man, at the very most you'll have to remove and clean a internal res in the chiller but chances are you can blow anything clear of the tubing AND the chiller. copper in a res?? I don't think so
Really, wtf is the point of chilling the RO? Are you talking some kind of wort chiller?