My First Legal Medical Grow

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You should of put a pair of sneakers under your knees in your avi pic, you would look like a little person....Chemband looking nice bro!


I did a res change on the chemband yesterday, 4 gals. Came home and she was bone dry. Goddamn it. So i ghetto rigged a temp solution until I can get this thing figured out.

I know its not the cleanest fix, but give me a break


And some nug shots for you too

bc99 is that a single bucket overcurrent i see? pumping from res to bottom of bucket then overflowing back to res? hell thats a great fix. +respect for thinking outside the box...
bc99 is that a single bucket overcurrent i see? pumping from res to bottom of bucket then overflowing back to res? hell thats a great fix. +respect for thinking outside the box...

I didnt know what to call it, but it was what i have been wanting to do for a while, but I am going to get a better container for the res, and bury it in the ground most likely. Right now she is running off of 15 gallons, i fed her with transition nutes today, Hydroponix Micro 15ml/gal Grow 10ml/gal Bloom 10ml/gal

Also am working on the restraints scrog type thing.

I barely have time to do shit these days...

gone at 6-7 in the morning, not back till 6 or 7 every night. This is gonna take some getting used to
I didnt know what to call it, but it was what i have been wanting to do for a while, but I am going to get a better container for the res, and bury it in the ground most likely. Right now she is running off of 15 gallons, i fed her with transition nutes today, Hydroponix Micro 15ml/gal Grow 10ml/gal Bloom 10ml/gal

Also am working on the restraints scrog type thing.

I barely have time to do shit these days...

gone at 6-7 in the morning, not back till 6 or 7 every night. This is gonna take some getting used to

Ahahah! I love this idea, I've been thinking of the same shit for a while. I know this will help with the ppm, ph, and temp, but I wonder how much that plant can stretch out with it's roots confined to that space. It'll be an interesting experiment for sure!

I feel you on the 12 or more hour days, it takes a lot to get used too... But just wait until they cut you back to part time if the economy bares it's fangs... that is A LOT harder to get used to after being a bawler for a while with a strict time schedule. It's important to feel important, and when you don't it's hard to do anything. But I still act like the shit in an interview so hopefully I'll be back to my awesome self soon. lol. It's tough getting a sweet gig in our industry when there is so much competition.
I love how the trichs ripen in the cure

Did you change your cell again? I got your missed call a few days ago and tried reaching you ever since, been busy as fuck myself and don't go online much anymore. I'm chopping everything but a Bubba by next week and gonn start 6 plants at once and probably flower in the veg tent too if I can get new lighting and manage my temps, should make for a fun October harvest, lol
Bajaaaaaaaaaaa Whats up bro...Hope all is well. Seems everyone is busy with work these days...But hey thats a good kind of busy!!


Did you change your cell again? I got your missed call a few days ago and tried reaching you ever since, been busy as fuck myself and don't go online much anymore. I'm chopping everything but a Bubba by next week and gonn start 6 plants at once and probably flower in the veg tent too if I can get new lighting and manage my temps, should make for a fun October harvest, lol

here in oregon we like to call october Croptober
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