Nutrients needed at all for vegging 25 days?

collective gardener

Well-Known Member
I assume that even though the plants are in ebb and flow tables, you are top feeding drain to waste?

Prudent idea to start with just one light. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten exited about a new idea, switched the whole grow, only to find out it was a bad idea the hard way. Just this year we got exited about a new strain, committed 8 of our 12 - 1000 watt blooming lights to the new strain. 5 weeks into bloom we learned the new strain was a PM making machine. Ended up tossing 10+ Lbs. Also lost valuable time waiting for new cuts to be ready to fill the prematurely empty bloom room. Needless to say it wasn't a happy time for us. All that for a rooky mistake.

I think that you'll be quite happy with the rockwool. My experience has been at least a 20% yield increase over soil. Also, it's SO much cleaner and easier to work with and dispose of.


Well-Known Member
I assume that even though the plants are in ebb and flow tables, you are top feeding drain to waste?

Prudent idea to start with just one light. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten exited about a new idea, switched the whole grow, only to find out it was a bad idea the hard way. Just this year we got exited about a new strain, committed 8 of our 12 - 1000 watt blooming lights to the new strain. 5 weeks into bloom we learned the new strain was a PM making machine. Ended up tossing 10+ Lbs. Also lost valuable time waiting for new cuts to be ready to fill the prematurely empty bloom room. Needless to say it wasn't a happy time for us. All that for a rooky mistake.

I think that you'll be quite happy with the rockwool. My experience has been at least a 20% yield increase over soil. Also, it's SO much cleaner and easier to work with and dispose of.
what was the strain?

collective gardener

Well-Known Member
what was the strain?

Lavander x Afgahni x Purple Kush, back crossed with Purple Kush. It was bred by a friend. It's sad because it was so damn good. We bloomed a single plant for a test and had no problems. When we did the big run it was horrible. Our RH was never above 40%, but once the PM started, it just covered the plants in a way I've never seen in 20 years. We keep an OG strain growing at all times that will get PM before anything else. It's been our "canary in a coal mine" for years. If it gets PM, we know to start taking action. Well, the Lav cross was covered in PM before the little OG had even a spec. Add to that, spider mites love it too.

It is still my favorite personal stash. I gave another friend a cut to keet the strain going, but cannot take a chance bringing it into my grow. The mistake I made was to get seduced into growing a buttload of an un-tested strain. From now on we test anything new...plants, equipment, or technique...on 2 plants, then 1 light, then 2 lights. It may take us several months to enact change, but our current settup is great, our current strains are gone the day they're cured, and we can't afford another whole crop loss.


Well-Known Member
I assume that even though the plants are in ebb and flow tables, you are top feeding drain to waste?

Prudent idea to start with just one light. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten exited about a new idea, switched the whole grow, only to find out it was a bad idea the hard way. Just this year we got exited about a new strain, committed 8 of our 12 - 1000 watt blooming lights to the new strain. 5 weeks into bloom we learned the new strain was a PM making machine. Ended up tossing 10+ Lbs. Also lost valuable time waiting for new cuts to be ready to fill the prematurely empty bloom room. Needless to say it wasn't a happy time for us. All that for a rooky mistake.

I think that you'll be quite happy with the rockwool. My experience has been at least a 20% yield increase over soil. Also, it's SO much cleaner and easier to work with and dispose of.
im going to buy 9 6 inch rockwool cubes and veg some cuttings in them then stick them into a 3 or 5 gallon pot to flower with those crutons. is it allright if i stick my rapid rooter plugs into the rock wool cube? and do you water them everyday to start out or do you let the cube dry out and let the roots strech into the rock wool cube? I think the weakest link in my garden is how I read my ph. i have the vial with the drops. I think I need to get a really good tri metter. what do you think?

collective gardener

Well-Known Member
im going to buy 9 6 inch rockwool cubes and veg some cuttings in them then stick them into a 3 or 5 gallon pot to flower with those crutons. is it allright if i stick my rapid rooter plugs into the rock wool cube? and do you water them everyday to start out or do you let the cube dry out and let the roots strech into the rock wool cube? I think the weakest link in my garden is how I read my ph. i have the vial with the drops. I think I need to get a really good tri metter. what do you think?
How big are your plants at full height? You can grow a 24" plant with a 4" rockwool block set on top of a 6" rockwool need for a pot. Yes you can rapid rooter directly into the block. If you want to go into a pot, the plant must me THOROUGHLY rooted into the block first. Otherwise the roots will not leave the block into the croutons. For this, a 4" block is better. The plant will be ready when it's about 10"-12" tall. With a 6" block, the plant will not be rooted enough until it's over 18" tall. Maybe try it both ways. put 5 cuts into 4" blocks and 4 cuts into 6" blocks. When the blocks are feather light (but plant not wilted) 24 hrs after last watering, place the 4" blocks on top of 6" blocks, and pot the cuts in the 6" blocks into 3 gallon pots. See what works best. You absolutely do not need a 5 gallon container when using rockwool unless you're growing a 1LB plant! To give you some perspective, a 6" rockwool block holds just short of a 1/2 gallon of water! The stuff is totally different than soil.

In answer to your watering question, we water the blocks containing the freshly transplanted cuts every day from day 1. However, we plan to test less frequent watering of fresh transplants on the next 50 cuts going into blocks tomorrow. We'll water 25 everyday, and 25 every 3 days. I'll let you know what happens.

For the love of all that's right, get a real fucking PH and TDS meter. You're burning 7 lights, my man. Your op is the real deal. Tool it up as such.

BTW, how do you water?


Well-Known Member
How big are your plants at full height? You can grow a 24" plant with a 4" rockwool block set on top of a 6" rockwool need for a pot. Yes you can rapid rooter directly into the block. If you want to go into a pot, the plant must me THOROUGHLY rooted into the block first. Otherwise the roots will not leave the block into the croutons. For this, a 4" block is better. The plant will be ready when it's about 10"-12" tall. With a 6" block, the plant will not be rooted enough until it's over 18" tall. Maybe try it both ways. put 5 cuts into 4" blocks and 4 cuts into 6" blocks. When the blocks are feather light (but plant not wilted) 24 hrs after last watering, place the 4" blocks on top of 6" blocks, and pot the cuts in the 6" blocks into 3 gallon pots. See what works best. You absolutely do not need a 5 gallon container when using rockwool unless you're growing a 1LB plant! To give you some perspective, a 6" rockwool block holds just short of a 1/2 gallon of water! The stuff is totally different than soil.

In answer to your watering question, we water the blocks containing the freshly transplanted cuts every day from day 1. However, we plan to test less frequent watering of fresh transplants on the next 50 cuts going into blocks tomorrow. We'll water 25 everyday, and 25 every 3 days. I'll let you know what happens.

For the love of all that's right, get a real fucking PH and TDS meter. You're burning 7 lights, my man. Your op is the real deal. Tool it up as such.

BTW, how do you water?
I let my Ro fill up 5 gallon water jugs. then I mix in my silica and cal mag. then my nutrients then I ph. then I water three 3 gallon pots to every 2 gallon wattering jug. then i watter with just plain water then i water with plain water with hydrozym with sum run off. all the water drains into the trays and then through a whole into a bucket and i dump it after each wattering. im going to get one of those meters I know if I could dial my ph to exactly where i wanted it i would do alot better


Active Member
Yeah I never bothered transplanting I just planted them in the big pot... 2 of them.. they both look female.. fingers crossed, I know you can't tell when there young but they are both bushy, and yes I know how to tell from another thread... I hope the roots don't tangle and have problems.. But I figure they can share.. if ones male I just plan on cutting it at the stock and leaving the roots in.. It won't grow back from what I understand, right?

Easy to understand why feminized seeds are convenient.. LOL

That whole rockwhool 20% yield increase has got me thinking in the CFL department. Just checked about nutrients etc... Seems like the pre-soaking and the Ph level are really important with rockwhool.. I know it is with soil.. But at least I didn't need it from the start :D

I want a detector but that sucks with the cheap ones you have to keep the thing wet or it will not work...


Well-Known Member
Yeah I never bothered transplanting I just planted them in the big pot... 2 of them.. they both look female.. fingers crossed, I know you can't tell when there young but they are both bushy, and yes I know how to tell from another thread... I hope the roots don't tangle and have problems.. But I figure they can share.. if ones male I just plan on cutting it at the stock and leaving the roots in.. It won't grow back from what I understand, right?

Easy to understand why feminized seeds are convenient.. LOL

That whole rockwhool 20% yield increase has got me thinking in the CFL department. Just checked about nutrients etc... Seems like the pre-soaking and the Ph level are really important with rockwhool.. I know it is with soil.. But at least I didn't need it from the start :D

I want a detector but that sucks with the cheap ones you have to keep the thing wet or it will not work...
i dont think the plant would grow back but I would look into if the roots will rot. and watch out for those feminized seeds. I had a couple friends fuck thre whole crops over not watching there plants cause they thought they were all going to be females.