A stem problem


I had plant a marijuana seeds 100 precent female for outdoor growing
after i finish the gremination i put my plant out side at the sun
everything seems to be ok but then i found out that the stem is fell down i put a stick that the stem would have a support but it dint help
it happend to me more than 3 times
what shoul i do?
Maybe it was a mistake to put the plant outside so soon ? Maybe the soil is not good enoughe?(which soil is recomended?i use garden soil)​


Well-Known Member
If it fell down 3 times you need to use some sort of string to tie it to the stick that your using. If the stick falls down too then you need something stronger. Try a tomato wire stand: http://www.google.com/imgres?q=tomato+wire&um=1&hl=en&safe=off&sa=X&tbm=isch&tbnid=wGexlU_kiSe2MM:&imgrefurl=http://poolandpatio.about.com/od/holidaydecoratingideas/ss/TomatoCageChristmasTree_2.htm&docid=QyRSP1SLYqomOM&w=500&h=500&ei=UpQ2TqaSH6PjiAKS9om6CA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=448&vpy=207&dur=31&hovh=225&hovw=225&tx=134&ty=138&page=4&tbnh=139&tbnw=152&start=63&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:7,s:63&biw=1117&bih=792
Make sure to feed it propper nutrients too so your stem strengthens so it can fully support itself.


thanx..if l leave my plant to grow inside my home for about 3 weeks and then put it outside is it ok?


Well-Known Member
If your putting in inside make sure to have your lights on 18-24hours a day. Keep it in veg mode so when you put it outside you'll get bigger and or more buds.


Well-Known Member
Yeah its still really small. Id transplant it into some better soil and put it deeper into the dirt.


Well-Known Member
For a seedling soil I would use 50%perlite 50% sphagnum peat moss. Most seedlings get burned with regular potting soil, so id stay away from that for now unless your experienced with that strain or growing in general.
After your plant gets to about half a foot you can transplant it back into some potting soil with perlite or vermiculite for drainage. Most potting soils are inadequate for marijuana because of their time release formulas.
I would get some foxfarm oceans forest or their orginal potting mix with 20-30% perlite(for drainage), after their about 5-6inches tall.
For now try to get a soiless mix so they don't get burned.


Well-Known Member
For a seedling soil I would use 50%perlite 50% sphagnum peat moss. Most seedlings get burned with regular potting soil, so id stay away from that unless your experienced with that strain or growing in general.
Or you could just buy soil which is lablled seedling soil!lol! Peace


Well-Known Member
If you can't get new soil and you wanna try growing in w/e you got, just bury half of that stem under the ground.


what do you mean ?to put the planter inside?or start greminate in my garden soil?
thanx for the attitude man


Well-Known Member
Sorry if it sounded like I had atitude bro.
Usually marijuana hates nutes until it about 3weeks old. So if your using potting soil there is a chance that it could kill your seedling.
Also, its a good idea to bury the plant up to its cotyledon leaves, but since your plant only has cotyledon leaves I wouldn't bury it that far under.


Well-Known Member

Yes it's is stretched!
What kind of light and how far from the plant?
What kind growing medium is that and or brand name?


Well-Known Member
Not to sound argumentative but a seedling falls over three times and we recomend a repot and bury half of it in the ground! Seriously!

Dont we need to work out what the original reason the seedling fell over for! Heat, water, roots burned etc etc

Just repot her dont sound like you really know the original issues with this plant and allbeit it might help it wont stop it happening again and again.

Im all up for a quick fix but dosen't seem like any real diagnosing is going on here, i dont have any answers to plant problems but what i will do is talk about it and try and find the problem before even recomendidng a solution.

So please enlighten me as to why this seedling fell over three times or better still has an inability to stand up whatsoever? What you saying the soil is wrong? Relative humidity has caused wilt? roots burned due to toxic levels of ferts in the soil or is it simply needing water?

Bloody hell this hospital is great, i get the solution before the diagnosis, you guys are like miracle workers, dont think i would let you near my plants though, seems a bit scary the way you work.

Sorry to be an ass but jumping to quick conclusions has killed more plants than it has helped and i do not subscribe to the idea of covering the stems of any seedlings, what do you hope to achive, more roots or simply to cut it height down? A sick seedling has more chance of root rot and dampening off when for some reason most of it is suddenly plunged into wet conditions.

This seedling is sick and can't stand up, it dont need support it needs to find what the problem is so it can bloody stand up on its own as nature dictates it should. Peace


Well-Known Member
Imho it fell over the first time because the soil hes using sucks. Then fell over the next two times because he doesn't know how to stand up a sprout with a stick.


If you are so serious as i can see from your great mind tell me what do i do wrong?ill be glad for support step by step :)