Is it ever OK to ask about someones sexual history?

i think you shouldnt because their past is just that...their past. Keep it covered and youre good. take your time too. You can learn alot
about someone by going slow.
I would want to know if they did porn, prostitution, or something outside of our species.

Finding out those things later could be bad for a relationship.
Why in the fuck would you want to know?

You don't need to ask questions........You Just Got To Poke Around.
If it's a relationship type thing and you guys are taking things slow but you both are into eachother, then it is ok. But if it's just some broad you picked up same might at the bar, then I don't think it matters and if you ask it will probably turn her off big time
I would definatley throw in some sex questions when Im asking a bunch of random questions when Im barely getting to know them. If shes too loose(or a liar) usually Id rather stay friends with her, unless I have alot in common with her. Then i'd probably have some kick ass times that might lead to some skinning dipping. Even if you don't have sex skinny dipping is always fun.
"Oh there was this one time in college when I dated this big African American football player. He had a cock the size of a baby's leg. He would pound my tight ass with that thing all night long. Then I would suck him dry.

How about you?"

Enjoy the conversation!
when it starts to get serious i start finding out more about the person and who they actually are, it will be a cold day in hell when i marry and have kids with someone i don't know inside and out just as well as myself, i have seen what parents can do to there kids and will never take a chance at starting a family with a psychotic whore bitch like half the girls i have dated have been. i want to emphasize the half in that as the other half are great girls and things just didn't work out dew to timing or personality clashes. but chances are good a girl who has a history of stable long term relationships and good choices will continue to make the same choices and make a good life partner, while the others.... well we have all seen the course there lives take (not all but most).

also as a side note if she is not willing to talk about things like that imagine spending your whole life with someone who lies and hides things from you? you want to try and make a marriage like that work? chances are a girl who is proud of her past or one who at least accepts it for what it is and takes responsibility for her actions will not be turned off by a serious partner who she is looking for a future with asking that kind of questions. i'm proud of most of the decisions i have made in my life and the ones I'm not proud of I accept that others might not agree with either and may decide that I'm not right for them and thats all part of growing up. If your looking for miss right and not miss easy then thing get a lot less confusing, you can drop the games and be honest and let her, and you, decide what to do with all the cards on the table. if thats not the case enjoy your adolescent facebook relationship until your ready to look for something real =)
i dont particcularly like grilling people about hte past. sometimes its a sore subject. of course being safe and smart is the top priority and you have to do whatever to make sure youre comfortable with your relationship but askng too many questions about past relationships can make you look insecure. asking about health and safety is a cometely different subject that doesn't necessarily require discussion of past relationships & reopening old wounds.
There is no way i would have unprotected sex these days, and i would gladly take an aids test if asked to.
There are sick selfish bastards out there spreading the aids virus out of spite, then there are the bastard that just don't give a fuck
would you buy something from a supermarket that needs to be refrigerated without a sell by date on.:o
i would ask and if it offended, tough titties :finger:
I tell ppl on the first date nothing. Ain't nothing to tell. Cuz they're ain't no first date. Other than that my life is an open book.
Well, to put it into context.. I was interested in a girl for a while, she flirted back and pretty much led me on while hooking up with other people, I called her on it and the response she gave me was "well you're not my boyfriend" and "it's really none of your business..".

So, what do you good people think of the question with the new addition? In this situation, as I've invested time and energy (A LOT) into the relationship, I kinda think it gives me that right to ask. Sure she doesn't have to answer me, but in a case like this, the replies she gave says enough.