Problems With Clone

Hello, okay so my clone is kensGDP and its in organic soil and the first week seemd healthy. now coming to the middle of its second week.. its bottom leaves are turning brown and crispy on the tips with yellow invading the leaves as well.. im using 2, 2foot t12 red and blue lights so its not a burn.. and im using 20-20-20 fert.. but in very light amounts(only fetilized it ONCE so far) soo here are some pics please help.. calling all growers!!!!! (blowing into imaginary horn) :-o



Well-Known Member
could be anything bro, id love to help but i only use fopxfarm ocean forest, if you ask me id add some perlite to that mix to aerate it though...looks like its growing in bark chunks...i think a 20-20-20 is too high myself also, i use flora nova 7-4-10 veg nutes and i dont use them until the clones are atleast rooted,(maybe a week or so after i put them in the medium) looks like those clones are barely a hour out of the clinic...


Well-Known Member
thanks im going to get it tommorow (perlite)
no problem bro, fox farm soil is the best IMO (and many others) has perlite in it already so it has good air transfer in the soil which is good for the roots and helps the soil from getting soggy. i dunno how you can add the perlite to the soil since its already potted though...(perliet are the white pieces of foam looking stuff premixed with the soil when its prepared/purchased BEFORE you plant something in it...look in the soil of my video and youll see the little white stuff[video=youtube;5Of7_R1TGbM][/video]


Well-Known Member
i would say nute burn man if you can get a closer pic of the new leaves if the tips are burning then thats nutes


Active Member
Thats supposed to happen. If those are the original fan leaves from the clone, those ones turn yellow and die naturally as it uses those leaves for food when its rooting. It can't get enough food with its small roots so it feeds on itself, thats just how cloning works. When I clone, thats how I know my babies have started to root because the fan leaves start to yellow. At this point you should be giving it 1/4 strength nutes, those leaves will eventually die but you shouldn't worry unless it progresses into the next sets of leaves which it won't. That looks 100% healthy to me. A clone is basically a growing shoot plus two to four fans for food. Don't hate on the little girl cause she's just rooting.


Active Member
I agree, aerate the roots with some perlite. Also make sure your not over watering the little lady.

Also the 20-20-20 isn't too strong. Its just more concentrated than that fox farm crap.... You're just not buying water thats all. Just watch your ppm's. A great way to keep your babies healthy is to use a foliar feed that is high in nitrogen and calcium. I use green stay and it keep my babies healthy all the way through veg. I foliar every second day.
again this is my first grow and first post as a member of this website.. you guys are awsome and im hoping with perlite and a few changes you guys suggested it will bring life into my clone thanks again!!


Active Member
could be anything bro, id love to help but i only use fopxfarm ocean forest, if you ask me id add some perlite to that mix to aerate it though...looks like its growing in bark chunks...i think a 20-20-20 is too high myself also, i use flora nova 7-4-10 veg nutes and i dont use them until the clones are atleast rooted,(maybe a week or so after i put them in the medium) looks like those clones are barely a hour out of the clinic...
In case you care..... 7-4-10 and 20-20-20 are ratios not strength 20-20-20 is the same thing as 1-1-1
7-4-10 is actually a stronger veg nute cause it has twice as much N to P.
Strength is determined by mixing it with water, how much water you use determines PPM (strength)


Well-Known Member
Its nutrient burn most definately. Use straight water for the next few feedings letting the pot dry out completely in between waterings. No nutrients and no additives. That only happens when plants have been over watered and over fed and in the meantime your plants will need time to recover from the shock of the burn and over watering. Leave the repotting into new potting mix for a week or two or else you risk compounding the issues with extra shock.


Active Member
Hello, okay so my clone is kensGDP and its in organic soil and the first week seemd healthy. now coming to the middle of its second week.. its bottom leaves are turning brown and crispy on the tips with yellow invading the leaves as well.. im using 2, 2foot t12 red and blue lights so its not a burn.. and im using 20-20-20 fert.. but in very light amounts(only fetilized it ONCE so far) soo here are some pics please help.. calling all growers!!!!! (blowing into imaginary horn) :-o
your soil mix will hold a lot of moisture. they look fine too me. transplant to a higher quality soil and im sure they will take off. as mentioned fox farms ocean forest is a good starter blend.


Active Member
If anything I think you need more nutes. I don't know how everyone is saying its burnt when you only fed it once with 1/4 strength. And I'd be the first one to call out burnt and tell you to flush. Did you already cut off the original fans that came with the clone or are those them? makes a huge difference in diagnosis.


Active Member
your soil mix will hold a lot of moisture. they look fine too me. transplant to a higher quality soil and im sure they will take off. as mentioned fox farms ocean forest is a good starter blend.
oh yeah, be careful with that high strength nute(20-20-20) which which isnt really all that necessary at this point. let the roots fill your pot then transplant. after a couple of weeks add in nutes gently.


Active Member
again....20-20-20 is ratio, not strength 3-1-1 is stronger he's mixing it at 1/4 strength which is about 250ppm with a 1-1-1- ratio
3-1-1 mixed at 1/4 strength is still about 250ppm with a 3-1-1 ratio.......................same ppm's different ratios
a strong vegging fert will have higher N, therefore 3-1-1 is stronger than 20-20-20