Oklahoma Accidental Bust


Well I live in north texas, yes the mj laws are rediculous, and a buddy of mine that I work with lives in Oklahoma(only 30 minutes away). He brought a local paper to work work and he told me to read about an Oklahoma bust. Well come to find out the guy that got busted was stationed at one of the air force bases there and the reason the guy got caught was because he didnt show up for work at the base and his sargeant went to the guys apartment to see what was up. Well come to find out as I kept reading was that the guys door was unlocked so the sargeant walked in and saw some sort of tubing and electrical wiring as it said in the paper. Nobody was home so the sargeant called the police because he thought the guy was making bombs. Police and bomb squad show up to make sure everything was safe and they found the guys grow op. The paper went on to say that they didnt weigh out the plants because it makes no difference on the weight, a cultivation charge is still a felony. That goes to show people that dont forget the first rule! Lock your door! Anyhow just thought I would post this to shed some light on how not to get caught.


I've done many dumb things while stoned but never forgot to lock my door(knock on wood)... this isn't canada.


Active Member
Anyone in canada that doesn't lock their doors are idiots. So many people here leave their doors unlocked. Hell people go around open up peoples doors and just jack shit and no one knows who did it and when the cops come they ask "Did you lock your door?" and the second that person says "no" the police officer leaves.