For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users


Well-Known Member
shit man you where not lying when you said they where out of control lol, those are going to be huge. good job bro.


Well-Known Member
actually I think my tops ARE rolling, so you suggest I flood a few times? could be difference in temp of water ? in veg they were at like 70-74, I've got it set at 65 now in flower.


Rebel From The North
hey jdm got a buddy thats trying to use bennys hes using voodoo and hydrozyme and what happened shortly after adding was a huge outbreak
of foam and its brownish foam any reason why this would happen?


Well-Known Member
hey jdm got a buddy thats trying to use bennys hes using voodoo and hydrozyme and what happened shortly after adding was a huge outbreak
of foam and its brownish foam any reason why this would happen?
interesting could be a reaction between the two if im not mistaken isnt voodoo a AN and hydrozyme a Canna nutrient?

let me do some quick research be back in a sec


Well-Known Member
i prefer nothing living in my res at all (sterile for me)
I kinda feel the same way especially since I def have my temp under control in flower, now in veg its a different story and I do use great white , zho and some other shit. the way I understand it (heisy explained it)in hydro these bennies don't do much but displace the bad bacteria, while in soil it improves nutrient uptake,in hydro thats already optimum if certain shit is right.


Well-Known Member
well i did some research and from what i read hygrozyme doesnt sound like i plays well with other bennies.

normally i would say stick to one nutrient line when it comes to bennies because you dont know what enymes and bacteria and fungi or watever else they put in there will react and eat each other and stuff lol. those two are clearly not meant to be used together


Well-Known Member
The medium isnt supposed to retain water. Its a selling point of Hydroton, in fact. Rockwool is great, but not *intended* for bucket growers. Its meant for flood trays and works great in those. Sadly, they are prone to salt buildup in bucket systems, so you have to plan on flushing every few weeks with fresh water. Pretty annoying for a medium you cant re-use and have to throw away a few dollars per plant worth every harvest. Your water-retaining-rocks that are so small they fit through the holes are too dense to allow proper root growth, it's like overpacking a bowl, cant smoke it clogged! I appreciate that you may be offended, but it is just the truth on how the system is designed and properly maximized, nothing more........

While pores in Hydroton *do* retain *moisture*, they dont retain globs of water for any extended period of time whatsoever. Its a clean flush every time.

If I'm mistaken on any area, please do correct! I believe everything I type to be factual otherwise I wouldnt type it...... Dont mean I'm right every time though!
Ok kitty, I stand corrected and thanks for the info!


Well-Known Member
I kinda feel the same way especially since I def have my temp under control in flower, now in veg its a different story and I do use great white , zho and some other shit. the way I understand it (heisy explained it)in hydro these bennies don't do much but displace the bad bacteria, while in soil it improves nutrient uptake,in hydro thats already optimum if certain shit is right.
that is incorrect. you still get the effect of bennies in hydro, but they are more pronounced in soil since they sit there longer they have more time to work.

for example great white is a bacteria used for root growth. the fungi or bacteria eat away at the i guess you can call it dead root tissue for lack of a better term to allow the roots to grow larger. think of it as when you have a sunburn and start peeling all that dead skin needs to come off for your new skin to come through. those enzymes eat away that dead skin faster. does that make sense?


Well-Known Member
that is incorrect. you still get the effect of bennies in hydro, but they are more pronounced in soil since they sit there longer they have more time to work.

for example great white is a bacteria used for root growth. the fungi or bacteria eat away at the i guess you can call it dead root tissue for lack of a better term to allow the roots to grow larger. think of it as when you have a sunburn and start peeling all that dead skin needs to come off for your new skin to come through. those enzymes eat away that dead skin faster. does that make sense?
no but I like it!


Rebel From The North
it makes sense but the reaction that happens when using bennys make me not like using them. technoflora is the only one with
bennys that seem to work for me


Well-Known Member
I think I'm having a issue, this pump (stock) in the control bucket doesn't pump down the water enough to allow the bottom float switch to drop and turn off the pump, this pump won't last long like that, I have a 1500 gph sump pump I'm thinking of putting in the control bucket but it would probably cycle a lot and would be hard on my pump, plus I'm gonna use that to drain res.


Well-Known Member
no but I like it!
i know i agree with you it rocks lol

actually, I thought it was enzymes that eat dead root matter.
thats what i was trying to explain i might have over complicated it haha

it makes sense but the reaction that happens when using bennys make me not like using them. technoflora is the only one with
bennys that seem to work for me
i have never had an issue with bennies reacting like that. i use multi zyme, roots excelerator from house and garden, and i have mixed in great white as well and it worked fucking awesome!

only bad reaction i've had with nutes was mixing Nutz farmer or something with silicate and it like instantly turned into silicone in the cup hahaha i was like holy shit thats craazy hahaha